ESA INTEGRAL satellite ... and Czech Participation 3rd INTEGRAL/BART Workshop Chocerady 2.11.2004 1. astrophysics ESA satellite with Czech participation The INTEGRAL Mission • Gamma-ray observatory with concurrent X-ray and optical monitoring. • INTEGRAL is the ESA Science Programme’s mission launched on October 17, 2002. • ESA’s 2nd γ-ray mission (COS-B, 1975), will join XMM-Newton in orbit. • ESA led mission in collaboration with Russia, United States, Czech Rep. and Poland • • • Lifetime of at least 5 years. Highly eccentric 72 hour orbit. Observing programme includes 65-75% open time. INTEGRAL under Thermal Vacuum testing at ESTEC Integral ISWG The INTEGRAL FM and the ISWT @ ESTEC, 26 March 2002 Images from the Bajkonur cosmodrome: Integral ready for launch with Proton rocket on Oct 17 at 4.41 UT Integral launch event: ESA MOC, Darmstadt, October 17 from 3.30 UT TV also via Astra satellite INTEGRAL in a Nutshell Perigee: 9,000 km, Apogee: 150,000 km 4.1 tonnes 5 m high, 3.7 m diameter 16 m solar panels The INTEGRAL instruments IBIS – The gamma-ray Imager onboard the INTEGRAL satellite. Excellent Imaging, good spectra Jem-X - The Joint European X-ray Monitor OMC – Optical Monitor Camera. SPI – The gamma-ray Spectrometer on INTEGRAL. Excellent spectra, good images The complex INTEGRAL instruments were built by large collaborations… Instrument Principal Investigators Collaboration IBIS P. Ubertini (I), F. Lebrun (F), G. Di Cocco (I) Italy, France, Norway, Germany, Spain, USA, Poland, UK SPI J.-P. Roques (F), V. Schönfelder (D) France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, UK, USA JEM-X N. Lund (Dk) Denmark, Finland, Spain, Italy, USA, Sweden, UK, Poland, Russia OMC M. Mas-Hesse (ES) Spain, Ireland, Belgium, UK, Czech Republic Science T. Courvoisier (CH) Data Centre Switzerland, France, Germany, Italy, Denmark, UK, Belgium, USA, Czech Republic, Poland Imager on-board the INTEGRAL (IBIS) • 15 keV – 10 MeV energysatellite range • 16384 CdTe (ISGRI) and 4096 CsI (PICsIT) detectors. E/ΔE ~10. • 9 x 9 degree fully coded FOV. 12 arcmin FWHM angular resolution. 30 arcsec location accuracy. • 630 kg • Accurate point source imaging and location. Broad lines and continuum. IBIS detector unit being integrated onto the spacecraft in November 2001 Image of a bronze statue which was placed above the ISGRI detector and illuminated by a 57Co 122 keV X-ray source at CEA in July 2001. “Gaps” between the modules will be much smaller than in this test. Spectrometer on INTEGRAL (SPI) • Fine spectroscopy of narrow lines and the study of diffuse emission on > degree scales. • 20 keV to 8 MeV energy range • 19 cooled (90o K) Ge detectors. E/ΔE ~500. • 16 degree fully coded FOV with 2.5 degree FWHM imaging resolution. Location accuracy <1.3 degree • 1300 kg SPI detector plane (FM) SPI science calibration image of two 60Co 1.1 MeV -ray sources separated by 2 degrees showing that they are well resolved. Joint European X-ray Monitor (JEM-X) • 3 –35 keV X-ray monitoring • 2 identical Microstrip Xe gas detectors and coded masks. • Source identification and monitoring in X-rays • 5 degree diameter FOVs with 3 arcmin FWHM spatial resolution. 30 arcsec location accuracy. • Energy resolution of 15% at 10 keV • 65 kg The coded mask viewed during testing with a flight detector Optical Monitoring Camera (OMC) • 500 – 600 nm wavelength range • CCD (2048 x 1024 pixels) • 5 x 5 degree FOV, 20” imaging • Optical monitoring of high-energy sources • 17 kg • Sensitivity: 18.2 mag in 1000 s • Czech participation: onboard software, ISOC and ISDC software, simulators, test camera, tests, science INTEGRAL Observing Programme Core program (35-25%) • Galactic centre deep exposure (GCDE) : 4 106 s • Weekly galactic plane scans (GPS) : 2 106 s • Transient events (TOO) : 2 106 s • Vela region deep exposure : 106 s Open time (65-75%) • Compact objects (Galaxy and Magellanic Clouds) : 8 106 s • AGN : 4 106 s • Diffuse emission (continuum and lines) : 5 106 s • Supernova nucleosynthesis : 3.5 106 s • Transient events (TOO) : 2 106 s (effective time) GCDE Pointing Pattern INTEGRAL fields-of-view Fully coded fields of view : • OMC : 5° • SPI : 16° • JEM-X : 4.8° • IBIS : 9° Dithering patterns: • staring • 7 point hexagonal • 5 5 rectangular The INTEGRAL Science and Data Centre ISDC • It is the task of the INTEGRAL Science Data Centre in Versoix, Switzerland to make the data from all the instruments available to the scientific community. • Not only are the instruments built by large collaborations… • Czech participation: consortium member, Co-I, direct participation to the team, science ISDC - members of the consortium ISDC Integral multispectral imaging: BH candidate Cyg X-1 Integral exposure map with main sources labeled GPS scan (29 Jan 2003) Dl = 270o – 337o Mosaic of 11 pointings (24200 sec), IBIS/ISGRI, 4U 1630-47, BHC 15-40 keV First TOO follow-up observation (PI: J. Tomsick) on 1 & 2 Feb 2003, 300 ksec IGR J16318-4848 IBIS team First new (transient) source detected by INTEGRAL (IBIS/ISGRI) during GPS at Jan 29.271 UT (IAUC # 8063). LMX region LMX X-3 and LMC X4 JEM-X image Cyg region by ISGRI/IBIS 15-40 keV The First Gamma-ray Burst observed by INTEGRAL 1905+105, microquasar and BH candidate, time variability by Jem X, AO-1 pointing Pulses of Crab pulsar in various energy ranges, IBIS Multi instrument spectra of Cyg X3, JEM X, ISGRI, SPI First OMC image from space OMC Pointing Software OMC PS Part of ISOC - Integral Science Operation Centre Generates telecommands sent to the satellite Controlls the OMC Selects objects observed Transfer of up to 100 objects Selection of objects in photometric shot 0.05 0.05 48.0 0.04 0.04 47.0 0.03 0.03 46.0 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 45.0 0.00 44.0 -0.05 -0.04 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0.00 -0.01 43.0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 -0.02 42.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 Rektascenze 0.00 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.010.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 5 4 3 2 1 -0.02 -0.03 -0.03 -0.04 -0.04 -0.05 -0.05 CCD souřadnice CCD souřadnice Magnitudy vybraných objektů 1000 4 800 800 600 400 600 1 400 200 200 y 0 0 200 400 600 x 800 1000 12.0 8 10 11.0 5 9 Magnituda 1000 y Deklinace Gnom onická projekce - otočení Gnom onická projekce Fotom etrický sním ek (střed 10.12, 45.12, otočení 10.0) 10.0 9.0 3 7 0 20 200 400 6 600 x 8.0 800 1000 7.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 First OMC image from space .... after running the OMC Pointing Software developed by Věra Hudcová with help of Filip Hroch and Jiří Polcar at HEA Group, Astronomical Institute Ondřejov Cyg X-1 optical image by OMC Test variable star: testing performance of OMC and s/w Eclipsing binary Y Sex , OMC LC INTEGRAL News - all working OK including Czech deliveries - fuel supply for 15 years - the mission officially for 2.2 years lifetime, will be extended on 4 year term basis, recently until end of 2008 AO-3 Evaluations in progress at the ISOC for the INTEGRAL AO-3 proposals. This will cover observations between 18 February 2005 and 17 August 2006. The AO - 3 proposals were due by 29 October 2004. We and AO-3: 1 our proposal Simon et al. (CV ToO), 2 collaborative proposals - blazars ToO and GRBs. Integral scientific data Core Programme - Galactic Scans, Vela, Galactic Center ... we have data rights. Huge scatter in number of data points. Short exposures of order of 1ksec, low sensitivity, long term studies, CVs only in flaring state, so far only 3 CVs detected by IBIS, but: cumulative exposures will improve with time AO pointings - objects inside the FOV ... the data rights has the corresponding PI, work in collaboration with him. Long exposures 10ksec and more, better sensitivity, but limited long-term studies Access to INTEGRAL data Hardware Teams: Core Programme (CP): Galactic Plane Survey (GPS), Galactic Center Deep Exposure (GCDE), Vela Deep Exposure, ToO All: by proposal submisions for AO-1, AO-2, ... (open time pointings) All: all data public after 12 months (at moment > 12 months) Tools: OSA (off-line analysis software package) provided by ISDC Main ISDC in Versoix, Switzerland Secondary centers in Moscow, Russia, and Ondrejov, Czech Rep. Core Programme •CP is divided according to the scientific topics •Each scientific topic has a responsible scientist delegated by the INTEGRAL ISWT (R_Sci) •The R_Sci has data rights for the corresponding scientific topics •Each R_Sci has a right to organize a working group with members also outside the hardware teams •The R_Sci for the topic 5.5 WD Binaries including CVs is Rene Hudec. The WG Cataclysmic Variables has bee established Galactic Scans Data source of the Core Programme CVs, blazars The image shows the results of the first year of processingof the IBIS Survey. This is a composite significance image ofthe whole galactic plane. It has been made from all surveypointings in revolutions 46 to 120 in the 30-50keV energyband for a total exposure of approximately 5 Ms. Around 120sources can be found in the all-sky image; more detairevealed in the inset zoomed images for two re JEM-X 2 mosaic image of the Galaxy in the 2-5 keV energy band. The image includes all Galactic Plane Scans (GPS) and all Galactic Center Deep Exposures (GCDE) taken during roughly the first year of INTEGRAL's mission. The four pannels are, from top to bottom, the intensity image, the variance map, the significance image and the exposure map. These two images show a deep exposure (~700 ks obtained from Galactic Center Deep Exposure observations) of the Norma spiral arm tangent region. The images show the IBIS/ISGRI image in the 20-100 keV range (top) with EGRET contours superimposed and the 100-250 keV image (bottom). In the case of 3EG J1639-4702 the possible dust-enshrouded source IGR J16313-4643 has been proposed as a counterpart (Malizia et al. 2004, Atel 227; Combi et al. 2004, astroph/0401643). However, the high energy image shows that only GX 337+00 (a black hole candidate) emits above 100 keV. GX 337+00 shows many chararacteristics of galactic microquasars (radio jets, QPO, and X-ray behaviour). The IBIS/ISGRI image (top; 18-60 keV) shows the inner 3.5 degree by 2.5 degree region of the center of the Galaxy. Contours represent signal-to-noise levels starting at S/N = 5 and increasing with a factor 1.4. The image has a total effective exposure time of 2.3 Ms. The bottom image is the same INTEGRAL image, however, now with the brightness distribution of the 6.4 keV iron line as determined by ASCA/GIS, overplotted as contours. GRB030501 "Labor Day GRB" SPI image Real-time localization by IBIS and IBAS alert response 1st "Czech" lead analyse GRB observed by INTEGRAL (according to negotiated rotation of responsibilities of instrumental teams) Observations of CVs by INTEGRAL • in galactic plane survey GPS +- 13 degrees from the galactic plane • possibly: ToO - transients-outbursts-flares: polars, possible MeV gamma-ray CVs (VV Pup, E1405-45), CVs with VHE emission (AO Psc, EXO 033319-2554.2), AM Her, Aql X-1, AE Aqr • in the FOV of pointed observations (for other sources) within the AO-1,2 programme •for good science, we aim to add additional data and clever ideas TeV and GAMMA-RAY EMISSION FROM CATACLYSMIC VARIABLES …. Suitable candidates for the INTEGRAL Core Programme • largely unexplored field - some positively detected CVs • AE Aqr - intermediate polar; occasional flares Meintjes et al. (1992) - correlated pulsed optical and very high energy emission (VHE) (2.4 TeV, 1.5x1032 ergs/s) • possible detection of VHE from another 7 CVs (Meintjes et al. 1992) (e.g. AO Psc, EXO 033319-2554.2) • AM Her - gamma-ray emission (prototype polar) • VV Pup, E1405-45 - possible MeV gamma-ray CVs Secondary INTEGRAL Science and Data Centre, Ondřejov Czech participation OMC Optical Monitoring Camera (consortium members, Co-I) •onboard s/w, centering algorithm, compression,... •simulator •test device = BART WF camera and related s/w •OMC Pointing Software, tests, astrometry, interactive s/w •science ISDC Integral Science and Data Centre (consortium members, co-I) •OPUS, GRBs alert, OMC ISDC s/w •science Ground segment •BART, BOOTES Cataclysmic Variables/WD Binaries in the INTEGRAL Core Programme CVs can be sources of radio ... TeV gamma rays like blazars Optical light curve GK Per X-ray spectrum X-ray light curve CVs in INTEGRAL Core Programme •investigation of gamma-ray component in CVs emission (mostly flares) •investigation of X-ray and hard X-ray component (mostly flares) •multispectral observations and analyses •focus on selected objects