Colonization STAAR Facts: 1. Joint Stock Colony – business coolly; investors own the land 2. Virginia – 1607; Jamestown, starving time; House of Burgesses, John Smith; tobacco 3. Massachusetts – 1620; settled by the Puritans/Pilgrims for religious freedom; Mayflower Compact; did not allow religious freedom in their colony 4. Maryland – settled by Lord Baltimore as a safe place for Catholics; offered religious freedom 5. Rhode Island – settled by Roger Williams; established separation of church and state 6. Connecticut – settled by Thomas Hooker; established voting rights 7. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut – first constitution in New World; all men who swore an oath of loyalty to colony and owned property could vote 8. Pennsylvania/Quakers – settled by William Penn, leader of the Quakers; Penn promised freedom of religion and guaranteed to not tax settler’s without the people’s consent; Quakers believed in equality of all people 9. Georgia – settled by James Oglethorpe; settled as a buffer between Spanish Florida and the rest of 13 colonies; safe place for debtors in England to get a fresh start 10. Great Awakening – started by Jonathan Edwards; 1730's Religious Revival that swept 13 Colonies 11. Mercantilism – Economic theory whereby England gains wealth/gold at expense of the 13 Colonies 12. Triangular Trade – Series of trade routes that led from colonies to England, Africa and West Indies (slave trade) 13. Middle Passage – Cruel passage from Africa to America for African slaves 14. Free Enterprise – Economic theory where colonists sought to gain wealth through free trade/no govt. interference 15. New England Colonies – (trade colonies) Northern most colonies/cold and rocky soil/multiple occupations 16. Middle Colonies – (bread basket) Centrally located colonies noted for their fertile land and large grain production 17. Southern Colonies – (cash crop) Southernmost colonies that concentrated on cash crop agriculture and slavery 18. Trial of John Peter Zenger – trial that established freedom of press in the colonies 19. French and Indian War – (1754-1763) War between France and the Indians vs. Britain and it colonies over control of the Ohio River Valley 20. Albany Plan of Union – Join or Die Snake/B. Franklin's failed effort to unify 13 Colonies against French Indian Threat 21. Treat of Paris 1763 - Document that formally ended French Indian War; kicking France out of North America