Reconciling AP & CB

Reconciling Accounts Payable
& Cash Balance
Reconciling AP
Invoice Accrual Reconciliation (AP136)
Run Invoice Accrual Reconciliation (AP136) to list invoice transactions that make up
your invoice accrual account balance as of the date you specify. The report shows the
difference between what has been paid and updated through Payment Closing (AP170)
or Bill of Exchange Cashing Update (AP180), and what has been expensed through
Invoice Distribution Closing (AP175) for each invoice accrual account.
The report includes the amount paid, amount distributed, and the difference for each
invoice listed. The difference should equal the general ledger invoice accrual account
balance as long as no adjustments have been made to the invoice accrual account
through the General Ledger application and no transactions have been interfaced to the
general ledger from other subsystems for the invoice accrual account specified. This
program lists transactions in the Accounts Payable application only.
Payment Closing (AP170)
Run Payment Closing (AP170) to complete a cash payment cycle for a pay group. This
is the last form in the payment cycle. Make sure you are satisfied with your cash
payment run before you close the payment cycle. Once you close the cash payment
cycle, you cannot reprint bad payment forms or recreate a payment tape or electronic
payment file. AP170 creates a summary payment listing, a listing of recurring invoices,
and a summary of general ledger transactions.
Invoice Data Archival (AP198)
Run Invoice Data Archival (AP198) to archive invoice and Accounts Payable related
data. Archiving speeds up batch and online performance. Invoice Data Archival is an
alternative to purging data using Activity Group Purge (AC300). You can inquire or
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report on the information this form archives. Invoice Data Archival will perform an
invoice archival and will not archive a one-time vendor, no activity vendor, or comments.
Vendor Group, Company Listing (AP200)
Run Vendor Group, Company Listing (AP200) to list vendor group, vendor class, or
company information defined in Company (AP00.4) or create an abbreviated vendor
listing. Select one or more listing options.
Pay Group Listing (AP201)
Run Pay Group Listing (AP201) to list pay group information. You can create a listing for
one or all pay groups.
Release the invoices and run Invoice Distribution Closing (AP175).
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I am trying to reconcile my AP136 (Invoice Accrual Reconciliation)report to the AP accrual
account in GL. Do you have some specific troubleshooting tips I could use to help complete
this task?
AP136 not reconciling to GL
Article ID:5461605
I am trying to reconcile my AP136 (Invoice Accrual Reconciliation) report to the AP accrual
account in GL. Do you have some specific troubleshooting tips I could use to help complete
this task?
Here are some recommendations to help identify what is causing the AP136 and GL to not
reconcile. Assistance with reconciling AP to GL is generally outside the scope of support
provided through Lawson Global Support, but hopefully this information will help with that
First, run the AP136 for the specific Accrual Code in question to narrow down the
amount of data on the report.
Run the AP136 with the Report Option of D=Detail so you can see the specific invoices
that make up the report total.
Identify the last time the AP136 balanced to GL. From there, run the AP136 for the end
of the first week of the subsequent period you are trying to balance to see if it is in
balance and comparing that total to the total of GL90 (Transaction Analysis) AP trade
account records that would have been posted up to that date to see if that week is in
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On GL90, you would want to filter out any entries that did not originate from AP. If the
first week is in balance, then continue on to the next week by changing the
Reconciliation Date on the AP136 to the end of the second week of the
period. Continue this from one week to the next. The intent being to identify the
specific date that is causing the out of balance, and from there researching the posting
dates from AP for that date.
