AP Summer Assignment 2012

AP Physics B with Mr. Reeve: 2012-2013
AP Physics B is an algebra-based (not calculus-based) overview of the major topics in
physics. The course focuses on mathematical problem solving, conceptual
understanding, and critical thinking skills; this is an intensive, high-speed course
designed for students who are fluent in both physical science and mathematics.
AP Physics will be fast-paced, rigorous, and will rely on much independent student
learning. It is expected that some of the material will be learned at home, through the textbook – the
work in class will be devoted to lab work, discussion, and problem-solving techniques.
AP Physics B is a specific program of study, carefully monitored by the College Board to ensure
consistent learning. The number of topics discussed in this course is extensive; in order to cover all of
the material, some of the topics will need to be studied over the summer in order to be prepared for the
AP Exam next spring.
Who Should Take AP Physics?
AP Physics is open to any 11th or 12th grader at Lincoln High School who has completed Chemistry, and
has completed or is enrolled in Biology. However, those students who will be most successful are those
who are: comfortable with algebra, geometry, and basic trigonometry; can solve math problems with or
without a calculator; show perseverance in the face of difficult work; are motivated to high performance
regardless of grade level or time of year; and can work both in groups and independently.
Enrollment in Calculus is not required for this course, since AP Physics B is an algebra-based course.
However, students taking Calculus will find many relevant connections and uses in physics.
The AP Physics B Exam
New for the 2012-2013 school year, all LHS students in AP courses are required to register for and take
the AP Physics B Exam in the spring. The exam incurs a fee to the College Board program, and is offered
during school hours. Students are expected to make their best effort on the exam.
Lab Experiments
While a primary focus of this course is preparation for the AP Physics B
exam, lab work will be an important part of our physics experience. AP
Physics students will be expected to work collaboratively and efficiently in
the laboratory to solve problems and gain experience with certain topics
and lab equipment. Some experiments will necessitate the writing of
formal lab reports, while others will prompt assessment in other ways.
Curriculum Outline
The College Board rigorously checks that all important concepts in physics are covered in this course.
Below is a condensed outline of the topics to be covered in before the AP Exam. Student completion of
the Summer Assignment will be vital in order to cover this many topics in the time alloted before the AP
Exam in May.
Unit 1: Newtonian Mechanics
a. Constant Speed & Velocity
b. Constant Acceleration
c. Vectors
d. Projectile Motion
a. Newton’s Laws
b. Friction
c. Inclined Planes
d. Equilibrium & Vectors
Mechanical Energy
a. Work & Power
b. Kinetic Energy and Potential
c. Conservation of Energy
Linear Momentum
a. Impulse & Conservation of
b. 1-D Collisions
c. 2-D Collisions
Circular Motion, Universal Gravitation,
Rotation, and Torque
a. Centripetal Acceleration & Force
b. Universal Gravitation, Satellite
Motion, & Kepler’s Laws
c. Linear Momentum and Torque
Simple Harmonic Oscillators
a. Pendula
b. Oscillating Springs
Unit 2: Fluid Mechanics and Thermal
Fluid Mechanics
a. Pressure and rate of Flow
b. Bernoulli’s principle
Heat and Temperature, and
a. Gas Laws
b. Molecular kinetic energy
c. Laws of Thermodynamics
d. Pressure-volume-work cycles
Unit 3: Electricity and Magnetism
a. Charge & Coulomb’s Law
b. Conductors & Insulators
c. Capacitance
Electric Circuits
a. Voltage, Resistance, Power
b. Ohm’s Law
c. Series & Parallel Circuits
Magnetic Fields
a. Sources of Magnetism
b. Magnetic Field Lines
a. Electromagnetic inductance
b. Forces on moving charges
Unit 4: Waves and Optics
Principles of Waves and Sound
a. Characteristics of Waves
b. Sound Waves & Speed of Sound
Light and Electromagnetic Waves
a. Nature and Speed of Light
b. Electromagnetic Spectrum
Optics, Reflection and Refraction
a. Reflection and Refraction
b. Interference and Diffraction
c. Single- and Double-Slit
Unit 5: Atomic and Nuclear Physics
Atomic Structure and Quantum Effects
a. Sub-atomic Particles
b. Energy Levels in the Atom
c. The Photoelectric effect
d. DeBroglie wavelengths
Nuclear Structure and Energy
a. Radioactivity
b. Nuclear Forces
c. Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Energy
Necessary Supplies for Class
Students in this course will need these supplies:
Textbook: Cutnell & Johnson, Physics, 8th Ed. John Wiley & Sons, 2009, available on loan from Mr. Reeve –
you will need this textbook over the summer
Calculator: a scientific calculator (with trig functions) is required. TI Graphing calculators (except those
with a QWERTY keyboard) are most useful – however, a scientific non-graphing calculator will also suffice.
