Reflexive Verbs A verb is REFLEXIVE when the SUBJECT DIRECT OBJECT _________ and the ____________ SAME PERSON are the ____________. (The subject does something to himself). AMV@MVHS Many reflexive verbs in Spanish describe daily routine actions. Many of these verbs were introduced in Spanish 2. AFEITARSE DUCHARSE PREPARARSE CEPILLARSE ARREGLARSE ACOSTARSE LAVARSE Other reflexive verbs describe a physical or emotional state. SENTIRSE DIVERTIRSE Some reflexive verbs describe a change of state and they carry the added meaning of “to get” or “to become”. ENOJARSE ABURRIRSE PONERSE + adj. CANSARSE Some verbs have a different meaning when used reflexively. • IR – to go • PARECER – to seem • QUITAR – to take away • PERDER – to lose • DORMIR – to sleep • QUEDAR – to be located • VOLVER – to return • IRSE – to go away • PARECERSE – to look like • QUITARSE – to take off • PERDERSE – to get lost • DORMIRSE – to fall asleep • QUEDARSE – to stay • VOLVERSE – to become When conjugating in Spanish, reflexive verbs require the use of a reflexive pronoun: • Me • Te • Se • Nos • Os • Se Note how “se” can be used for both singular and plural. The use of a subject pronoun in the sentence is recommended to clarify. When using reflexive verbs it is very important to have the reflexive pronoun and the conjugated verb represent the same person. If not, you don’t have a reflexive verb. For example: I wash (my own) hands. ME lavo las manos. Yo ___ Note the use of the definite article instead of the possessive adjective in the sentence. But it’s not enough to know that you have to use a reflexive pronoun. You also have to know where to put it in the sentence! The type of verb in the sentence will determine the reflexive pronoun’s placement. CONJUGATED VERB If there’s a ___________________ in the sentence, the reflexive pronoun goes BEFORE _________ the verb. I brush my teeth. _____ ME cepillo los dientes. Reflexive Conjugated Pronoun Verb INFINITIVE If there’s an ___________ in the sentence, ATTACHED the reflexive pronoun gets ___________ to the verb. We want to get up early. Queremos levantar_____ NOS temprano. Infinitive Reflexive Pronoun “Levantarnos” is ONE WORD. since there is also a CONJUGATED VERB in the sentence, the reflexive pronoun can still go BEFORE the conjugated verb. BUT… Queremos levantar_____ NOS temprano. NOS queremos _____ levantar temprano. Infinitive Reflexive Pronoun Reflexive Conjugated Pronoun Verb PRESENT PARTICIPLE in the If there’s a __________ ____________ sentence, the reflexive pronoun gets ATTACHED __________ to the verb. Susi is going to bed now. Susi está acostando acostándo ___ SE ahora. Participle HOWEVER… Reflexive Pronoun When you attach to the end of the participle, you add a syllable to the word, which messes with the natural stress. THEREFORE… The participle will need a written accent over the “A” in –ANDO or the “E” in –IENDO or -YENDO. BUT… since there is also a CONJUGATED VERB in the sentence, the reflexive pronoun can still go BEFORE the conjugated verb, which is this case is always a form of ESTAR. Susi está acostándo___ SE ahora. SE está Susi ___ acostando ahora. Participle Reflexive Pronoun Reflexive Conjugated Pronoun Verb AFFIRMATIVE If the verb in the sentence is an ____________ COMMAND ___________, the reflexive pronoun gets ATTACHED ___________ to the command ALWAYS Wake up! Despierta____ TE Command Reflexive Pronoun Affirmative commands are when you tell someone to do something. Regular commands are formed by conjugating in the “tú” form and dropping the “S”. Irregular commands will be covered later this year. Despierta__ Despiérta__ TE HOWEVER… When the command is more than one syllable AND you attach to the end of the participle, you add a syllable to the word, which messes with the natural stress. THEREFORE… The command will need a written accent. Count back 3 vowels from the end (including the reflexive pronoun) and you will be over the right letter MOST OF THE TIME. NEGATIVE If the verb in the sentence is a ________ COMMAND the reflexive pronoun goes ___________, BEFORE the command ALWAYS ________ Don’t cut your hair! ¡No _____ TE cortes el pelo! Reflexive Negative Pronoun Command Practice! Translate the following sentence into Spanish: Elena is becoming nervous (note the -ING). Elena está poniéndose nerviosa. OR Elena se está poniendo nerviosa. Practice! Translate the following sentence into Spanish: I suggest that we begin to get ready. Sugiero que (nosotros) empecemos arreglarnos. OR Sugiero que (nosotros) nos empecemos arreglar. Practice! Translate the following sentence into Spanish: I shaved yesterday. (Yo) me afeité ayer. Practice! Translate the following sentence into Spanish: Marcos and Paula want to take off their shoes. Marcos y Paula quieren quitarse los zapatos. OR Marcos y Paula se quieren quitar los zapatos. Practice! Translate the following sentence into Spanish: Tomás, have fun! (use a command) Tomás, diviértete! Practice! Translate the following sentence into Spanish: Students – don’t fall asleep in class! Estudiantes - ¡no se duerman en clase! To tell what people do TO or FOR one another use a RECIPROCAL verb These verbs, like reflexive verbs, use a reflexive pronoun… … BUT since at least two people are involved, only the plural pronouns NOS, OS and SE are used. • Mis hermanos y yo no nos peleamos nunca. • Alonso y Fernanda se llaman todos los días, pero se ven muy poco. The placement rules for reciprocal verbs are the same: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Put BEFORE conjugated verbs. ATTACH to infinitives. ATTACH to present participles. ATTACH to affirmative commands. Put BEFORE negative commands. Examples of reflexive verbs that are also used reciprocally: • • • • • • • • abrazarse ayudarse besarse comprenderse conocerse contarse entenderse escribirse • • • • • • • • To hug To help (each other) To kiss To understand (one another) To know (each other) To tell (each other) To understand (one another) To write (each other) Examples of reflexive verbs that are also used reciprocally: • • • • • • • • hablarse leerse llamarse llevarse bien llevarse mal pelearse saludarse verse • • • • • • • • To talk to (one another) To read (to each other) To call (each other) To get along well To get along badly To fight To greet To see (each other) ¿Qué recuerdas? • What is the difference between a reflexive and a reciprocal? • Which are the only two reflexive pronouns that are used with reciprocals? • What are the placement options when there is a present participle in the sentence? • Name a reflexive verb that can also be used reciprocally.