PERMITS & INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT ADOPTING THE 2006 INTERNATIONAL CODES RESIDENTIAL (IRC) COMMERCIAL (IBC) HVAC (IMC) PLUMBING (IPC) IMPORTANT DATES • To date new codes have not been adopted by BOCC • All code updates will be presented to the Commissioners for adoption and a public hearing will be held • New codes will be phased in similar to the 2003 code implementation IRC 2006 SECTION 301.5 CODE SECTION DESCRIPTION R301.5 Minimum uniformly distributed live load Attics with limited storage 20 PSF Attics without storage 10 PSF IRC 2006 SECTION 302 CODE SECTION DESCRIPTION R302.1 Exterior Wall and Opening Protection Exterior walls are now required to have a minimum 1-hour fire-resistance rating where the separation distance is less than 5 feet. Unprotected openings are permitted in limited quantities for fire separation distance between 3 and 5 feet IRC 2006 SECTION 310 CODE SECTION DESCRIPTION R310.1 Emergency Escape and Rescue Openings BY LOCAL AMENDMENT Basements in new construction and every sleeping room shall have at least one operable emergency and rescue opening. R310.5 Emergency Openings under decks Emergency escape windows are allowed to be installed under decks provided the window may be fully opened and provide a path not less than 36” high to yard. IRC 2006 SECTION 313 CODE SECTION DESCRIPTION R313.1 Smoke Alarms and Fire Alarm Systems All smoke alarms shall be listed in accordance with UL217and installed in accordance with this code and NFPA72 R313.1.1 Smoke alarms in existing dwellings When alterations, repairs or additions requiring a permit occur, or when one or more sleeping rooms are added or created in an existing dwelling, the individual dwelling unit shall be provided with smoke alarms located as required for a new dwelling; the smoke alarms shall be interconnected and hard wired. IRC 2006 SECTION 313.2.1 CODE SECTION DESCRIPTION • EXCEPTIONS: 1. Interconnection and hard wiring of smoke alarms in existing areas shall not be required where the alterations or repairs do not result in the removal of interior wall or ceiling finishes exposing the structure, unless there is an attic, crawl space or basement available. 2. Work involving exterior surfaces. IRC 2006 SECTION 403 CODE SECTION DESCRIPTION R403 FOOTINGS R403.1 All structures requiring continuous footings shall be reinforced with a minimum two (2) #4 reinforcing bars or as specified by a design professional. exception: footings are not required to be continuous where changes of elevation exceed 4 ft.. Such footings shall be connected by masonry lintels with a minimum of 18” bearing on steel reinforced footings. IRC 2006 SECTION 403 CODE SECTION DESCRIPTION R403 FOOTINGS R403.1.4.1 Except where otherwise protected from frost, foundation walls, piers and other permanent supports of buildings and structures shall be protected from frost by one or more of the following methods: 1. Extended below the frost line specified in Table R301.2.(1) 2. Erected on solid rock IRC 2006 SECTION 400 CODE SECTION R403.1.6 DESCRIPTION Foundation Anchorage The wood sole plates on exterior walls on monolithic slabs and wood sill plates shall be anchored to the foundation with anchor bolts space a maximum of 4-feet (1219mm) on center. exception: Foundation anchorage, spaced as required to provide equivalent anchorage to ½-inch-diameter anchor bolts ANCHOR BOLTS EMBEDDED IN FOUNDATION 4FT OC MAX IRC 2006 SECTION 400 CODE SECTION DESCRIPTION R404 FOUNDATION AND RETAINING WALLS R404.1 Concrete and masonry foundation walls when constructed in accordance with section 404, ACI318, ACI332, NCMA TR68-A or ACI 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402 are not required to bear the seal of the architect or engineer responsible for the design. TABLES R404.1(1), R404.1(2), & R404.1(3) ARE DELETED R404.3 Wood Sill plates Wood sill plates shall be a minimum of 2-inch by 6-inch nominal lumber for basements and crawl spaces with walls with unbalanced fill greater than4-feet in height. Other plates shall be 2-inch by 4-inch. IRC 2006 SECTION 400 CODE SECTION DESCRIPTION R404.5 Retaining Walls Retaining walls that are not laterally supported at the top and that retain in excess of 36-inches of unbalanced fill shall be designed to ensure stability against overturning, sliding, excessive foundation pressure, and water uplift. Retaining wall shall be designed for a safety factor of 1.5 against lateral sliding and overturning IRC 2006 SECTION 400 CODE SECTION R408 DESCRIPTION UNDER FLOOR SPACE R408.2 Openings for under-floor ventilation shall not be less than 1 sq. ft. for each 150 sq. ft. of floor space area. One such ventilation opening shall be within 3 ft of each corner of the building. IRC 2006 SECTION 400 CODE SECTION DESCRIPTION R408.3 Unvented Crawl Spaces Ventilation openings in under-floor spaces specified in section R408.1 & R408.2 shall not be required where: 1. Exposed earth is covered with a continuous vapor retarder. All joints of the vapor retarder shall overlap by 6-inches and shall be sealed or taped.The edges shall extend at least 6-inches up the stem wall and shall be attached and sealed to the stem wall: and IRC 2006 SECTION 400 CODE SECTION DESCRIPTION R408.3 Unvented Crawl Spaces R408.3 (cont.) 2. One of the following is provided for the under-floor space: a. Continuously operated mechanical exhaust