Project Status - Emory University

Stephenson High School
Doris Goodley & Stephanie May
Emory University
Muhsinah Holmes & Leah Anderson
Incorporation of PBL in Chemistry
 Syllabus
 Content
Case 1: “Signed with a Kiss”
 Lipstick
Chromatography Lab
Cases in Progress
Case 2: “Muddy Waters”
 Case 3: “I am Nora’s Medulla Oblongata”
 Case
4: WebQuest: “Meeting of the Minds”
Stephenson High School
Fall 2003
General Chemistry
Accelerated Chemistry
Incorporation of PBL
in Chemistry
Units Covered By PBL
Matter-Properties and Changes
Structure of the Atom
The Mole
To help students
Chemistry: Matter and Change
Gain an appreciation of science as a process
Develop a conceptual framework for Chemistry
Prepare for the GHSGT
Glencoe, McGraw-Hill, 2002
Students will:
Define matter and classify according to chemical and physical properties
Classify atoms according to atomic structure and use that understanding to predict
bonding using their periodic table
Write formulas for compounds
Describe chemical reactions by using balanced equations
Derive relationships using the mole concept
Content in Brief
Chapter 1 Introduction to Chemistry
Chapter 2 Data Analysis
Chapter 3 Matter-Properties and Changes
Chapter 4 Structure of the Atom
Chapter 5 Electrons in the Atoms
Chapter 6 The Periodic Table and Periodic Law
Chapter 7 The Elements
Chapter 8 Ionic Compounds
Chapter 9 Covalent Compounds
Chapter 10 Chemical Reactions
Chapter 11 The Mole
Chapter 3
Matter-Properties and Changes
Case One
“Signed with a Kiss”
The Discovery…
Before third period, Marie goes to her
locker to grab her chemistry book. She
and Christopher have shared this
locker for the last semester when they
started going together
As she pushes Christopher’s geometry
books aside, it falls to the floor and a
note falls out.
“…can’t wait to see you again, baby.
Last nite was so much fun! Call me on
my cell after school today.”
Marie was already bugged out by the
words of the note, but on top of that,
the girl had the nerve to sign the note
with nothing but a kiss!
The Plan
After school, Marie calls Mark for support. Between sobs, Marie
explains to Mark, “I was so cold to Christopher after Chem class. I’m
afraid he thinks I know about the note.” Mark reassures her, “Naw,
he has no idea.
“Okay,” she says, “let’s continue with our plan.”
Just make sure you get a sample from each of those girls. Oh yeah,
and make sure that you have plenty of nail polish remover. I think
that will be the best solvent to separate the mixtures. When I come
over tomorrow, I’ll bring the coffee filters.”
The next day, Marie and Mark meet up at her house to begin the
investigation phase of their plan.
Begin lipstick chromatography lab
How to Catch Your Man Cheating!
Lipstick Chromatography Lab Protocol
Chromatography paper or Coffee filters
3 different Lipsticks similar in shade, but different brands
Acetone or Nail Polish remover with Acetone
Beaker or Cup large enough for 3 strips of paper (about 500 ml)
1. The teacher has smeared samples of the lipstick from the note and each of the
suspects onto filter paper. Each group will analyze one suspect or the sample from the
note 3 times.
2. Carefully pour 10 ml of solvent into the beaker.
3. Place all three strips of paper into the beaker so that the paper touches the solvent,
but that the level of the solvent does NOT reach the lipstick.
4. Secure the top of each paper strip to the beaker with tape if necessary to keep it from
5. After 15 minutes remove all the samples from the beaker and place the papers flat on
the bench top.
6. Measure the distance the acetone traveled up each strip of paper. Also measure the
distance each component moved up the paper.
7. Make a data table with average Rf value for each component in your lipstick sample.
After discovering that Christopher and her girl
Muhsinah were not the friends she thought they
were, Marie confronted them with the evidence.
Christopher and Muhsinah were shocked at her
use of chemistry to catch them. Marie recovered
from the nasty breakup with Christopher with the
help of Mark's comforting shoulder... ;)
This scene and laboratory protocol were adapted from, "Who's Lipstick?" in Crime Scene
Investigations by Pam Walker and Elaine Wood, 1998.
The images of the kiss and paper chromatograpy where found at
chromato.html and, respectively.
Learning Goals
The student will be able to:
identify the characteristics of a substance
utilize paper chromatography as a method of separating mixtures
contrast mixtures and substances
classify mixtures as homogeneous or heterogeneous
calculate the Rf factor for each component of a mixture separated on a chromatograph
Unit will include the following areas of knowledge:
principles of chromatography
solvent properties
techniques for separation of mixtures
properties of compounds
manipulation of measurement tools
scientific process skills
development of concept map
laboratory safety procedures
QCC’s & Standards
Georgia Standards and Quality Core Curriculum (QCC) Objectives
Standard 1. Uses scientific process skills in laboratory or field investigations, including
observation, classification, communication, metric measurement, prediction, inference, collecting
and analyzing data.
QCC 1.1 Designs and conducts a scientific experiment that identifies the problem, distinguishes
manipulated, responding and controlled variables, collects, analyzes and communicates data, and
makes valid inferences and conclusions.
