FitLinxx San Francisco 03.24.00 Hen scratches @ 37,000 feet … Microsoft = R.O.W. Microsoft > GM + Ford + Boeing + Lockheed Martin + Deere + Caterpillar + USX + Weyerhaeuser + Union Pacific + Kodak + Sears + Marriott + Safeway + Kellogg Source: Business Week data through 5-99 Microsoft = R.O.W. (II) Microsoft > GM + Ford Boeing + Lockheed Martin + Deere + Caterpillar + USX + Weyerhaeuser + Union Pacific + Kodak + Sears + Marriott + Safeway + Kellogg + McDonald’s + Bank One + General Mills + American Airlines + United Airlines + + Delta Air Lines + US Airways + Quaker Oats Source: Yastrow Marketing (through 11-23-99) No Wiggle Room! “Incrementalism is innovation’s worst enemy.” Nicholas Negroponte Just Say No … “I don’t intend to be known as the ‘King of the Tinkerers.’ ” CEO, large financial services company (New York, 5-99) “It means nothing less than the total reinvention of this company.” Jacques’ New New Ford Ford + MSN CarPoint Ford + Yahoo! Ford + Oracle Ford + HP/MCIWorldcom Etc. Etc. “There is probably going to be more confusion in the business world in the next decade than there has been in any decade in history.” Steve Case (2-00) “We are in a brawl with no rules.” Paul Allaire S.A.V. “Steve Ross had a wonderful philosophy: People get fired for not making mistakes.” Bob Pittman Forget > Learn “The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get old ones out.” Dee Hock C.E.O. to C.D.O. “Reward excellent failures. Punish mediocre successes.” Phil Daniels, Sydney exec “You really got to me. So many of our information technology projects take on a life of their own, and I know they’ll never end up as more than ‘mediocre successes.’ ” CEO, F100 financial services company (10-98) Kaiser: 4.15.29 Liberty Ship 2 years 240 days 9 hours 4 days, 15 hours, 29 minutes “Every project we take on starts with a question: How can we do what’s never been done before?” Stuart Hornery, CEO, Lend Lease “Astonish me!” / S.D. “Build something great!” / H.Y. “Immortal!” / D.O. The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it. Michelangelo “I don’t think there’s anything worse than being ordinary.” American Beauty 1) Turn ignition key. 2) Shift into drive. 3) Press foot firmly on the throat of mediocrity. Source: Mercedes ad Issue Y2K The Great War for Talent! “The leaders of Great Groups love talent and know where to find it. They revel in the talent of others.” Warren Bennis & Patricia Ward Biederman The NAESP … Attributes of Those Who “Made” the 10th Grade History Book –Committed! –Determined to make a difference! –Focused! –Passionate! –Irrational about their life’s project! –Ahead of their time / Paradigm busters! –Impatient! / Action Obsessed Attributes of Those Who “Made” the 10th Grade History Book –Made lots of people mad! –Flouted the chain of command! –Creative / Quirky / Peculiar! / Rebels! / Irreverent! –Masters of improv / Thrive on chaos / Exploit chaos! Attributes of Those Who “Made” the 10th Grade History Book –Forgiveness > Permission –Bone honest! –Flawed as the dickens! – “In touch” with their followers’ aspirations –Damn good at what they do! Just Say “No” to “Grout”! Participant: “Don’t you need ‘grout’ between the tiles?” “No!” TP: [med staff, NFL Special Teams,waiters, PFCs, cymbals player, bit parts, waiters] TP’s Ideal Job: Head of Housekeeping! Talent = Brand Brand Outside = Brand Inside Quality Not Enough! “While everything may be better, it is also increasingly the same.” Paul Goldberger on retail, “The Sameness of Things,” The New York Times “The ‘surplus society’ has a surplus of similar companies, employing similar people, with similar educational backgrounds, coming up with similar ideas, producing similar things, with similar prices and similar quality.” Kjell Nordstrom and Jonas Ridderstrale, Funky Business The “10X/10X Phenomenon” 10 Times Better/ 10 Times Less Different “When we did it ‘right’ it was still pretty ordinary.” Barry Gibbons on “Nightmare No. 1” Pretzel Crumb-less-ness Plus … “The Ritz Carlton Experience enlivens the senses, instills well-being and fulfills even the unexpressed wishes and needs of the guest.” from the Ritz Carlton Credo “You do not merely want to be the best of the best. You want to be considered the only ones who do what you do.” Jerry Garcia Nirvana! - Nordstrom - Four Seasons - Adirondack Guide Boat - OXO - Ziplocs Why? Cool!