ventilation at a rate equal to 1cfm for each 50 sq. ft. of crawl space area and the perimeter walls insulated in accordance with section N1102.2.8, b. Conditioned air supply sized to deliver at a rate equal to 1 cfm per 50 sq. ft. of under-floor area and perimeter walls insulated c. Plenum complying with N1601.4 if under-floor spaces used as plenum IRC 2006 SECTION 600 CODE SECTION DESCRIPTION R613.2 Window Sills Where window opening is > = 72” above grade : 1. Lowest part of clear opening of the window shall be a minimum of 24” above finished floor; 2. Glazing between the floor and 24” shall be fixed or have an opening such that a 4” sphere cannot pass through . Exception: Openings that are provided with a window guards that comply with ASTM F2006 or F2090 IRC 2006 SECTION 613.2 IRC 2006 SECTION 700 CODE SECTION DESCRIPTION R702.4.2 Cement, Fiber-Cement, and Glass Mat Gypsum Backers Green Gypsum board is no longer allowed to be used as a backer behind tiled tub and shower walls IRC 2006 CHAPTER 11 MARYLAND STATE ENERGY CODE As part of the International Energy Conservation Code the state of Maryland has adopted the Maryland Energy Code with no local amendments allowed. Washington County will perform energy code inspections, including verifying proper installation, flame and smoke developed index on insulation. INSULATION INSPECTION WILL NOW BE REQUIRED N1108.8 Certificate A permanent certificate shall be posted inside the electrical distribution panel completed by the builder listing: 1. R-values installed in ceiling/roof, walls, foundation, and ducts outside conditioned spaces; 2. U-values & solar heat gain coefficient of all windows 3. Type & efficiency of heating, cooling, and service water heating equipment. IRC 2006 APPENDIX F CODE SECTION DESCRIPTION Radon Control Methods AF101 Scope. This appendix contains requirements For new construction in jurisdictions where radon resistance construction is required. Exception: Radon control methods will not be required for crawl spaces when: 1. Ventilation is provided to the outside per section 408.1 &408.2 2. All penetrations through the floor/ceiling assembly comply with Section AF103.4.9 3. Crawl space access is provided in accordance with AF103.4.10 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE • A-2 Occupancies (Restaurants, Clubs, Bars, Banquet Halls) Shall be provided with a sprinkler system when – The fire area exceeds 5,000 sq. ft. – The fire area has an occupant load of 100 or more – The fire area is on a floor other than the level of exit discharge • Exemption added to increase mezzanine size in Type I or II construction with sprinkler system & emergency communication system. • Labeling & Identification of Fire Doors • Separation of Occupancies Table Change • International Existing Building Code INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE • The protection of exterior egress elements to prevent the accumulation of ice and snow is no longer required. • Single means of egress from group E daycare occupancy has been reduced from 50 to 10 occupants. – Residential daycare inspection will now be done solely by Fire Marshall's Office • Chapter 11 deleted in its entirety – Replaced with the Maryland Accessibility Code INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE BY LOCAL AMENDMENT EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2008 ALL MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS DOING BUSINESS IN WASHINGTON COUNTY MUST: 1. REGISTER WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF PERMITS & INSPECTIONS; AND 2. DISPLAY NAME OF LICENSEE AND REGISTRATION NUMBER ON ALL VEHICLES 3. PAY A REGISTRATION FEE Appeals for HVAC decisions are heard by the Washington County Plumbing and HVAC Board INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE M1305.1 M1305.1.3 Service & Inspection Access Clear Passage Way INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE Chapter 10 Boilers, Water Heaters, and Pressure Vessels Section 1004.8 The sale, installation,or use of outdoor wood boilers as defined and prohibited by Maryland Statute (COMAR§ is hereby prohibited in Washington County Maryland. INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE Chapter 10 ELECTRICAL CODE • THE WASHINGTON COUNTY ELECTRICAL BOARD of EXAMINERS AND SUPERVISORS has recommended to the BOCC the adoption of The ICC Electrical Code 2006 Administrative Provisions. – Chapter 12 has been deleted by Local Amendment – NEC 2008 and Local amendments will be reviewed and considered for adoption next year CIVIL CITATIONS The Washington County Department of Permits & Inspections is charged with the enforcement of the Washington County building codes to protect and promote the health, safety and general welfare of its residents. The Code authorizes the County to establish civil penalties for violations of the code in the event a violation is not corrected in a reasonable period of time. The goal of enforcing the code through the issuance of citations is not to generate revenue, but to encourage those in violation to bring their properties into compliance with the building codes. CIVIL CITATIONS Civil Citations will only be issued for the following violations: 1. Work started without proper permits 2. Notice of stop work (Unlawful Continuance ) 3. Violation of an unsafe structure posting 4. Violation of a certificate of Occupancy