Student Handbook - Keystone Heights Elementary School

Attendance and Absences
The Compulsory School Attendance Law-F.S. 232
requires all children from the age of six until the
age of 18 attend school on a regular basis. This
law holds parents/guardians responsible for their
child's school attendance. When your child has
accumulated five unexcused absences within a
calendar month or ten unexcused absences
within a 90-calendar day period, the teacher
must report absences to the principal and the
parent will be requested to attend a conference
with the School Social Worker to identify potential
remedies. A student is subject to retention if
absent a total of 20 days in the school year.
Policy 4.02 G states: Attendance at school is to
be encouraged. Perfect attendance certificates
for all students who have been neither absent
nor tardy during the school year are available for
issuance to students.
Policy 4.01 D6 states: Accumulated unexcused
tardy and early departure time equivalent to one
full school day may be counted as one
unexcused absence in the total number of
unexcused absences required for possible legal
State law requires a conference with you, either
in person or by phone, to discuss the school's
concerns regarding your child's attendance and
attempt to resolve any problems that may be
contributing to excessive absenteeism.
When a student becomes ill at home, and before
departing for school, it is the parents’ obligation
to retain the child at home. It is best for the child
not to attend school ill.
When students become ill at school, they will be
admitted to the clinic where they will be cared
for until taken home by parent, guardian, or
other means of transportation approved by the
parent. It is important to keep your child’s
emergency medical card updated.
Procedure for Student Absences
Section 232 F.S. provides that students whose
absence(s) have been approved as “excused”
will be able to make up assignments from their
teachers upon their return to school; therefore, a
note must be received by the teacher before
make-up assignments are given. It is the parent's
responsibility to send in notes prior to the
absence or upon the student's return to school
following the absence. The excuse note should
contain the following information:
•Date written and date of absence
•Student’s first and last name
•Homeroom Teacher’s name
•Reason for absence
•Parent's home and work phone number
•Parent or guardian signature
Absences may be excused for the following
reasons: sickness, injury, insurmountable
condition, religious holiday, religious instruction,
illness or death of a relative.
If a student fails to submit a written excuse of
absence within three (3) days, the absence will
remain unexcused. Teachers are not required to
accept work for unexcused absences. Preplanned extended absences need approval
from the principal. Notes should be sent in for
approval at least one week in advance.
Parents are encouraged to call the school when
their child is unable to attend school, phone 4734844.
Special Circumstances
Work assigned prior to an absence is due the day
the student returns to school. Work assigned
during the absence will be due in the amount of
time equal to the number of days absent. Allow
the teacher 24 hours to get the work together for
extended absences (over 3 days). Work
assigned and due during the time of an
unexcused absence may be accepted for credit
at the discretion of the teacher.
Prompt arrival at school is essential for your child
to have a successful day. Students are expected
to be in their classes at 8:35 am. Students arriving
in their classroom after 8:35 am will be
considered tardy. Parents of students who are
habitually tardy will be contacted.
Your child’s backpack/planner are our most
effective tools for school-wide and class-specific
communication, so thank you for making a habit
of checking them daily.
Before/After School Care
The Clay/Dye YMCA provides onsite before/after
school care in the KHES cafeteria. For
information, please call 904-545-2657. Offsite
childcare with transportation to and from KHES is
also available through a few privately owned
childcare centers.
Bus Service
Students who live more than two miles from their
assigned school are eligible for transportation to
the assigned school. Due to liability issues, no one
but county assigned riders may ride the bus.
Students will not be allowed to ride a bus home
with friends for after school activities. For bus stop
locations and pickup times please call 1-888-6632529 or visit (Click on Bus
Information listed under Parents and Students.)
How to Pay in Advance
To pay in advance, send in a check payable to
“KHES Cafeteria” with your child’s cafeteria
number in the memo section, or send in cash in a
sealed envelope with your child’s name,
teacher, and cafeteria number written on the
outside. It is now possible to access your child’s
lunch account via the Internet at Clay County
School Board/KHES website at .
Cafeteria Rules
• Students will obey the supervising adults.
