Finance: More then Just a Major

Finance &
Real Estate
Professor: Dana Angioni
By: Michael Grema &
Valerie Rosenfield
• Background
• College of Business
– Pre-Major Courses
– Major Required Courses
• The world of Finance
• Real Estate
• Real World Application
• UNLV offerings within this
• Discussion of Interview
• What is finance?
– the management of revenues; the
conduct or transaction of money
matters generally, esp. those
affecting the public, as in the fields
of banking and investment.
• What is Real Estate?
– “Real Estate” includes real property,
leasehold and business whether
with or without premises, fixtures,
stock-in-trade, goods or chattels in
connection with the operation of the
College of Business
• Pre-Major Courses for B.S.B.A degree include:
ACC 201, Financial Accounting
ACC 202, Managerial Accounting
BUS 101, Introduction to Business
COM 101 Oral Communication
ECON 102, Principals of Microeconomics
ECON 103, Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 261, Principles of Statistics
ENG 102, Composition II
Math 132, Finite Math
IS 101, Introduction to Information Systems
• *For both Real Estate and Finance
BSBA degree
Finance: Major Requirements
• Core Courses consist of:
• FIN 303, FIN 307, FIN 308, FIN 312
• Five other selective courses
are needed, which may include
but are not limited to
• ACC 401, ECON 262, FIN 321, FIN
405, RE 332
*A total of 27 core course are
*A total of 124 credits are needed
for the entire program
Real Estate: Major Requirements
• Core Courses:
– BLW 331, FIN 308, RE 332, RE 334, RE
• Both fields require 44 credits of
Business Administration classes
– Ex: ACC 201, ACC 202, BLW 302, BUS
101, BUS 395, MGT 301, and MKT 301
Complement Minor
• Business Law minor to
complement the degree.
Benefits include:
• Gives you exposure to subjects
covered in law school
• Gives you understanding on how
law affects real world business
and other practical issues
• Gives you an insight on how
judges and lawyers interpret the
Financial Managers: A basic
• Oversee preparation of financial
• Direct investment activities
• Implement cash management
• Implement long-term goals of
• Firms, government agencies, and
other organizations usually employ
at least one financial manager
Careers Under Management
• Controller- In charge of
producing financial reports
(income statements, balance
sheets, analyses of future
• Summarize organizations
financial position
• Prepare reports required by
regulatory authorities
• Oversee the investment of funds
• Manage associated risks
• Supervise cash management
• Execute capital-raising strategies to
• Deal with mergers and acquisitions.
Credit Managers
• Oversee issuance of credit
establishing credit-rating
• Determine credit ceilings
• Monitor collections of past-due
Cash Managers
• Monitor and control flow
of cash receipts and
disbursements for
business and investment
Risk and Insurance
• Oversee programs to
minimize possible risks and
losses from financial
transactions and business
• Manage insurance budget
• International finance majors
can work to develop
systems for banking
transactions of
multinational organizations
• Average annual starting
salary: 50,000
• Advancement- promotion to
top management positions
happens with extensive
experience and obtaining a
masters degree; some can
start their own consulting
• Career Projections: expected
13% growth- globalization will
cause development
Financial Consultant
• A basic overview:
• Collect information about business
or individual and analyze in order to
make investment recommendations
Careers Under Consultant
• Financial analyst: - work with companies
that have money to invest
• Analyze a company’s financial standing
(sales, expenses, taxes, etc) to project
future income
• Determine a company’s value and work
to expand
• Financial analysts work on both buy and
sell side of investments- some
companies need help with investing and
some seek advice with selling a product
Personal Financial Advisors
• Work with individuals commonly
saving for retirement, college,
estates, etc.
• Use their understanding of taxes,
investments, and insurance to give
clients financial options
• Usually build their own clientele
• Many work on commission of
buying and selling life insurance
and securities
Private Bankers and Wealth
• Work with individuals that have
wealth equivalent of institutions
• Work with teams of financial
consultants (accountants, lawyers,
• Are in charge of individuals
investments as financial analysts
are to companies
Types of companies
financial analysts work for:
• Investment banks, pension funds,
business media, securities firms,
universities, hospitals, charitable
• Career Projections: expected 37%
increase- as baby boom generation
reaches retirement increasing
numbers of financial advisors will
be needed
Earning your Masters
• Common fields to obtain
masters in: business
administration, economics,
finance, risk management
• As finance jobs become more
competitive more employers
look for a masters degree
Offerings within the majors:
Internship Opportunities
Mentor Program
Internship Opportunities
• Internships:
*Must meet prerequisites for each
– FIN 481 Finance Internship (3 credits)
Supervised on-site practical and
professional learning experience in
various participating local enterprises
culminating in a written report. S/F
grading only.
– RE 481 Real Estate Internship (3
Supervised on-site practical and
professional learning experience in
various participating local real estate
enterprises culminating in a written
report. S/F grading only.
Mentor Opportunities
• Requirements:
– Have a minimum GPA of 2.75
– Taken one Finance core course
– Provide a personal statement stating your
goal with the Mentorship Program
– Provide a letter of recommendation from a
Professor in the Finance Department
– Attend an orientation
– Be currently enrolled in the UNLV Business
College and must be either in Finance or
Real Estate
– Meet with your mentor at his/her office for a
minimum of 1 hour per week
– Always keep appointments
– Dress appropriately when meeting your
• Student Responsibilities:
– Communicate with your mentor on a
regular basis.
– Educate the mentor about the UNLV
campus or an upcoming project or
dilemma you are facing in one of your
– Dedicate enough time to the program
to assure success..
• Fill out two forms every spring semester
– One of the applications is online at
– The other form can be found on the College of
Business website under scholarships
*Real Estate students have more
scholarships as a general fact
For More information
• Visit
Appeal of a finance major
• Why did you I choose this major:
– Personally I believe that Finance
gives you the necessary
perspective of understanding the
flow of money in the world .
• What about finance interests
– The pure knowledge that I’ll
understand how to both manages
my own Finances and the Finances
of businesses effectively and
Finance Networks: with
other Business Majors
• Project related to UNLV:
– Clubs
• Financial Management Association
• Real Estate and Business Society
• Forums
Informational Interview
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational
Outlook Handbook, 2008-09 Edition, Financial Managers, on the
Internet at
"Create a Graph." Kids Zone- Learning with NCES. NCES. 8 Sep 2009
"Finance Definition." (2009) 1. Web.5 Sep 2009.
Informational Interview:
– Mike Reynolds
• Reynolds Farmers Insurance
• 4974 S Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas, NV
• 1-(702)-365-13211
“Real Estate Definintion “(2009) 1. Web.5 Sep 2009.
< estate>.
Undergrouduate Catalog. Fall 2008-Spring 2010. Las Vegas: UNLV,
(2008). Print.
UNLV College of Business, "Department of Finance ." (2009) Web.5
Sep 2009.