The tables and fields to focus on would be APDISTRIB (DBAPAPD) distrib-date, and
APPAYMENT (DBAPAPP) check-date. In instances where a payment is voided, you
would want make a note of the VOID-DATE as that would be the post date of the void
that AP190(Invoice Reinstatement) sent to GL. On APPAYMENT (DBAPAPP) and
APDISTRIB (DBAPAPD), there is a field called ACCR-CODE that would link to the GL
accrual code you set up on AP05.2 (Invoice Accrual Code). That accrual code
represents the GL accrual code. You could query the APPAYMENT and APDISTRIB for
the specific ACCR-CODE and post date (check date on appayment and distrib date on
apdistrib) and compare those records to what is in GLTRANS (DBGLGLT) for those
posting dates for the accrual account linked to the accrual code on the invoices. The
GLTRANS (DBGLGLT) records should have been generated from an AP program
(example AP170, AP175, AP190). Note- there is also an ACCR-CODE field on APINVOICE
)DBAPAPI) as well, but the focus initially should be on the ACCR-CODE values from
APDISTRIB and APPAYMENT with regard to reconciling AP to GL. From the
APPAYMENT (DBAPAPP) records, you can get the CHECK-DATE and ACCR-CODE and
find the corresponding GLTRANS (DBGLGLT) records for the GL account unit and
account tied to that ACCR-CDOE (AP05.2) and post date (CHECK-DATE from
APPAYMENT). APDISTRIB (DBAPAPD) contains the DISTRIB-DATE (post date) and ACCRCODE(accrual code) values. You could query APDISTRIB (DBAPAPD) based on
the distrib date and the accrual code (which is associated with the GL account unit and
account on AP05.2). Then you could compare the postings for a date to what posted
to that account in GL. There should be a link based on OBJ-ID on GLTRANS (DBGLGLT)
back to GLT-OBJ-ID on APDISTRIB (DBAPAPD) for the Source Code AD records which
represent the expense distributions. But there is not an APDISTRIB record to link to the
AC Source Code records in GLTRANS (DBGLGLT) for the Accrual Account (which would
be the offset to the expense distribution posting) from AP175(Invoice Distribution
Closing). From the GLTRANS records returned in the query, you would have the journal
number and be able to run the GL240 (Journal Edit Listing) for that journal to see the
Accrual code that is the offset to the expense distributions.
You could also query GLTRANS (DBGLGLT) for the accrual account unit and account
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from AP05.2 for a specific post date to see the accrual account postings reflected in GL
and compare those GL records to what was returned from the APDISTRIB and
APPAYMENT queries that have the corresponding post date and ACCR-CODE value.
AP270 (Vendor Payment History) is an option for looking at postings from the AP170
(Payment Closing) that may help determine if all the payments are reflected in GL.
If there are invoices that show on AP136 that should not, then you should focus on
looking at the AP invoice information and distribution rather than GL postings as a
starting point.
AP170 debits the AP accrual account and credits the Cash account
AP190 (Invoice Reinstatement) debits Cash account and credits AP accrual account
AP175 (Invoice Distribution Closing) credits the AP accrual account and debits the
expense distribution account (for debit value invoices, the opposite is true for credit
memo invoices)
Lawson Global Support can assist you if you can isolate transactions that are causing you to be
out of balance and assist you with why they are or are not displaying on the AP136.
If still having difficulty balancing, it is recommended that your Client Account Executive be
contacted for additional assistance as balancing GL accounts is not in Lawson Global
Support scope of support as outlined in the Support Operations Handbook.
Additional Information:
Keywords: ap136
What are some things that can cause Accounts Payable (AP) not to balance to General Ledger
What can cause Accounts Payable (AP) to not to balance to General Ledger (GL)?
What are some things that can cause Accounts Payable (AP) not to balance to General Ledger
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The Invoice Accrual Reconciliation program (AP260/AP136)* is used to balance the payment
and distribution detail to the totals that AP generates and posts to GL. The best time to run this
program is directly after you have successfully closed your AP period. The following items
appear on the AP260 report:
Invoices that have been paid, but the distributions are not posted. AP170 (Payment
Closing) run, but not AP175 (Distribution Closing).
Invoices that have distributions posted, but have not been paid. AP175 has been run,
but not AP170.
The following steps will guide you through troubleshooting the most common problems in
balancing AP accruals to the general ledger:
1. Verify that the monthly totals posted from AP175, AP170, AP190 (Invoice
Reinstatement), and AP191 (Unrealized Gain or Loss) match what is in GL.
2. Make sure you have run GL190 (Journal Posting) through the period-end date to post
entries from AP into GL.
3. Back out all transactions in your GL Accrual Account that have a system code other than
4. Verify that you have not used the AP Accrual Account for posting invoice distribution
To complete this step, run AP275 (Invoice Distribution History) for the GL account you
use for the accrual entries. Accrual account relationships are set up in AP05.2 (Invoice
Accrual Code).
5. Verify that most items on AP260 (Invoice Accrual Reconciliation) are distributed, not
paid. If items show paid and not distributed, you need to find the posting date for that
transaction’s distribution(s).
