Chapter 14(B) The Expanding Struggle for Equal

Chapter 14(B) The Expanding
Struggle for Equal Rights
Civil Rights to Black Power
• By 1966, the term “Black
Power” had become a
rallying cry for no more
than 15 %
• Beginning w/ Watts, the
major race riots of 1965
& 1966 occurred largely
outside the South
• Malcolm X told blacks
they should be proud of
their race and started the
term African American
Malcolm X
Martin Luther King Jr.
• This lead MLK to decide
to emphasize the need
for economic uplift for
the black urban poor.
• This is what MLK was
working on when he
was assassinated in
Rebellious Youths: the New Left
• Tom Hayden and the
Students for a
Democratic Society
• Mario Savio and the
free-speech movement
• The Yippies & the 1968
Democratic Convention
in Chicago
• The Upset Middle-Class
Rebellious Youths: the Counterculture
• They were direct
descendants of the beats of
the 1950s
• Harvard professor Timothy
Leary: “Tune in, Turn on,
drop out.”
• Long hair, jeans, tie-dyed
shirts, sandals, drugs, rock,
Asian mysticism, communes
• The Hippie movement
ultimately succumbed to
• 1963 Betty Friedan’s The
Feminine Mystique:
explained the unhappiness
of many middle-class
• 1966 the National
Organization for Women
• 1972 Title IX
• 1973 Roe v. Wade
• 1982 Equal Rights
Amendment (ERA) fails
The Sexual Revolution
• The most important
factor behind the sexual
revolution of the 1960s
was the development of
birth-control pills
• Therefore, society
became more tolerant
of premarital sex and
women became more
sexually active.
Hispanic Rights & Cesar Chavez
• The Bracero Program ends in
• Chavez had been a migrant
• In 1962, Chavez starts to
United Farm Works
• UFW used boycotts to
pressure grape growers
• Chavez was committed to
nonviolent tactics
• 1975 CA legislature passes bill
requiring growers to bargain
collectively with farm workers
Native American Rights
Inside Wounded Knee 1973
• Native Americans had the
highest percentage of
poverty in America
• In 1963, The American
Indian Movement began
• 200 Sioux occupied
Wounded Knee in 1973
• Indian activists discovered
that their most effective
tactic for change was
taking legal action to force
the government to adhere
to old treaties
Gay Rights
• In its earliest years, the gay
rights movement
emphasized the importance
of gays “coming out”
• By 1973 there were 800 gay
• But the conservative
moralists and Christian
Fundamentalists fought
back and by the end of the
1970s it had lost
The Chicano Movement
• Hector Perez- worked
for Mexican American
Rights in Texas
• Dolores Huerta- worked
w/ Chavez and went on
to work for women’s
rights and received the
Medal of Freedom in
• These court case made
gave equal rights to
Mexican Americans
• Mendez v. Westminster
• Delgado v. Bastrop ISD
• Hernandez v. Texas
• White v. Regester
• Edgewood ISD v. Kirby