HCC Letter Format (d / 220)

Economy, Transport and Environment Department
Elizabeth II Court West, The Castle
Winchester, Hampshire SO23 8UD
Eastleigh Borough Council,
Eastleigh House,
Upper Market Street,
SO50 9YN.
0300 555 1375
0300 555 1388
0300 555 1389
Textphone 0300 555
Fax 01962 847055
(General Enquiries)
(Roads and Transport)
(Recycling Waste & Planning)
Enquiries to
Tom Fisher
My reference
Direct Line
01962 847224
Your reference
15th October 2015
For the attention of Dawn Errington
Dear Sirs
Proposal: Redevelopment of part of site for 121no. dwellings to include
the retention and conversion of the former workhouse and gatehouse
buildings and demolition of all other buildings with access off Botley
Road and associated amenity space, pedestrian access, parking,
landscaping, plant and refuse areas.
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the above application. It seeks
planning permission for redevelopment of parcel 1A within the wider
Moorgreen Hospital site. This includes 121 dwellings with a new access from
Botley Road. It should be noted that an Eastleigh Borough Council
Development Brief for this site was adopted in April 2015 and is part of their
Draft Local Plan 2011-2029.
The application site is located north of Botley Road and to the east of the
residential area West End. Within a 1km radius local amenities include a
supermarket, church, a gym, primary school and a public house. Further to the
east is Hedge End which includes a large number of retail units and fast food
The nearest primary school is around 750m walking distance from the site.
The walking route contains sections of missing footpath along the eastern side
of Moorgreen Road; a small section of footpath is to be built as part of this
development. The nearest secondary schools are located within 2.8km from
the site, they are both accessible from a bus stop located on Moorgreen Road.
A secondary school is proposed with the approved Land West of Horton
Director of Economy, Transport and Environment
Stuart Jarvis BSc DipTP FCIHT MRTPI
Call charges and information apply see www.hants.gov.uk
Heath site; however this is also located around 2.8km from the site.
The proposed site access will be supported by the continuous shared path
along Botley Road towards both Hedge End village centre and West End town
centre that is already present. In the vicinity of the site there are on and off
road cycle routes which can take you from West End to Southampton, this
joins with the National Cycle Network which runs from Southampton to
Bus stops can be found with 160m of the site on Botley Road and Moorgreen
Road. Served by the XelaBus X4/X10 service to Southampton, Eastleigh,
Waltham Chase and Botley hourly Monday-Saturday. There are additional
school services and infrequent local services in the vicinity of the site.
The closest railway station is Hedge End, approximately a 30 minute walk
from the site or accessible by bus. Stopping services between Portsmouth,
Eastleigh and London Waterloo call at Hedge End station every 30 minutes.
The facilities at the station are 31 sheltered and secure cycle storage spaces,
96 car parking spaces, a waiting room and daytime staffing.
Personal Injury Accidents
The Personal Injury Accident data has been extracted from the Land off Botley
Road Transport Assessment in addition to use of Crash Map it shows data
from January 2010 to December 2014. The scope provided is not sufficient to
fully assess accident data within the vicinity of the site and not consistent with
pre-application discussions. The applicant is advised to contact Hampshire
Constabulary to obtain the most recent data available for the agreed study
Vehicular Access
The applicant has proposed that access to the site would be served by a
single assess, which is in line with the Development Brief. The proposed
access arrangements achieve visibility requirements of 2.4m x 51.6m in the
primary direction and 2.4m x 48.7m in the secondary direction in accordance
with Manual for Streets criteria. The arrangements are supported by recorded
speeds of 34.1mph eastbound and 32.8mph westbound, conforming to
Manual for Streets criteria. Whilst the Applicant has demonstrated that a
simple T-junction is able to cater for the proposed development in capacity
terms, provision of a right turn lane requires consideration in accordance with
DMRB guidance, given the proposed development flows and existing
recorded flow data on Botley Road.
Off-Site Highway Works
Off-Site highway works include increasing the varying width of the shared
footway/cycleway on Botley Road to a minimum of 3.5m and inclusion of a
raised table at the site access to facilitate pedestrian/cyclist movement along
the footway/cycleway.
The works would also include implementing a 1.8m wide footway on the
eastern side of Moorgreen Road from West End Doctors Surgery to a pinch
point further north where a crossing point would connect to the existing
footway on the western side of the carriageway. It is necessary for the scope
to extend these works to St James Primary School to be explored in order to
ensure a safe and continuous route to school is provided.