6. Check to see if the same liability account is defined on multiple accrual codes in AP. GL
reports will show the total overall balance for a given liability account. AP260, however,
runs by accrual code. Run AP260 for each individual accrual code. The sum of the
reports should total the balance for the liability account.
7. Check to see if the GL balance is higher or lower than the AP260 Invoice Accrual
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Reconciliation Report. If the GL balance is high, it is likely that AP170 or AP190
transactions have not been posted. If the GL balance is low, it is possible that your
AP175 transactions have not been posted.
8. Check cancel dates on invoices, void dates on checks, wire transfers, and bank draft
dates to see what period they posted to. Be sure that a Journal Entry post date has not
been changed. AP260 only reads AP, so if the post date has been changed in GL40.1
(Journal Entry), the change will not be reflected on your AP260 report.
9. Use AP135 (Vendor, Invoice Audit Report) to verify that all canceled invoices have been
reversed on AP175. An Invoice that is canceled prior to posting the original
distributions to the GL will not have reversing entries.
*The Invoice Accrual Reconciliation program number was changed from AP260 to AP136 in
application release 8.1
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Bank Reconciliation Procedures
To view all written checks
1. Open Lawson-Cash Ledger, click on reconciliation, and click on bank transaction adjustment.
This takes you to CB80.1. This is equal to CSBK on legacy system.
2. Enter the cash code (Bank) and transaction code (SYS, MAN, ACH, WIR, etc).
3. Click the inquire button at the top of the screen.
4. You can now scroll through all of the checks by clicking page up or page down or you can
put your first check number in the position to field and click inquire.
5. Hint: Use the Filter button to filter only open payment (or by other status) Enable Filter Y
Status O (Open) Or by Transaction date Enable Filter Y. Enter transaction date range and
click green checkmark.
6. Put an “R” in the function field for the checks you wish to reconcile.
7. Put the date you reconciled these checks. This will default to today’s date if left blank.
8. Click the change button at the top of the screen.
9. Page up or page down as necessary to reconcile checks that do not show on the initial
Note: If you reconcile a check by accident, put an “O” in the FC field, clear the Rec, Vd
Date field and click the Change icon. This will work as long as the CB190 has not been run since
you have reconciled your checks.
Note: This is the same screen you use to void check. Even though today’s date will default, be
careful when voiding check because this is the date the system will use to create the reversing
entries for cash to General Ledger.
Note: If there is a bank service charge, enter it on CB20.1 and release it and return to CB80.1
to reconcile it if applicable.
To run a bank history report.
1. Open Lawson- Cash Ledger, click on batch updates & reports, and click on bank history
report. This takes you to CB220. This is equal to AP055 on legacy system.
2. Enter the job name and cash code.
3. Click the add button at the top of the screen.
4. Click the submit button. Click on green checkmark. Click ok.
5. Go to print manager. Select job. Click on special actions; print to screen or printer.
Note: Report list check by status for the amount Issued then breaks out whether it is Open,
Reconciled, Void/Stop Payment and gives a total at the bottom.
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Hint: Use Issue Dates option in combination with Minimum Amount field to get all checks
written over a certain amount. (Sometimes requested by Auditors.)
To run a bank transaction listing
1. Open Lawson-Cash Ledger, click on batch updates & reports, and click on bank transaction
listing. This takes you to CB221. This is equal to AP055 on legacy system.
2. Enter the job name, cash code, transaction code, transaction dates (range of dates you wish
to see data on), and the company.
3. Click the add button at the top of the screen.
4. Click the submit button. Click on green checkmark. Click ok.
5. Go to print manager. Select job. Click on special actions; print to screen or printer.
Note: This report lists Transaction Number, Type (SYS, MAN), Company, Date Transaction
Amount and Status but does not give a total at the bottom.
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Reconciling CB
What is a Bank Statement?
A bank statement is a document from the bank listing all transactions that have posted
to the account for a particular period of time. A bank statement entered in Bank
Statement (CB06.1) is used to process any bank transactions (service fees,
adjustments, etc.), accounts receivable transactions, and reconciliation of accounts
payable checks. The statement is entered into Bank Statement (CB06.1) prior to
performing any functions that affect the cash balance of a cash code.
