
JS 1. Which of the following set of conditions is correct for a human neuron?
a. 10x greater Na+ outside, 20x greater K+ inside; -70 mV potential difference
b. 10x greater K+ outside, 20x greater Na+ inside; -70 mV potential difference
c. 20x greater Na+ outside, 10x greater K+ inside; -70 mV potential difference
d. 20x greater K+ outside, 20x greater Na+ inside; -70 mV potential difference
e. 10x greater Na+ outside, 20x greater K+ inside; -55 mV potential difference
JS 2. Early researcher Santiago Ramon y Cajal is considered one of the most important
neuroscientists ever for which of these contributions to the field?
a. Developing the method for production of sharp, strong electrodes for accurate
measurement of neuronal potentials.
b. Creating a theory of mind that helped scientists understand the way the human mind
could process abstract thought about other individuals.
c. Discovering and labeling areas of the brain defined by their different anatomical
characteristics using a variety of stains.
d. Measuring the voltage difference across neuron cell membranes as -70mV.
e. Researching and proposing the neuron as the fundamental unit of the brain, and
implicating their connectivity, specificity and synaptic connections as crucial to function.
JS 3. Which of the following describes the correct order of events during an action potential
immediately after threshold potential is reached?
a. Voltage-gated Na+ channels close; Voltage-gated K+ channels close, Na+/K+ pump
restores resting potential.
b. Voltage-gated K+ channels open; Voltage-gated Na+ channels open, Na+/K+ pump
restores resting potential
c. Voltage-gated Na+ channels open; Voltage-gated K+ channels close, Na+/K+ pump
restores resting potential
d. Voltage-gated Na+ channels close; Voltage-gated K+ channels open, Na+/K+ pump
restores resting potential
e. Voltage-gated Na+ channels open; Voltage-gated K+ channels open, Na+/K+ pump
restores resting potential.
JS 4. Which of the following correctly describes the chemical and electrical gradient directions
for each ion?
a. Na+: chemical in, electrical in; K+: chemical out, electrical in; Cl-: chemical in, electrical
b. Na+: chemical out, electrical in; K+: chemical in, electrical in; Cl-: chemical out, electrical
c. Na+: chemical out, electrical out; K+: chemical in, electrical in; Cl-: chemical out,
electrical out
d. Na+: chemical in, electrical out; K+: chemical in, electrical out; Cl-: chemical out,
electrical in
e. Na+: chemical out, electrical in; K+: chemical out, electrical out; Cl-: chemical in,
electrical in
JS 5. True or False: Ligand-gated channel proteins are activated by ions such as Na+ and Cl-.