/Surprising! Reliable! Friendly!/Comfortable! Aesthetically pleasing! TP’s “Mega-marketing-trends” Rapidly aging population! Health fanaticism! Environmental concerns! Freaky independence! Women rule! Brand Outside Strategy 1: Lead the Customer! “Wealth in this new regime flows directly from innovation, not optimization. That is, wealth is not gained by perfecting the known, but by imperfectly seizing the unknown.” Kevin Kelly, New Rules for the New Economy Amen! “The Age of the Never Satisfied Customer” Regis McKenna Brand Outside Strategy 2: Use E-Commerce to Re-invent the Business! $35,000,000. = ??? Dell’s Web sales … daily [AOL delivers more mail than the USPS! Source: Fortune 2-00] 2X = 100 days (Internet traffic) 2X = 9 months (network capacity) Source: Red Herring (1-00) I-24 to 1-28: Online Shopping Index [Consumer Goods] 52 Weeks: +622% Source: The Industry Standard/02-00 Time to 50M Users Radio … 38 years TV … 13 years PC … 16 years Internet … 4 years Source: Business 2.0 [01-00] Tomorrow Today: Cisco! $7B of $10B Save $500M (service and tech support) C.Sat e >> C.Sat H Customer Engineer Chat Rooms ($1B?) W.W. Grainger* 2X phone/fax *$220B “MRO” market (per Business 2.0/02-00) Consumer [Health Care] Sovereignty!* E.g.: “Empowered consumers influenced by medical advertising and educated by information on the Internet are driving demand for new vision correction options.” Start Up (10-99) * “Take your White Coat and … ” SoftWatch (MS) “Manage relationships across the healthcare continuum”/ Amir Kishon Establish e-relationships with customers/retain customers/collect data Patients record info + receive feedback/ Online access to nurses Community with others with MS Etc. Source: Start-Up Welcome to D.I.Y. Nation! “Changes in business processes will emphasize self service. Your costs as a business go down and perceived service goes up because customers are conducting it themselves.” Ray Lane, Oracle “Autoweb. Take the Wheel.” - Advertising Age Psych 101: Strongest Force on Earth? My need to be in perceived control of my universe! Swissair e>booking e>ticket e>check-in e>track e>info Anne Busquet/ American Express Not: “Age of the Internet” Is: “Age of Customer Control” I am a cynic … I am a skeptic* … * Just ask NKA I am in love … … with FitLinxx Self-control = Engagement = Effectiveness* * “How Pilots Fly the Plane Varies a Lot from Airline to Airline” (WSJ/031400); PD on mbo “Where does the Internet rank in priority? It’s No. 1, 2, 3, and 4.” Jack Welch “In the network economy, the Website becomes the company’s primary interface to the customer. The user interface becomes the marketing materials, store front, store interior, sales staff and postsales support all rolled into one.” Jakob Nielsen, Designing Web Usability There are 2 Kinds of … Defense* vs. Offense** *Fend off upstarts. **Reinvent our marketspace! RR on Sara Lee “The most profitable businesses in the future will act as knowledge brokers, linking insights into what’s available with insights into the customer’s individual needs and preferences.” Brand Outside Strategy 3: Women Rule! ????????? Home Furnishings … 94% Vacations … 92% Houses … 91% Bank Account … 89% Health Care … 75% Etc. 48% working wives > 50% 80% checks 61% bills 53% stock (mutual fund boom) 43% > $500K 95% financial decisions/ 29% single handed Women … 49% of Web users; 6 of 10 new users; 83% of wired women are primary decision makers for family healthcare, finances, education. Source: Business Week (11-99) $3.3T + $1.5T = $4.8T* * Larger than Japan! New golfers … 37% Basketball … 13.5M 1 in 27 (’70) … 1 in 3 (’96) 1874? 1874 … Jock Strap 1977 … Jogbra 1977 ... 25K 1996 … 42M Yeow! 1970 … 1% 2000 … 50% OPPORTUNITY NO. 1!