What is a Reconciliation Statement?
A reconciliation statement is a listing of particular transactions that have been posted to
a bank account for a period of time (such as issued checks that have cleared the
account). Reconciliation statements are used with Bank Tape Mass Reconciliation
(CB185) and Statement Reconciliation (CB82) to reconcile large amounts of
transactions posted to the Cash Management module through Accounts Payable,
Accounts Receivable, or within the Cash Management system. Reconciliation
statements can also be used in conjunction with bank statement processing through
Bank Statement (CB06.1).
How are Bank Account Balances Updated?
In Cash Management, bank account balances are updated when you reconcile
transactions by performing any of the following actions:
Release a transaction entered on Bank Transaction Entry (CB20.1), and the
reconciled amount is within the reconcile tolerance defined for the transaction
type or the transaction type is defined as reconciled upon entry.
Release an adjusted transaction on Reconciliation Adjustment (CB30.1).
Reconcile a transaction on Bank Transaction Adjustment (CB80.1).
Reconcile a transaction on Bank Tape Mass Reconciliation (CB185) and the
reconciled amount is within the reconcile tolerance defined for the transaction
Use Bank Period Close (CB190) to close the bank period and move ending bank
account balances for the period being closed to the beginning balance of the next
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period. CB190 changes transactions to a historical status, making them unavailable for
further adjustment, and closes the period to further transaction entry and reconciliation.
You can use Account Period Balance (CB90.3) to display beginning balances, period
transaction balances, and ending balances for a bank account.
Procedures used to Reconcile CB
Reconciling Transactions
You reconcile bank accounts by reconciling bank transactions, bank statements, and
reconciliation statements. You can reconcile transactions posted to Cash Management,
such as:
Transactions released on Cash Receipt Deposit (CB10.1), Bank Fund Transfer
(CB15.1), and Bank Transaction Entry (CB20.1);
Transactions interfaced from a non-Lawson application on Bank Transaction
Interface (CB500); or
Transactions interfaced from the Accounts Payable or Accounts Receivable
Use this procedure to reconcile bank transactions. Transactions can be reconciled
individually (Option 1), in a group (Option 2), from a bank tape (Option 3), from a
reconciliation file (Option 4), or manually (Option 5).
IMPORTANT Regardless of which program you use to reconcile bank
transactions, if the reconciled amount of a transaction is higher or lower
than the issued amount beyond the accepted tolerance defined on
Company Cash Code Relationships (CB00.3), you must adjust and
release the transaction on Reconciliation Adjustment (CB30.1) before the
transaction is posted.
Option 1: Reconciling a Single Transaction
1. Access Bank Transaction Adjustment (CB80.1).
2. Inquire on the cash code and transaction code that you want to display bank
transactions for.
3. Select the Bank Statement number assigned to the transaction, if required.
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4. Select the Reconcile line action and type the Reconciliation Date next to the bank
transaction you want to reconcile. Select the Change form action.
5. If the reconciled and issued amounts are different, choose Rec to open
Reconciliation Amount (CB80.3). Consider the following fields.
Type the reconciliation amount of the transaction.
NOTE The difference between the issued amount and the
reconciled amount will create an adjustment record.
NOTE If the amount falls within the tolerances defined on
Company-Cash Code Relationships (CB00.3), the
reconciliation adjustments will be posted through the
reconciliation date when you run Bank Transaction Posting
(CB175). If the difference is outside the tolerances, you
must maintain and release the adjustment record on
Reconciliation Variance Adjustment (CB30.1) before the
transaction is posted.
6. To mark a payment tape record as rejected by the bank, choose Rej to open
Tape Payment Rejection (CB85.1).
STEPS Option 2: Reconciling a Group of Transactions
1. Access Bank Tape Mass Reconciliation (CB185).
2. To reconcile a range of payments for a given transaction code, consider the
following fields.
Run Option
Select Mass to reconcile all transactions within the
transaction number range you define. All records
are reconciled at the issued amount.
Transaction Date
Type the clear date to assign to all reconciled
Bank Statement
Select the bank statement number to reconcile
transactions to a bank statement. The statement
number must be defined on Bank Statement
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NOTE Select a bank statement number only if one
is required for the cash code.
Select Yes to update the transactions. If you select
No, the program creates a listing only.