• Students will sit at their assigned tables.
• Students will ask permission to leave their seats (by
raising their hand).
• Students will talk at a quiet level.
• Students should leave the cafeteria quietly when
Carbonated beverages such as Coke, Sprite, or
energy drinks are not allowed as a lunch item.
Bus Conduct
Students are expected to behave on the school
bus. Students who interfere with the safe
operation of a school bus which is stopped or
moving or who behave in a manner adversely
affecting an individual or any property on or near
the bus itself will be disciplined.
We recognize that there are occasions
throughout the school year such as birthdays and
holidays where parents bring in treats for the
class. Due to food allergies we ask that if you
choose to bring in a food product, that it be
STORE BOUGHT ONLY. These food products have
a list of ingredients that the teachers can consult
if need be.
The cost of a school breakfast is $1.25, a student
lunch is $1.75, milk or juice only is 50¢, and an
adult lunch is $3.00. You are welcome to join your
child for lunch in our cafeteria or in our picnic
area. Students are assigned a number to
remember on the first day of school. This number
will remain their lunch number while enrolled in
Clay County. The cafeteria manager will stamp
your child’s hand to notify you that the funds in
your child’s cafeteria account have run out.
Each student is provided with an amount equal
to two lunches in case of forgotten lunch money
but must pay back the funds promptly or not be
allowed to borrow again. Cafeteria menus are
available at monthly. If
you have questions about our cafeteria, please
call the cafeteria manager at 473-3156.
Computer Labs
KHES has two computer labs in Rooms 918 and
920. All grades (K-6) have a scheduled time to
visit the Computer Lab with their class at least
once a week. During this time, they will receive
technology instruction, participate in computer
activities, and practice process writing skills. One
important issue that is emphasized is INTERNET
SAFETY. Students are taught the importance of
parental guidance and permission before using
the Internet.
The lab is open from 8:00 AM until 3:15 PM daily.
Students are welcome to use the lab before and
after school for research, class assignments,
homework, and educational activities with
parental and teacher permission.
Check Policy
Your check is welcome! We accept checks
under the following conditions: Checks are
made payable to KHES except for school
pictures. If your check is returned or rejected for
any reason, you expressly authorize your account
to be electronically debited for the amount of
the check plus a processing fee of $35.00 or the
maximum amount allowed by law. The use of a
check for payment is your acknowledgment and
acceptance of this policy and its terms and
conditions. Insuracheck 866 268 0030
Daily Schedule
8:15 a.m. School supervision of students begins
8:15 a.m. First bell- Students report to classrooms
8:35 a.m. Tardy bell-Class begins
2:42 p.m. Kdg.-2nd grade
2:45 p.m. 3rd-6th bus riders
2:47 p.m. 3rd – 6th gr. walkers and parent pickup
Staff supervision at KHES begins at 8:15 a.m.
Please do not drop off your children before 8:15
a.m. or allow them to come to school early and
wait outside the locked gates without adult
supervision. The Pryme Time YMCA offers an onsite program at our school for families whose
schedules require before-school childcare.
Classroom teachers will have the primary
responsibility for instructing our students
concerning our expectation of respect toward
all. Every classroom teacher will establish a
process for recognizing, rewarding, and
reinforcing good self-management behaviors
exhibited by students
Discipline Referrals
Students who behave inappropriately or unsafely
may receive a discipline referral. Any staff
member may issue a referral to any student at
any time on the school grounds or at schoolsponsored events. Please discuss this policy with
your children so that they understand that they
must obey all KHES staff members and adult
volunteers at all times to ensure their safety and
The administration and the KHES Faculty and Staff
will follow the Student Code of Conduct
approved by the Clay County School Board.
Early Release Days
Early release days are used by schools to provide
coordinated time for staff collaboration and
professional development.