QCC 1.2 Evaluates procedures, data and conclusions to determine the scientific validity of
Standard 2. Uses traditional reference materials to explore background and historical information
regarding a scientific concept.
QCC 2.1 Uses current technologies such as CD-ROM, Internet and on-line data search to explore
current research related to a science concept.
Standard 3. Learns and uses on a regular basis standard safety practices for laboratory or field
QCC 3.1 Learns and uses safety procedures specific to an investigation or research activity.
Standard 16. Given a mixture of liquids and/or solids, classifies the mixture as: homogeneous,
heterogeneous, miscible, immiscible, or a colloid.
QCC 16.2 Identifies factors that affect solubility of a substance and theories that explain the
formation of solutions.
Case Two
Muddy Waters
Case Highlights
While walking home from school, John and Cory discover a gooky stream
of water behind StoneHenge Mall. The boys peer into the creek where the
stream runs to and gasp at the putrid smell of garbage and gas in the air
near the banks of the creek.
In chemistry class the next day during Mrs. Murphy’s lecture on mixtures,
John and Corey are deep into a conversation about what they saw in the
creek. Mrs. Murphy says, “Why don’t you all collect some samples from
the creek for extra credit and we can figure out what’s causing these fish
to go belly-up.”
Now that the three months have passed, the class has 6 samples of the
creek water.
After discovering that the stream was clearly contaminated with a
number of pollutants. Seriously high levels of oil were a common
component shared by all of the samples.
After sending the oil samples to Emory University for analysis, the
students received the data and decided it was time to take action
against the businesses that used the products found in the creek
Case Three
I am Nora’s Medulla Oblongata
As they loaded her into the ambulance, Nora lay on the stretcher, silent and
non-responsive. How could the situation have gotten so out of control?
When I saw Nora after chemistry class on Friday, she was parading down the hall
with a couple of her girls. As always, she was walking down the hall like she owned
the place. Even though she had so much attitude, we all liked her. She was the life
of a party and the class clown.
Hey Jayson!” she yelled down the hall. “Let’s get going right after last period
today. I have to run an errand after school and before Tanya’s party.”
Avagadro’s Number
and Molarity
Had I have known how that night was going to go down, I would have taken her
straight home after school that day.
When the paramedics arrived they asked me what she had taken. I wasn’t
sure I should tell them, but they told me that they have antidotes to some
drugs. I told them I thought it was heroin. But I didn’t know how much she
took. The paramedic said they had an antagonist to block the effects of
heroin, and if it hasn’t been too long and if she hadn’t taken too much, they
could reverse the effects of the drug.
Chapter 11: The Mole
 End
of First Semester
 Moles
and Molar Mass Moles and Molar Mass
 How to Calculate Molar Mass
How to Calculate Molar Masses
2.1 Uses current technologies such as CD-ROM,
Internet and on-line data search to explore current
research related to a science concept.
9.4 Defines the term mole and uses this concept to
determine relative amounts of reactants and products in
a given equation.
9.5 Determines empirical formula of a compound from
experimental data.
9.6 Provides evidence from an experiment that a
chemical reaction has occurred.
9.7 Determines experimentally the percentage by weight
or volume of a compound.
Chapter 4
Structure of the Atom
Case Four
Meeting of the Minds
Attention Areas
History of Atomic Structure
 WebQuest
 Independent,
Student Driven Activity
Student Assessments
 Three levels
 Timeline (Oral Presentation)
 Scrapbook Containing Journal Article from the Era (Written
 Atomic Model (Visual Presentation)
The Concept Map
Learning Objectives
State who first came up with the idea of matter being composed of atoms.
Name the pseudoscience that dominated chemical history from about 400 B.C. to1500 A.D.
Name the first "chemist" (according to your text) and state what distinguished him as a real
State the law of conservation of mass and state who developed this theory.
State and explain the law of definite proportion and the law of multiple proportions.
State Dalton's atomic theory.
Define "atomic mass."
State who discovered the electron and how.
Describe Thomson's "plum pudding" model of the atom.
State who discovered the nucleus and how.
Describe Rutherford's nuclear model of the atom.
Describe neutrons, protons and electrons in terms of location, charge and mass.
State what determines the chemical properties of the elements.
Define "isotope" and explain how isotopes of the same element differ in terms of numbers of
protons, neutrons and mass.
Use and interpret the correct notation for isotopes.
Standards & QCC’s
QCC: 1.2 Evaluates procedures, data and conclusions to determine
the scientific validity of research.
Topic: Inquiry, Process and Problem Solving
Standard: Uses traditional reference materials to explore background
and historical information regarding a scientific concept.
 QCC: 2.1 Uses current technologies such as CD-ROM, Internet and online data search to explore current research related to a science
Topic: Atomic Structure and Patterns of Reactivity
Standard: Describes the fundamental parts of the atom.
QCC: 5.1 Uses the periodic table to identify atomic number and mass.
5.2 Relates relative position of elements on the periodic chart to period
and group reactivity trends.
5.3 Describes the relationships of ionization energy and electron affinity
to atomic radius and describes the relationship of valence electrons to
reactivity trends in the periodic table.
Objectives Mastered
Work Independently
Stephenson High School
DeKalb County School System
Ken Townsel
Joseph B. Justice, Jr.
Pat Marsteller
Preetha Ram
Jordan Rose
National Science Foundation, Award