STEPS Option 3: Reconciling Transactions from a Bank Tape
IMPORTANT Bank Tape Mass Reconciliation (CB185) does not reconcile
transactions directly from a bank tape.
Before you can reconcile transactions from a bank tape using the Tape
Run Option on Bank Tape Mass Reconciliation (CB185), you must load
data from the bank tape to the CB185 work file. (The file layout is available
on the Lawson Documentation page on or in the
Lawson Knowledge Base.)
To load work files or database files, you use a Lawson Software utility
1. Access Bank Tape Mass Reconciliation (CB185).
2. To reconcile transactions from a bank tape, consider the following fields.
Run Option
Select Tape to read records in the Tape file you
load from a bank tape. The program reconciles or
voids transactions loaded from the tape, and
creates a listing of reconciled or voided transactions
and an error report listing transactions that were not
reconciled or voided.
Transaction Date
Type the clear date to assign to all reconciled
Bank Statement
Select the bank statement number to reconcile
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transactions to a bank statement. The statement
number must be defined on Bank Statement
NOTE Select a bank statement number only if one
is required for the cash code.
Select Yes to update the transactions. If you select
No, the program creates a listing only.
STEPS Option 4: Reconciling Transactions from a Reconciliation Statement
1. Access Bank Tape Mass Reconciliation (CB185).
2. To reconcile transactions from a reconciliation statement, enter a job name and a
job description. From the Main tab, consider the following fields.
Run Option
Select R (Reconciliation Statement) to read records
in the Statement Records database file. The
program reconciles or voids transactions loaded
from the database file, and creates a listing of
reconciled or voided transactions and an error
report listing transactions that were not reconciled
or voided.
Select Yes to update the transactions. If you select
No, the program creates a listing only.
3. Select the Reconciliation Statements tab. Consider the following fields.
Statement Number,
Use this field to select the statement to be
processed out of the CBSTMTREC file. The
statement number must be defined on
Reconciliation Statement Maintenance (CB81.1).
Default Transaction
This field displays the default transaction code for
statement records that do not have one already
defined. If not populated, the statement records with
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no transaction code will not be reconciled.
4. If you are reconciling one to many transactions, consider the following fields.
This is the tolerance amount for one to many
reconciling. The statement record line amount and
the total of the CBTRANS records must be within
the tolerance (+/-) for the records to be reconciled. If
no tolerance is entered, the total of the CBTRANS
records must equal the statement line amount.
Required if tolerance amount is populated. This is
the company to which the reconciliation difference
will be posted.
Required if tolerance amount is populated. This is
the accounting unit to which the reconciliation
difference will be posted.
Transaction Code
For the entered transaction code, the CB185 will
reconcile the selected statement option field for the
statement to selected Cash Management option
field on the Cash Management transaction
Statement Option
Required if transaction code is entered. Select the
statement line field that will be reconciled to the
Cash Management transactions field/value
(CBTRANS records).
The CB185 will use the selected statement field
value to match to the selected Cash Management
field value.
Valid values are:
1 = User field 1 2 = User field 2 3 = User field 3 4
= User field 4 5 = Tran Nbr
Cash Ledger Option
Required if transaction code is entered. Select the
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Cash Management field to which the statement line
will be reconciled.
The CB185 will reconcile all ledger transactions with
the selected field values that match to the value of
the selected statement field.
Valid values are:
1 = User field 1 2 = User field 2 3 = User field 3 4
= User field 4 5 = Tran Nbr
STEPS Option 5: Reconciling Manual Transactions
1. Access Manual Reconciliation Entry (CB25.1).
2. Consider the following fields to create a manual entry for each reconciled
transaction listed on the bank statement.
Cash Code
Select a valid cash code that represents the bank
account that you want to enter transactions for.
Transaction Code
Select a valid transaction code that represents the
type of banking transaction you want to enter.
Type the transaction number to be reconciled.
Reconciliation Date
Optional. Type the reconciliation date of the bank
transaction. If you leave this field blank, the
application date defaults.
Type the reconciled amount of the transaction.
NOTE This amount is in the bank account currency
defined for the cash code on Cash Code (CB00.2).
3. To reconcile manual entries, run Bank Tape Mass Reconciliation (CB185) by
selecting Data Input in the Run Option field. Once reconciled, the manual entries
are deleted.