* [* No shit!] Carol Gilligan/ In a Different Voice Men: Get away from authority, family Women: Connect Men: Self-oriented Women: Other-oriented Men: Rights Women: Responsibilities FemaleThink/ Popcorn “Men and women don’t think the same way, don’t communicate the same way, don’t buy for the same reasons. “He simply wants the transaction to take place. She’s interested in creating a relationship. Every place women go, they make connections.” How Many Gigs You Got, Man? “Hard to believe … Different criteria” “Every research study we’ve done indicates that women really care about the relationship with their vendor.” Robin Sternbergh/ IBM Not a Morality Play! “It is critical that we all understand that IBM is not marketing to women entrepreneurs because it is the thing to do, or even the right thing to do. We are marketing to women entrepreneurs because it is a huge opportunity.” Cherie Piebes Speaking of Enormous [Missed] [Huge] Opportunities ... 74/55 “At each stage of their lives, the needs and desires of the baby boomers have become the dominant concerns of American business and popular culture. If you can anticipate the movement of the baby-boom generation’s life-span migration, you can see the future.” Ken Dychtwald, Age Wave Aging/“Elderly” 2X growth rate $$$$$$$$$$$$ “I’m in charge!” “Experiences” vs. Products Design revolution! Good source: Ken Dychtwald, Age Wave Priorities: Aging/“Elderly” Experiences … Convenience … Comfort … Access … Respect! “Any student who combines an expertise in gerontology with, say, an M.B.A. or law degree will have a license to print money.” Newsweek 1965: “ ‘Doctor’ will see you now. ‘Doctor’ will take care of you.” YES, NURSE. ME GOOD PUPPY DOG. 1995: “HMO will take care of you.” BULLSHIT. 2005: “I will take care of me. I’d like your expert help.” P.S.: THE VIAGRA [ETC.] I ORDERED ON LINE IS GREAT. Patient-centric* Health Care Wellness (Fix to prevent.) Partnership (“Tour guide” model.) RESPECT! (Mutual.) WOMEN RULE! *Not: HMO-centric, Employer-centric, Insurer-centric, Doc-centric AMA: Push “Patient Partnership” Model???? Brand Outside Strategy 5: It’s the Experience! “Experiences are as distinct from services as services are from goods.” Joseph Pine & James Gilmore, The Experience Economy: Work Is Theatre & Every Business a Stage “The [Starbucks] Fix” Is on … “We have identified a ‘third place.’ And I really believe that sets us apart. The third place is that place that’s not work or home. It’s the place our customers come for refuge.” Nancy Orsolini, District Manager Safe, On Time and … “We defined personality as a market niche. We seek to amuse, to surprise, to entertain.” Herb Kelleher, Main Man, LUV Airlines Experience: “Rebel Lifestyle!” “What we sell is the ability for a 43-year-old accountant to dress in black leather, ride through small towns and have people be afraid of him.” Harley exec, quoted in Results-based Leadership Mantra: “Any good can be ing-ed” the driving experience the pumping experience the sitting experience the reading experience the washing experience the cooking experience Joseph Pine & James Gilmore, The Experience Economy: Work Is Theatre & Every Business a Stage “This is the end of the pure product era. For instance, car makers are beginning to understand that the car is a platform for delivering services that drive the customer experience.” Carly Fiorina, HP @ Comdex ’99 Brand Outside BRAND POWER! Brand It! Now, More Than Ever! “The increasing difficulty in differentiating between products and the speed with which competitors take up innovations will assist in the rise and rise of the brand.” Gillian Law and Nick Grant, Management [New Zealand] Brand = You Must Care! “Success means never letting the competition define you. Instead you have to define yourself based on a point of view you care deeply about.” Tom Chappell, Tom’s of Maine Brand = Special = Passion = Connection = Caring* * (Way) beyond “market research” Rules of “Radical Marketing” Love + Respect Your Customers! Hire only Passionate Missionaries! Create a Community of Customers! Celebrate Craziness! Be insanely True to the Brand! Sam Hill & Glenn Rifkin, Radical Marketing (e.g., Harley, Virgin, The Dead, HBS, NBA) Brand Leadership! “A key – perhaps the key – to leadership is the effective communication of a story.” Howard Gardner Leading Minds: An Anatomy of Leadership “If you ask me what I have come to do in this world, I who am an artist, I will reply, I am here to live my life out loud.” Emile Zola “If things seem under control, you’re just not going fast enough.” Mario Andretti