Trip Assessment
In order to estimate the number of trips generated by the development the
Transport Assessment has used trip rates gained from the TRICS database.
Although the site has been the subject of a previous use, land within Parcel
1A has been vacant for a long time and the transport assessment accepts that
trips associated with the proposal will therefore be treated as ‘new’.
The Transport Assessment estimates that there will be 559 daily vehicle trips.
62 trips generated in the AM peak (17 arrivals and 45 departures) and 64 trips
generated between 17:00 and 18:00 (42 arrivals and 22 departures). This
assessed level of traffic is agreed.
Trip Distribution
The distribution has been extracted on the basis of data from the Land off
Botley Road application for 100 dwellings which was conducted in 2014 and
Land West of Horton Heath application for up to 950 dwellings. Whilst this
methodology was accepted at the pre-application stage it is noted that
distribution percentage data agreed during Pre-App discussions has changed
in the full Transport Assessment provided. The justification for this change
should be explained by the Applicant for the Highways Authority to fully
assess junction modelling.
The base traffic data has had traffic growth factors applied using TEMPRO to
the required assessment years with the relevant NTM adjusted growth for
Hedge End. These growth factors are outlined in Table 1 below and are
Table 1
Growth Rate
AM Peak
PM Peak
Junction Assessment
The Transport Assessment has reviewed the operational performance of the
following junctions in the two identified peak times, which will be impacted by
the proposals.
The proposed development access
Telegraph Road/Botley Road/Moorgreen Road/High Street Double Mini
Botley Road/Marshall Drive Signalised T-Junction
Tollbar Way/Botley Road Roundabout
Committed development refers to the outline approved West of Horton Heath
and recently refused Land off Botley Road, recently been refused by Eastleigh
Borough Council.
The baseline years suggested in the Transport Assessment have been agreed
by the Highway Authority. The scenarios ‘Baseline 2018 plus committed
development’ and Baseline 2018 plus committed development plus proposed
development’ will include half of the West of Horton Heath traffic (450
dwellings) and the trips associated with Land off Botley Road. The 2025
scenario will include all traffic associated with committed development.
Each junction has been assessed in isolation i.e. using junction software such
as ARCADY/PICADY/LINSIG. The Telegraph Road/Botley Road/Moorgreen
Road/High Street Double Mini Roundabout has been assessed on the basis of
an improvement scheme put forward for the Land West of Horton Heath. It
should however be noted that the Highway Authority have secured an
alternative contribution towards an improvement scheme at this junction. In
order to establish the impact of the proposed development upon the junction it
will be necessary for an operational assessment of the existing junction layout
to be undertaken.
The scope of assessment is agreeable to the County Council, as set out in
pre-application discussions. The junction assessments, however are yet to be
reviewed following clarification on the trip distribution.
Travel Plan
A Travel Plan has been submitted in support of the Application, although this
is yet to be approved by the Highway Authority. The Travel Plan will need to
include, but not limited to, a range of costed measures and incentives aimed
at reducing single occupancy car journeys. It will be necessary for the Travel
Plan to be secured by way of Section 106 Agreement in addition to a bond to
secure the costed measures which are to be agreed by the County Council.
Section 106 Obligations
The transport assessment includes a calculation based upon the County
Council’s Transport Contribution Policy, of £464,599. In accordance with the
Policy, the transport assessment suggests a proportion of this cost should be
discounted on the basis of the off-site transport infrastructure provided by the
developer. The principle of this approach is agreeable, however until the
junction assessment work has been completed and the scope of the off-site
footway works agreed, it is not possible to confirm the specific contribution
requirements at this stage. In order to ensure the mitigation package is
calculated reasonably, in accordance with the CIL tests, it will be necessary
for the Applicant to provide indicative costs for the proposed off-site highway
works required to support the development.
The Highway Authority request that the following information is provided to be
able to fully assess the impact of the proposals;
Wider analysis of Personal Injury Accident data
Consideration for full footway along the east side of Moorgreen Road
up to St James Primary School
Justification of updated trip distribution
Assessment of Telegraph Road/Botley Road/Moorgreen Road/High
Street Double Mini Roundabout existing layout
Cost information to support off-site infrastructure proposals
Consideration of right turn lane access arrangement to serve the
development proposal
I trust this is acceptable. Should you wish to discuss this further please
contact Tom Fisher on (01962) 847224
Yours faithfully
Steve Jenkins
Strategic Transport Manager