Early Release Dismissal Times:
11:35 a.m. Kdg/1st/2nd/3rd Bus Rider Dismissal
11:40 a.m. 4th/5th/6th Bus Rider Dismissal
11:45 a.m. Walker Dismissal and Buses Leave
Emergency Dismissals
When you enroll your student, we will ask you to
complete an emergency dismissal form to
provide contact information and instructions
about what to do with your child in case of an
emergency dismissal. Be sure to update this
information as it changes. We will also ask you to
provide the telephone numbers of trusted
neighbors, friends, or relatives that we can call if
we are unable to reach you. [See also Inclement
Field Trips
Classroom teachers will send home permission
slips prior to any field trip. In order for a student to
participate in a field trip, a permission slip must
be completely filled out and signed by a
parent/guardian and returned to school before
the trip. Students without a completed permission
slip must remain at school during the field trip.
Parents and guardians are welcomed to
chaperone as space permits. Students will remain
with their classes to and from the event. Siblings
will not be able to attend. Chaperones are asked
to follow school dress code for all events.
Students receive a report card each nine weeks
that indicates the student's grades in each
subject. Be sure to review the report card
carefully and discuss the results with your child.
Interim Reports are sent to parents 4.5 weeks into
the 9 weeks grading period. The dates can be
found on the Student Calendar. The report
should be signed by the parent or guardian and
returned to the teacher the following day.
Parents are encouraged to arrange a
conference with the teacher to discuss any
Parents of students in grades 3-6 can check the
Parent Portal on FOCUS for grades.
Health Screenings
Basic weight, hearing, and vision screens are
given to students in grades K-1-2-3 and 5. Sixth
grader students are screened for scoliosis. If you
have any questions or concerns, please call our
school nurse, Mrs. White or Mrs. Horton.
Homework assignments are given for the purpose
of reviewing classroom content and reinforcing
skill development. Working together, parents and
teachers can help children to develop
independent study habits and become lifelong
learners. Homework during extended absences 2
days or more can be picked up with a 24 hour
Teachers refer students to the Clinic if they
become ill at school. The Clinic is staffed by a
school nurse. We will ask you to provide your
contact information when you enroll your child.
We will also ask for the telephone numbers of
trusted neighbors, relatives, or friends that we
can call if we are unable to reach you. Please be
sure to update this information as it changes. You
will be contacted if it appears advisable to send
your child home. If we cannot reach you within a
reasonable time, an emergency contact will be
called. Please remember that children need to
stay home when they have a fever, are vomiting,
or generally don’t feel well enough to participate
in school. It is our recommendation that students
be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to
school. Students may sit on benches during
recess if their physical activity needs to be
limited. Extended exemptions require a doctor’s
note. In order to safeguard the school
community from the spread of certain
communicable diseases, the Clay County School
District follows the recommendations provided by
the Florida Department of Health and the Clay
County Health Department.
Inclement Weather
If weather conditions cause safety concerns, the
district will announce through the news media
either that schools will be closed or that an
abbreviated schedule will be followed. Please
stay tuned to your radio rather than attempting
to call the school. If possible, each family will be
contacted through a phone call via Parent Link
(Phone Message) to inform them of school open
or closed status.
Insurance – School
The Clay County School Board makes student
accident insurance available for purchase for all
students enrolled at KHES. Information about this
insurance will be sent home with your child early
in the school year.
Lost & Found
There is a Lost and Found area on brick wall by
Mrs. White’s Clinic. Unclaimed items are donated
to the Lake Area Ministry Bank two or three times
a year. A “last chance” announcement will be
made on the Morning Announcements for one
week before the donation is made.
Media Center
Students in grades Kdg to Sixth grade visit the
library for library curriculum-related lessons and a
check-out time on a weekly basis. All students
may check out books every day before school
from 8:15 and after school until 3:05. For more
information about check-out limits, library
policies, library events and activities, please stop
by the library during school hours or visit the
school website at
To administer a prescription or non-prescription
medication to your child, we must have an
“Authorization to Administer Medication” form
signed by a licensed health care provider on file.
It is against state law for school employees to
administer medication without this authorization.