and types with high energy emission •complex analyses supported by ground based data •long term evolution analyses (galactic scans) •study of related physical processes Members of INTEGRAL CP CVs WG USA 5 Japan 1 Czech Republic 4 Great Britain 1 Slovakia 3 Germany 1 Russia 3 India 1 Ukraine 2 Spain 2 South Africa 1 France 1 Australia 1 Strengths: access to large telescopes, access to XMM data, access to databases (Compton, ...), access to robotic telescopes, theory & observations New members welcome, What we do/plan to do in CVs •Analyses of CVs in the CP (GPS): OMC, JEM X, IBIS •Analyses of CVs in the AO FOVs •AO-3 proposal ToO of CVs in outburst •complex analyses: INTEGRAL & other data 15 - 40 keV 40 - 100 keV The field of the diskless intermediate polar V 2400 Oph and the symbiotic star V 2116 Oph. Co-added frames obtained by IBIS (247000 sec exp. (~69 hr) were used. The size of the field is 9.1ox7.1o. North is up, East to the left. V 2400 Oph is clearly detected only in the 15-40 keV passband. The field of the intermediate polar V 1223 Sgr. Co-added frames from the IBIS instrument in the 15 - 40 keV passband (16481 sec exp. (4 hr 35 min)) were used. The size of the field is 9.1ox7.1o. North is up, East to the left. Optical photometry, V filter, with OMC Blazars & AGN unification Blazar Quasar Radio galaxy obscuring torus BLR Seyfert 2 AD BH NLR Seyfert 1 jet Blazars & their powerful jet Jet (within ~10% AGN). Beam of energetic particles and magnetic field moving close to the speed of light I Supermassive black hole with accretion disc Line of sight • Effects of the jet: • Relativistic beaming Blazar observer • Superluminal motion • Featureless continuum • Gamma rays • Rapid variability • High luminosity Blazars & Integral Seven blazars identified in galactic scans of Integral 1ES 0647+250 ”A secret object” PKS 0823-223 no gamma from EGRET, grav. lensing candidate 1ES 2344+514 TeV gamma ray source, very close 8C 0149+710 BL Lac candidate? 4C 47.08 ”A secret object” 87GB 02109+5130 poorly understood blazar, TeV candidate BL Lac The prototype Working Group in construction: Hudec, Munz, Sillanpaa, Basta, Hroch, Kurtanidze, ... Blazar NRAO530 in outburst ... end of Feb 2004 discovered by INTEGRAL, IBIS telescope, during GPS another blazar in GPS but V=19.5 The Czech Integral Team Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Ondrejov Hudec, Polášek, Šimon, Nekola, Jelínek, Hudcová, Štrobl, Hroch, Polcar, Topinka, Bašta, Kubánek plus spolupracující studenti, Michnovic, Švéda, Krolupper Czech Technical University, Faculty of Electronic Engineering Praha: Bernas, Páta, Vítek plus studenti, Masaryk University Brno Hroch, Polcar, Munz, Sobotka, Sixtová Interdisciplinary project, extended student participation, collaboration with Universities Czech Integral Team: •groups at ASÚ AV ČR, MU Brno, FEL ČVUT Praha •CV team: Šimon, Štrobl, Hudec, 19 from team lead from Ondrejov •GRB team: Topinka, Hroch, Polcar, Hudec, .... part of larger international team •AGN team: Bašta, Munz, Sillanpaa ..... part of larger international team, focus on blazars •BART and BOOTES team: Jelínek & BART team, Nekola, Bernas, Páta, Vítek, Kubánek, Švéda, Michnovič, Sobotka, Polášek... •ISDC team: Soldán, Hroch, Munz, Jelínek - ISDC2 •software team: Hudcová, Hroch, Polcar, Páta, Nekola, Bernas, Vítek, Krolupper Our students at the 1st INTEGRAL Progress Meeting, Senohraby, October 2002 Hudec, Hrudková, Šmída, Hroch, Polcar, Bašta, Topinka, Jelínek, Štrobl, Stoklasová, Nekola, Kubánek 2nd INTEGRAL&BART Progress Meeting, Kostelní Střímelice, Oct 2003 Prof. A. Parmar, ESA: "The contributions from scientists in the Czech Republic to the OMC and ISDC consortia has been very successful and is much appreciated by ESA. We look forward to similar cooperation on XEUS and other missions!" INTEGRAL Day 2003, Prague, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, May 27 INTEGRAL future: •lifetime ~ 15 years, smooth operation •Czech Participation: Decision of ESA PECS Program Commitee: prolongation approved for 4 years starting January 2005 - final approval by the Czech Ministry of Education still needed •Continued ISDC participation, ISDC2 operations, OMC data analyses, science The End