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Adjusting Transactions
You can enter one or more reconciliation adjustment distributions for a bank transaction
that requires adjustment. Use this procedure to adjust a bank transaction.
STEPS To adjust a transaction
Access Reconciliation Variance Adjustment (CB30.1).
Inquire on the bank transaction that requires adjustment.
Add one or more reconciliation adjustment distributions.
Optional. To override the default reference or description for a reconciliation
adjustment distribution, choose to open Distribution Options (CB30.2).
5. Optional. To adjust tax information for a reconciliation adjustment distribution,
choose Tax to open Tax (CB30.3).
6. Select the Change form action.
Follow-up Tasks
After you adjust a bank transaction, you must release it to update the bank
account balance and post it to the General Ledger. On Reconciliation Variance
Adjustment (CB30.1), inquire on the adjusted transaction you want to release
and select the Release form action.
Listing Bank Account History
You can list reconciled, voided, and open transactions for a given bank account in a
specified bank period. Use this procedure to list bank account history.
STEPS To list bank account history
1. Run Bank History Report (CB220).
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2. In the Company field, you can select a company number to request payments for
a specific company. If you leave this field blank, all companies using the bank
account you define in the Cash Code, Cash Code Group, or Cash Code List field
will be reported.
3. You can type a date range for issued and/or reconciled transactions. If you leave
these fields blank, all transactions, regardless of the transaction or reconcile
date, will be listed.
4. If you want to list all open transactions, regardless of type, leave the Transaction
Code field blank and select Open in the Transaction Status field.
5. In the Amounts field, you can select B to run the report in the base currency. If
you leave this field blank, the report will run in the bank currency.
Adding a Bank Statement
You must add a bank statement record for each cash code that requires you to
reconcile bank statements before you enter associated transactions. The bank
statement must include the statement number, statement date, and the beginning and
ending balances. Use this procedure to create a bank statement record.
IMPORTANT You must select Yes in the Bank Statement Required field
on Cash Code (CB00.2) before you can add a bank statement.
STEPS To add a bank statement record to a cash code
1. Access Bank Statement (CB06.1).
2. Consider the following fields to create a bank statement record.
Cash Code
Select a valid cash code representing a bank
account that requires reconciliation
NOTE The cash code must be flagged Yes in
the Bank Statement Required field on Cash
Code (CB00.2).
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Type the bank-assigned bank statement
number or create a user-defined ID.
NOTE If you selected the single statement
option on Cash Code (CB00.2), you can
have only one statement open at a time. With
each new statement, the system will
automatically update the statement number.
Select the company number that represents
the company you want to create a bank
statement record for.
Journal Book
Optional. Type the date the bank statement
was prepared.
If you use journal books, select a valid
reconciliation journal book.
NOTE If you leave this field blank, the
reconciliation journal book defined on
Company - Cash Code Relationships
(CB00.3) defaults.
Optional. Type the beginning balance for the
reconciliation statement. This amount is the
balance prior to the first transaction listed on
the statement.
NOTE If you selected the single statement
option on Cash Code (CB00.2), the system
automatically displays the beginning balance.
Optional. Type the ending balance for the
reconciliation statement. The ending balance
is the amount after the final transaction listed
on the statement.
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If the cash code currency is different from the
company base currency, you can specify a
current exchange rate. If you do not, the rate
defined for the currency on Exchange Rates
(CU10.1) defaults.
Default Pay
Select customer, vendor, general ledger, and
reconciliation pay codes that represent types
of bank transactions.
NOTE The pay codes are defined on Bank
Transaction Definition (CB00.4). You must
set up customer, vendor, and bank codes if
you want to auto reconcile your transactions.
These codes become the defaults for adding
transactions on Cash Code (CB00.2).
Processing Bank Statement Transactions
After you create a bank statement, you must add all bank transactions for that bank
STEPS To process a bank statement transaction
1. Access Bank Statement (CB06.1).
2. Choose Detail to open Bank Statement Detail Entry (CB06.2).
3. Process bank statement transactions. Consider the following fields.
Transaction Date
Select the transaction date.
Transaction Type
This field identifies the type of transaction to be
Select V to process a vendor payment. You are
transferred automatically to AP55.1 where you
use the Add form action to create the
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Select C to process a customer receipt. You are
transferred automatically to AR30.2 where you
use the Add form action to create the
Select G to process a cash transaction.
