Mrs. Hale 212-496-0700 ext. 3647 APUSH Rom 613/625 Dr. Lisa Mars, Principal Daniel Shin, Assistant Principal Department of Social Studies AP US History Syllabus 2015 - 2016 ''Circumstances are beyond human control, but our conduct is in our own power.'' -Benjamin Disraeli I. ATTENDANCE A. Excused absences require a note immediately upon returning. 1. Only with an excused absence will you receive full credit for make-up work. 2. See me and check the website for missed assignments. B. Frequent lateness is unacceptable. 1. If you are late, come in and sign the Late Log. If you have a pass leave it by the Late Log. 2. Punctual attendance is part of your Class Participation Grade. (Please see rubric on weebly) II. HOMEWORK A. APUSH homework is intense and time consuming in order to properly prepare students for the APUSH Exam. a. You should stay on top of your HW and not save it all to do the night before. B. All Homework Assignments will be posted on Pupilpath a. You are responsible for checking and keeping up to date with all assignments and announcements. b. Homework is to be submitted to Submissions on Pupilpath by midnight of the due date or it will be marked late. c. If you must handwrite your HW, it is due on the due date in class in order to be marked on time. d. Homework will NOT be accepted by email. C. Late Homework a. All unexcused late HW will be deducted 30%. b. Late HW will not be accepted after 1 week w/o extenuating circumstances. c. In the event you are absent when an essay or project is due you must e-mail the assignment, unless there are extenuating circumstances. D. Pupilpath Troubleshooting: Welcome to the Technology of 2015…you must learn how to use it. a. If you are not able to able to upload a homework file: try turning it into a PDF or create a Google doc. b. For other major issues or if you lost you login: See Mr. Moore in rm. 261 during your lunch period. III. GRADING POLICY A. Grading breakdown 1. 60%* Major Assessments a. Exams, Essays, Projects b. HW Quality Assessments *As per LAG’s policy Final Exams or Regents will now count as 10% of your final grade. This will not be averaged into the MP1 & MP 2 Grades but will be averaged in to the Semester Final Grade. 3. 15% 4. 25% Homework…………………… Homework Completion Classwork……………………. Class preparedness (notebook & supplies every day) class participation, citizenship, and attendance. (See rubric on Weebly) B. Each Marking Period represents your cumulative grade up until that point in time. Your final grade represents an average of all marking periods. *A research paper will be assigned and due after the A.P. Exam. IV. SUPPLIES A. 3 Ring Binder…you will accumulate 360 pages of printed notes JUST for Semester 1. In addition, supplemental handouts will also be given. Choose a binder wisely! B. Course Notes (attached on Weebly and provided before each Unit Section) C. AMSCO (you may buy a version or use the PDF on Weebly) (2014 edition has the updated AP US info) V. COURSE OUTLINE Period 1 (1491-1607) Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492–1690 Period 2 (1607-1754) Colonial North America (1690-1754) Period 3 (1754-1800) The American Revolutionary Era (1754-1783) From Confederation to Constitution Period 4 (1800-1848) The Early Republic: Washington, Adams & Jefferson Administrations The War of 1812 promotes nationalism & a revolution in infrastructure Transformation of Politics in antebellum America (“Jacksonian Democracy”) Social, & Religious Reforms of the Second Great Awakening Territorial expansion, infrastructure, and Manifest Destiny intensify the slavery debate Period 5 (1844-1877) The Crisis of the Union: Failed compromise leads to Secession The Civil War Reconstruction & the “New South” Period 6 (1865-1898) “Disappearance” of the Frontier: RR’s, Native-American Assimilation & Agrarian Discontent Industrialization, & the Labor Movement “The Gilded Age” and Urban Society in the Late Nineteenth Century The Progressive Movement Neo-Imperialism: Spanish-American War- “Dollar Diplomacy” Period 7 (1890-1945) The Emergence of America as a World Power: WWI and the Versailles Treaty The “New Era:” The 1920's, the Harlem Renaissance & the seeds of the Great Depression The Great Depression & The New Deal Inter-War Isolationism WWII Period 8 (1945-1980) The conclusion of WWII ushers in the Cold War The Eisenhower Era: The Cold War at home and abroad The turbulent 60's and the Civil Rights Movement The Cuban Missile Crisis The “Great Society” The Nixon Administration: Detente, The Conclusion of the Vietnam War & Watergate The Carter Administration’s foreign & energy policy Period 9 (1980 – Present) “The Reagan Revolution” The “End” of the Cold War The two Gulf Wars The War on Terrorism VI. AP Exam Info. Breakdown of the Course & Exam: I. II. III. IV. Part I: 55 Questions 55min (40%) Part II: Four Short Answers Questions (SAQ) 50 minutes (20%) Part III: DBQ (Reading and Essay) 55 minutes (25%) Part IV: LEQ 35 minutes (15%) Time Period 1500-1607 1607-1877 1865-1989 1980-Present AP Test Review Percentage of Exam 5% 45% 45% 5% Amount of Qs 3 25 25 3 Time 1 Week 14 Weeks 14 Weeks 2 Weeks 1 Week VII. Skills VIII. A.P.G.A.M.E.S for APUSH THEMES: These are the themes the College Board American in the World (WOR) Politics and Power (POL) Geography and the Environment (GEO) American and National Identity (NAT) Migration and Settlement(MIG) Work, Exchange, and Technology (WXT) Culture and Society (CUL) IX. Course Documents: All on A. Course Notes B. Amsco Review C. Gilder Lehrman Reader D. Homework Rubric E. Class Participation Rubric F. Essay Rubrics **My policies are created to provide consistency and fairness. However, when extreme circumstances present themselves, my students should always feel free to approach me for a compromise. APUSH Fall 2015-16 Contract and Questionnaire Mrs. Hale I look forward to a successful school year. Please do not hesitate to contact me at the phone # and e-mail address listed above. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN AS PROOF THAT YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ARE AWARE OF THESE EXPECTATIONS. By signing below I indicate that I have read, understand, and accept the information, policies, and procedures contained in this syllabus. Period____________________________ Student Name _______________________ Student Signature _______________________ Parent Name _______________________ Parent Signature ________________________ Parent’s Phone #: Name__________________________ Phone # _________________________________ Parent’s Phone #: Name__________________________ Phone # _________________________________ Parent’s E-Mail: Name ___________________________ Address _________________________________ Parent’s E-Mail: Name ___________________________ Address _________________________________ *It is most efficient to contact me via e-mail at Please include your child’s full name and class period. *If you would like to keep track of your child’s grade, please check Pupilpath. Data will be uploaded periodically. Additional Information: 1. Do you have a working computer at home? If no, do you have regular access to a computer? 2. Do you have working internet at home? Do you have a working printer at home? 3. Is there anything else I need to know to best serve you/your child’s educational needs?