Part III: Polymer Characterization - Chapter 6: Characterization of Molecular Weight - Chapter 7: Polymer Solubility and Solution - Chapter 8: Phase Transition in Polymer Chapter 6: Characterization of Molecular Weight • Average molecular weight – Mn : number-average molecular weight – Mw : weight- average molecular weight – xn: no. avg. degree of polymerization – xw: wt. avg. degree of polymerization – Mo: Mw of monomer (or repeating unit) – PI, MWD: polydispersity index = Mw / MN Mw, Mn calculations Mn = first moment = C(M)M dM C(M) dM Mw = 2nd moment = C(M)M2 dM C(M)M dM Definition of Mw, Mn In integral form Mn c( M ) MdM = First Moment = c(M )dM c( M ) M dM = Second Moment = c(M )dM 2 Mw In discrete summation form ni = mole fraction = Ni Ni wi = weight fraction = nni i 11 wwi i 11 Ni M i N M N M W i i i M n ni M i Ni Mi ( i i ) i i i Mn niMi ( i ) N i Ni i Ni Ni 2 N M i i 2 M N i i i 2 2 ni Mi i M w M w i i M w w iMi niMi NiMi Ni Ni Wi i Ni Wi Wi = ni M i ni M i Ex1. Measurements on two monodisperse fractions of a linear polymer, A and B, yield molecular weights of 100 000 and 400 000, respectively. Mixture 1 is prepared from one part by weight of A and two parts by weight of B. Mixture 2 contains two parts by weight of A and one of B. Determine the weight- and number-average molecular weights of mixtures 1 and 2 Solution. For mixture 1 1 NA 110 5 100000 2 NB 0.5 10 5 400000 NiMi 1105 105 0.5 105 4 105 Mn 2.0 105 1105 0.5 105 Ni Wi 1 2 5 Mw ( )Mi 110 4 105 3 105 W 3 3 For mixture 2 5 5 5 5 2 10 10 0 . 25 10 4 10 2 5 1 . 33 10 NA 2 10 5 Mn 2 10 5 0.25 105 100000 1 2 1 5 5 5 NB 0.25 10 5 M w 1 10 4 10 2 10 400000 3 3 Ex2. Two polydisperse samples are mixed in equal weights. Sample A has M n = 100 000 and Mw = 200 000. Sample B has Mn = 200 000 and Mw = 400 000. What are Mn and Mw of the mixture ? Solution. First, let’s derive general expressions for calculating the averages of mixtures: W Mn N Wi Ni i i Where the subscript i refers to various polydisperse components of the mixture.Now, for a given component, Wi Ni Mni Wi Mn(mixture) Wi / Mni i i wx M x wx M x i i i Mw W Wi i wx M x x i Mwi Wi M W Wi Mw(mixture) Mwi W Wi wi i i i i i i Where ( Wi / Wi ) is the weight fraction of component i in the mixture. In this case, Let WA =1 g and WB = 1 g. Then WA WB 11 Mn 133000 5 5 WA / M nA WB / M nB 1/ 10 1/ 2 10 WA WB M W A M W B Mw W A WB WA WB 1 1 5 2 10 4 10 5 300000 2 2 Note that even though the polydispersity index of each component of the mixture is 2.0, the PI of the mixture is greater, 2.25. Determination of average molecular weight • 2 catagories (a) Absolute methods: -Measured quantities are theoretically related to MW Ex. Endgroup analysis (Mn) Colligative property measurement (Mn) Light scattering (Mw) Ultracentrifuge (Mw) (b) Relative methods: -Measured quantities are related to MW -but need calibration with one of the absolute methods Ex. Solution viscosity (Mv) Size-Exclusion Chromatography (MWD) (a) Absolute methods: -Measured quantities are theoretically related to MW A1. Endgroup analysis (Mn) A2. Colligative property measurement (Mn) A3. Light scattering (Mw) A.4 Ultracentrifuge (Mw) (b) Relative methods: -Measured quantities are related to MW -but need calibration with one of the absolute methods Ex.1 Solution viscosity (Mv) Ex.2 Size-Exclusion Chromatography (MWD) Solution viscosity (Mv) Vis=a+bt t = travel time a,b = constants Solution viscosity = (S , T, polymer conc., no. of entanglements, M ) - measure using Ostwald type Viscometer Ublelohde type Definition: = s solution viscosity = solvent viscosity Specific viscosity SP SP = - S S r = relative viscosity = - 1 = r – 1 S Reduced viscosity (normalized for conc.) red = SP = (/S) – 1 C C get rid of entanglement effect by reducing viscosity to zero conc. Intrinsic viscosity show effect of Single polymer coil to viscosity [] = (/S) – 1 c0 C lim ขึ ้นกับ coil dimension = lim red c0 [] MW of polymer in soln polymer – solvent system temp. Get quantitative MW fix solvent, temp. Huggin’s equation for r < 2 or (solution < 2solvent) sp red = = [] + k′[]2c (Huggin’s equation) c where k′ is ~ 0.4 (for a variety of polymer – solvent system) Advantage if [] is known can obtain relationship of red Equivalent form of Huggin’s equation inh = ln r = [] + k” []2c c where inh = inherent viscosity k” = k’ – 0.5 and conc. Vis 1 2 conc. 0.1 0.5 [] Ref: S.L. Rosen,JohnWiley & Sons 1993 (alternative definition of intrinsic viscosity) [] = lim lim ln( / s ) c0 inh c0 C Relationship of [] vs. M [for monodisperse sample of a certain MW] เรี ยกว่า Mark-Houwink-Sakurada (MHS) relation []x = K(Mx)a (0.5<a<1) K, a Look up inpolymer handbook at a specific temp. 1/ a a 1/ a M W [ ] x x Mv K W 1/ a a M n M x x x n M x x โดย 0.5 < a < 1, Mn<< Mv < Mw 1/ a n M (1 a ) x x n M x x []x = K(Mx)a Ref: S.L. Rosen,JohnWiley & Sons 1993 Ex. Mv (viscosity average molecular weight) • Example 1: PMMA, calculate Mv for mixture 1 and 2 in acetone at 30 oC and compare with Mn and Mw (From experiment: a = 0.72) Mixture 1: 1/ a 1 / 0.72 0 . 72 0 . 72 wx a 2 1 M v 1x10 5 4x10 5 288,000 M x 3 3 W compare to : M n 200,000 M w 300,000 Mixture 2: 1/ a 1 / 0.72 0 . 72 0 . 72 wx a 1 2 M v 1x10 5 4x10 5 187,000 M x 3 3 W compare to : M n 133,000 M w 200,000 Ex1. Measurements on two monodisperse fractions of a linear polymer, A and B, yield molecular weights of 100 000 and 400 000, respectively. Mixture 1 is prepared from one part by weight of A and two parts by weight of B. Mixture 2 contains two parts by weight of A and one of B. •Example 1: PMMA, calculate Mv for mixture 1 and 2 in acetone at 30 oC and compare with Mn and Mw (From experiment: a = 0.72) Solution viscosity terminology Ref: S.L. Rosen,JohnWiley & Sons 1993 Last but Not Least! Size-Exclusion Chromatography (MWD) (or Gel Permeation Chomatography (GPC)) - หา Molecular weight + MWD รวดเร็ว Porous particle (gel) “gel” – a cross linked polymer that is swollen by solvent Unimodal = 1 peak Bimodal =2 peak “column” large molecules come out first big molecule smallest come out last small molecule large molecules come out first small molecules come out last (go through interstices of the substrate pores) Most common detector : differential refractometer (measure refractive index difference) Ref: S.L. Rosen,JohnWiley & Sons 1993 Ref: S.L. Rosen,JohnWiley & Sons 1993