You are transferred automatically to CB20.1
where you use the Add form action to create the
TIP Use vendor payments, customer receipts, and
cash transactions to record transactions found on
the bank statement that do not exist as transactions
in the Lawson system.
If you select R, (Reconcile), you must select a
payment number from a list of unreconciled
transactions in the Payment No field. You are
transferred automatically to CB80.1 where a list
of unreconciled transactions for the code you
selected is displayed. Use the Change form
action to change the data.
TIP Use reconcile to reconcile an existing
transaction to the bank statement.
NOTE After you add or change the transaction on
any of these forms, close the form. You are
automatically transferred back to CB06.2 where you
can continue with the next transaction.
Type the transaction amount.
Pay Code
If you selected R in the Transaction Type field,
select the transaction code that represents the type
of transaction that you will be reconciling.
Payment Number
If you selected R in the Transaction Type field,
select a payment number from a list of unreconciled
transactions. For any other transaction type, leave
this field blank and a transaction number will be
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generated automatically.
If you selected V in the Transaction Type field, you
must select a vendor identification code. If you
selected C in the Transaction Type field, you must
select a customer number.
NOTE The vendor must exist in the Accounts
Payable application. The customer must exist in the
Accounts Receivable application.
AP Access Level
If you selected a Vendor, select an accounts
payable process level.
Pay Group
Conditional. If this is a vendor transaction, select a
pay group to process accounts payable payments.
Remit to Location
Optional. You can select a user-defined code
representing a vendor’s remittance address.
AR Process Level
Conditional. If you selected a Custom
4. Run Bank Statement Closing (CB191) to release the transactions.
Adding and Maintaining Reconciliation Statements
Use the following procedure to add and edit records in the Cash Management
statement record file. The statement record file is where bank records are loaded to be
reconciled against records in the Cash Management Transactions file.
STEPS Maintain reconciliation statements
1. Access Reconciliation Statement Maintenance (CB81.1).
2. Enter a Statement Number and a Line Number on which to inquire. Consider the
following fields.
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Bank Identification
Required if cash code is not populated. This is the
bank identification number
Record Type
This is the record type.
Blank=Cash Ledger Record.
B=Beginning Balance Record
Cash Code
Required if the bank ID and bank account number
are not populated. This is the cash code for the
Transaction Code
This is the payment code for the transaction.
Required if the Rec Status is ~ or R. This is the
amount of the transaction.
This field identifies what status the CBTRANS
record will be changed to when this line is
reconciled to the CBTRANS record.
Valid values are:
~ or R = Reconcile
V = Void
S = Stop Payment
3. Add, change or delete the record.
Reconciliation Statement Maintenance (CB81.1) cannot:
change or delete records that have a line status of Closed.
change the Cash Code or Transaction Code for statement lines that are
partially reconciled.
All transaction records reconciled to a statement line must have the same cash
code and transaction code.
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Manually Reconciling using Reconciliation Statements
Use the following procedure to manually reconcile the bank records in the Cash
Management Transactions file to the records in the Cash Management Statement
Records file.
You can use Statement Reconciliation (CB82.1) to manually reconcile records that
could not be reconciled by Bank Tape Mass Reconciliation (CB185).
The statement records file is used to load records from the bank to be reconciled to the
cash ledger or records generated internally to be voided or stop paid.
STEPS Manually reconcile using reconciliation statements
1. Access Statement Reconciliation (CB82.1).
2. Enter a statement number on which to inquire. When inquiring on a statement
number, the program performs the following functions:
Verify that the reconciliation statement number and line number exist in the
Cash Management Statement Records file.
Returns the date, amount, reconciled amount, description, and transaction
number to the screen.
If the cash code and transaction code exist in the statement record, return
them to the screen.
Uses the cash code to retrieve transactions from the Cash Management
Transaction file. These records are then displayed in the detail lines.
Consider the following fields.
Override Cash Code
Required if cash code is not available from the
statement file. This field is used to filter the
CBTRANS records to a specific bank account.
Bank Statement
The bank statement number assigned to the
transaction. Must be defined on Bank Statement
(CB06.1). Used only for cash codes that require
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bank statements.