Calculators are not allowed on some parts of the exam, so there will be times in class when the calculator
is required, and other times when it is not allowed.
WebAssign account: an online account for physics homework (see below)
Optional text: an exam review book is suggested for this course, in order to best review for tests and
prepare for the AP exam. I highly recommend AP Advantage: Physics B by James Mooney, 2004, Peoples
Publishing Group Inc (ISBN 978-1413804918) which is available through a number of online book
vendors. However, other review books are available and are acceptable. This book will not be used in
class, but is for your own study and review.
WebAssign Software
In order to complete summer homework assignments (and
assignments throughout the school year), students will need
a WebAssign account. WebAssign is an online math and
science homework system that allows teachers to assign
textbook problems that are numerically unique for each
student. Students complete the assignments at home and
enter the answers online. Grading and feedback is
immediate, and students can (on some assignments) keep
re-submitting the homework to improve their performance.
The WebAssign account costs about $10.00 per student per
class per school year, June to June. Families that feel they
cannot afford the cost of the account should contact Mr. Reeve as soon as possible.
Mr. Reeve’s WebAssign class becomes active at noon on June 9. Use the Class Key below to create an
account and make online payment directly to WebAssign. Be sure to sign up before June 23, since this
is when the first assignment is due!
Webassign Class Key:
Course Grading
There will be several components to the grading structure in AP Physics.
100 pts each
Lab Work:
30-50 pts each
30-50 pts each
Homework and Practice Assignments: 20-50 pts each
Other Special Assignments:
Summer Assignment
The Summer Assignments are not just to keep students busy – we will use the summer months to cover
topics that can then be quickly reviewed in class.
Summer Assignment #0:
20 points
Summer Assignment #1:
40 points
Summer Assignment #2:
40 points
Summer Assignment #3:
40 points
Summer Assignments Quiz: 40 points
180 points
Due June 18, 2012, 11:59 PM
Due July 12, 2012, 11:59 PM
Due August 2, 2012, 11:59 PM
Due August 23, 2012, 11:59 PM
3rd class of the school year
An ability to work thoroughly and independently is a prerequisite for the course. However, this does not
mean students must work in isolation, nor does it mean that you should be able to complete
assignments without effort. Students are encouraged to form study/homework groups that can meet in
the summer, and to contact Mr. Reeve frequently with any questions, large or small. Students who have
questions about the summer assignment or other issues can ask Mr. Reeve by email
MrReeveLHS@gmail.com or ReeveT@LincolnPS.org, or by text message at 862-4103. However, don't
wait until the last minute to ask questions, or you might not get the answers in time!
Students who will be on vacation for certain weeks of the summer should finish upcoming assignments
well in advance of the due dates. Extensions will not be given for family vacations, except under
extraordinary unforeseeable circumstances. Students who will have no access to the internet for the
summer should see Mr. Reeve for a paper-and-pencil version of the assignment.
Students who do not wish to complete the Summer Assignments are encouraged to visit their Guidance
Counselor to enroll in a less demanding course, such as Introduction to Deli Meats (1 credit) or Basic
Pencil Sharpening (1 credit).
Summer Assignments Schedule
Summer Assignment 0: WebAssign Tutorial
Login to WebAssign, and complete payment.
Complete “Intro to WebAssign” assignment online
Summer Assignment 1: Science & Math Skills
Due: August 10, 11:59 PM
Read Chapter 2 in the text
Complete WebAssign Problem Set #2
Summer Assignment 3: Two-Dimensional Motion
Due: July 15, 11:59 PM
Read Chapter 1 in the text.
Complete WebAssign Problem Set #1
Summer Assignment 2: One-Dimensional Motion
Due: June 23, 11:59 PM
Due: August 29, 11:59 PM
Read Chapter 3 in the text
Complete WebAssign Problem Set
Summer Assignments Grading
In WebAssign, you can submit your answers multiple times. For example, if you get Question #5 wrong,
you can try again. This allows you to get instant feedback on how well you are doing, and to get an
immediate chance to try again and improve your grade.
For Summer Assignments, you get 2 “free” full-credit submissions on most word problems. Each
submission after your second one gets a 15% deduction. This is to encourage you to get the answers
right the first (or second) time without wild guessing. However, after the first 2 tries, you can continue
to make submissions and attempts, but with an increasing point penalty.
Example: Question #5 (worth 2 points): What is 6÷2(2+1)?
1st Try (full credit):
2nd Try (full credit):
3rd Try (-15%):
4th Try (-30%):
 wrong
 wrong
 wrong
 correct
0/2 points
0/2 points
0/2 points
1.4/2 points
For multiple choice questions, the same rules apply, except that one only get 1 “free” try before
deductions start.
AP Physics Book List
Book #
Best Summer Contact
(Text Message # or E-mail Address)
Mr. Reeve