GRAPH TRAVERSAL ALGORITHMS *DEPTH-FIRST-SEARCH(DFS) *BREADTH-FIRST-SEARCH(BFS) CODY FORREST DEPTH & BREADTH Depth Breadth | | A A B C D F E G B H E F G C D H I WHAT CAN YOU DO WITH(DFS||BFS)? *Searching trees and graphs for a goal. *Calculating shortest paths from *s node to *g node (BFS). *Finding all nodes reachable from *s node(BFS/DFS). *Path-Finding(DFS). *Maze Generation(DFS). *Simple Cycle Detections(DFS). *Topological Sorting(DFS). *Checking for Bipartite Graphs(BFS). DEPTH-FIRST-SEARCH(DFS) *Searches depth of a given path until its exhausted. *Utilizes a stack data structure. *Backtracks to next node on stack and checks nodes available. *Simple Recursive Implementation. *Less overhead in comparison to BFS(In most cases). *High depth graphs or trees can be inefficient to search. BREADTH-FIRST-SEARCH(BFS) *Searches all neighbors of a node before increasing search depth. *Utilizes a queue data structure. *Searches node at head of the queue and checks for nodes available. *Memory Intensive for trees or graphs with high branching factors. TRI-COLORING Node Types: *White – Unvisited Nodes. *Gray – Visited but not finalized nodes. *Black – Finalized Nodes. Generalizations: *All nodes are initialized as White nodes. *Nodes still on the search stack/queue must be gray nodes. *Nodes in the search path but not in the search stack/queue must be black nodes. *Any white nodes left after DFS/BFS finishes are considered unreachable from the *S node. SIMPLE DFS AND BFS EXAMPLES G1 G2 DFSVisited[] = { A , B , F , C , D, E } BFSVisited[] = { A , B , C , F , D, E } A A C B F D B E F C D E To see who’s paying attention, the first person to raise their hand gets removed from the name pool. LESS SIMPLE EXAMPLES G1 A G2 C Search Path of DFS(G1, B) A C & B E H Search Path of BFS(G2, H) B D E D H F G F G TOPOLOGICAL SORTING WITH DFS *Requires a Directed-Acyclic-Graph(DAG). *Directed edges correspond to constraints. *Vertices correspond to tasks. *Provided the graph is a DAG at least one topological order always exists. *Graphs with few constraints have many possible orderings. TARJAN’S ALGORITHM *Randomly pick a starting node. *DFS the node until you hit a dead end. *While backtracking, add the finalized nodes you came from to a stack. *Repeat steps until all nodes have been marked. *Stack represents the topological ordering. MORE EXAMPLES A Topological Order Starting With DFS(G3,A) G3 TopStack TopStack DFSStack F J A G H D B J F I E C A C E G B D H I G B D H AA CC FF JJ EE II BIPARTITE GRAPH TESTING WITH BFS Generalizations For Coloring: *Graphs Nodes are colored Red or Blue. *The *S Node is always red. *All neighbors of red nodes must be blue nodes(Vice-versa). *An edge always connects a red node to a blue node(Vice-versa). EXAMPLES G1 BFSCOL(G1,A) A D G G2 BFSCOL(G2,G) B C E F H QUE QUE *A *A *D *E *E *G *G *B *F *H E G A F B D C THE GOOD | THE BAD | THE BETTER(MOSTLY) DFS Good | *Low Memory Usage *Many Applications(Maze Generation, Topological Sorting, Spanning Trees) BFS Good | *Finds shortest solution available. *Guaranteed solution(if it exists). *Simple implementation for state searching(AI). DFS Bad | *Recursive Solution adds overhead. *Can get stuck on one path. BFS Bad | *High Memory Usage The Better…-> ITERATIVE DEEPENING DFS *DFS with increasing depths. *Mimic’s BFS traversal pattern. *Space requirements of DFS. *Requires duplicated work. EXAMPLE G1 A B C D F E G H Depth 0 Visited[] = {A} Depth 1 Visited[] = {A,B,F} Depth 2 Visited[] = {A,B,C,E,F,G,H} Depth 3 Visited[] = {A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H} EXTRA: MATRIX -> GRAPH & MATRIX - > GRID - > GRAPH (I) 0 1 2 3 4 (J) 01234 {{0,9,0,0,3} {0,0,2,4,7} {0,0,0,0,0} {0,0,0,0,0} {0,0,0,0,0}} 0 9 2 E = (I -> J) 3 2 1 4 7 4 3 4 {{#,3,G} {1,2,4} -> {S,#,#}} # 3 G 1 2 4 S # # G 1 -> 2 S 3 SOURCES • • • • • • X&ved=0ahUKEwjBtqrcw8HJAhWM5iYKHYd8DdgQ_AUIBigB#imgrc=toBWsRVF1psi7M%3A •