3. Mark the records that you want to apply to the reconciliation statement line
number by entering "A" (for Apply) in the FC field. You can apply more than one
transaction record to the statement line.
If the reconciliation amount is different than the issued amount, click the "R"
button in the detail line to access Reconciliation Amount (CB82.3). From
Reconciliation Amount (CB82.3), enter the reconciliation amount and click OK to
return to Statement Reconciliation (CB82.1).
4. Click Change. The program performs the following when applying a cash ledger
record to the reconciliation statement line:
If the reconciliation amount is less than the transaction issue amount and the
amount is outside the tolerance set on Company-Cash Codes (CB00.3), an
adjustment record for the difference is created
If the difference is within tolerance, the variance distribution is created.
If the reconciliation statement amount is greater than the transaction issue
amount, Statement Reconciliation (CB82.1) reconciles the record for the full
amount. It adds the amount to the reconciliation balance, leaving a balance
left over to still be applied.
If you are applying multiple transaction records to the statement line,
Statement Reconciliation (CB82.1) applies each line separately, adding up
the reconciled amount until the remaining balance is zero.
Any reconciliation differences are reflected on the last selected transaction
Related Reports and Inquiries
List statement information
Reconciliation Statement Listing (CB281)
contained in the statement record
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Closing a Bank Statement
After you enter and release transactions associated with the bank statement, you must
close the bank statement. You can evaluate Cash Management, Accounts Payable, and
Accounts Receivable transactions associated with a specific statement number. Use
this procedure to close a bank statement.
STEPS To close a bank statement
1. Access Bank Statement (CB06.1).
2. Choose Statement Close to open Bank Statement Close (CB191).
3. Consider the following fields.
Cash Code or Cash Code
Select a valid cash code or cash code group that
represents the bank account(s) that you want to
close a bank statement for.
NOTE If you select a cash code, the cash code
must be flagged Yes in the Reconciliation
Statement Required field on Cash Code (CB00.2). If
you select a cash code group, it must be defined on
Cash Code Group (CB11.1).
Reconciliation Statement
Type the bank-assigned statement number to
NOTE This number must be defined on Bank
Statement (CB06.1).
Report Sequence
Select a report sequence. Reports can be
sequenced by Line Number or Pay Code.
Update Option
Optional. Select an update option.
Select Yes to release bank transactions defined
on Bank Statement Detail Entry (CB06.2) and
close the specified bank statement.
NOTE Even with the Update option set to Yes, the
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program does not release the transactions or close
the statement until the statement is in balance and
free of errors.
Select No to create a preliminary report without
closing the statement.
Optional. Select Yes if you want to reprint a bank
statement after it has been closed.
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When I runCB220 (Bank History Report), I specify dates in the Issued Date fields but leave
the Reconcile/Void Date range blank. Why do payments with dates outside the Issued Date
range I specified print in my CB220 report?
Why does CB220 list payments outside the date range I specified?
When I run CB220 (Bank History Report), I specify dates in the Issued Date fields but leave
the Reconcile/Void Date range blank. Why do payments with dates outside the Issued Date
range I specified print in my CB220 report?
Check to see what your Date Option field on CB220 is set to. If you select O (Or) in the Date
Option field, CB220 will include transactions within the Issue Date range OR the
Reconcile/Void date range.
IMPORTANT: If you do not have a Reconcile/Void date range specified, the Cash Ledger (CB)
system assumes that the range is all dates.
To resolve this issue and obtain a CB220 report that only includes payments that match the
dates specified in your Issued Date fields, you need to run CB220 with the Date Option field
set to A (And).
Additional Information:
CB220 reconcile or void dates parameters flags fields ranges cash ledger cb issued dates fields
CB175 Bank Reconciliation posting to the General Ledger
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Why is CB175 (Bank Transaction Posting)posting to the General Ledger from the cash
account to the reconcile account for all reconciled transactions?
CB175 Bank Reconciliation posting to the General Ledger
Article ID:5432722
Why is CB175 (Bank Transaction Posting) posting to the General Ledger from the cash
account to the reconcile account for all reconciled transactions?
CB175 will post to the General Ledger for all transactions reconciled if the set up in CB00.3
(Company Cash Code Relationships) has the Reconcile Entry = Y. A General Ledger entry is
created from the Cash Account to the Reconcile Account defined in CB00.3.
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