Medication is administered at school only when
absolutely necessary; for example, most
antibiotics can be given at home when
prescribed for three times per day. Parents are
welcome to come to school to give medications
which are prescribed for a short time. Please call
the school nurse at 473-2740 for more
information. Medication must be in original
container with dosage amount.
leash, there is the possibility of the animal
becoming aggressive with so many children
Parent Involvement
Physical Education
All visitors and volunteers must sign in/out at the
office and must wear a visitor badge while on
campus. We do this for the safety and security of
our students. All visitors must follow our school
dress code. Visitation to the classroom must be
approved and arranged ahead of time.
Physical education is a regular part of our
curriculum and all children are expected to
participate. Exceptions will be made only with a
physician’s written statement. On days when
your child has P.E., please make sure he or she is
dressed for physical activity including
appropriate tennis shoes.
Volunteer opportunities abound at KHES, in the
classrooms and with parent organizations such as
the PFA. We welcome your participation! Let us
know of any special interests or abilities you can
share with us. Check with your child's teacher to
see what you can do to help in the classroom.
We need you! A volunteer information card
needs to be on file in the Front Office. Please
stop by and complete prior to volunteering. We
will provide training at the beginning of the
school year for those helping with our copiers
and computer labs.
Several activities promoting physical fitness are
open to the students throughout the year.
Classroom Observation
In order to minimize disruptions to the education
of our students, parents and/or their guests may
not observe in classrooms other than their own
child's. Please note that this rule applies to
observations, not participation at the invitation of
the teacher. Please contact administration to
arrange a visitation of your child’s classroom in
advance of your visit. Teachers are provided
notice prior to having guests visit.
It is against our school policy for students or staff
to bring pets to school. Some students are highly
allergic to pet dander. Please do not walk your
children to class with the family pet. Even on a
PFA (Parent-Faculty Association)
Keystone Heights Elementary School is fortunate
to have wonderful parents and faculty who will
work together to ensure that KHES is the best it
can be.
Striders, a walk/run club, begins in September
and continues until May. Tuesday and Thursday
gates open at 7:20 walking or running is from
7:30-8:00 a.m.
Adventures in reading is a month long reading
program encouraging the love of reading. The
program ends with a 2 hour culminating event of
10 activity stations during the school day.
Run into Spring Track Meet is for all of our students
K-6. It is held at the KHHS stadium after school in
Playground Rules
We expect all students to obey the following
playground rules:
• Be a good sport, play fairly, and make new
friends! No closed games. Allow everyone in on the
• Play away from the edges of the playground. Do
not go beyond the fences or off school property.
• If a ball should go out of the playground or into
the street or parking lot, ask your teacher for help.
• SWINGS are to be used by one person at a time
and only in a sitting position. Twisting the swing,
standing on it, jumping from it, and other unsafe
behaviors are not allowed. Children who are not
swinging should stand clear of the swings.
climbing and sliding. Tag games, jumping from the
top, pushing or shoving, or interfering with anyone
on the equipment is not allowed.
• SMALL EQUIPMENT such as balls and Frisbees must
be used in the appropriate places only (basketball
courts, four-square areas, field) and must be PUT
AWAY PROPERLY when recess is over.
• JUMP ROPES are to be used on the blacktop and
only in areas where jumping will not interfere with
other activities.
Student Safety
Drop-off/ Pick-up
Bus lane on Pecan Street is closed to traffic
before and after school. We have crossing
guards at Pecan Street/Orchid Avenue and
Pecan Street at SR 21.
For the safety of students and their families,
please observe these rules:
• DO NOT drop off your child at school before 8:15
a.m. Please wait for staff supervision to open gates
before you depart.
• Review with your child the rules for crossing streets
safely. Remind your child to cross only at
designated crosswalks or intersections.
• Please drop-off and pick-up your student
curbside. DO NOT allow your child to exit or enter
any vehicle in the middle of the street!
• Observe the speed limit of 15 mph in the school
• Observe the NO PARKING signs along Pecan
Street and on Orchid Avenue at arrival and
dismissal times.
Kindergarten parents must walk up to the school
to meet their children at the Recess Gate rather
than the cafeteria gate. Teachers will
accompany the children to this gate for safe
Bike Safety
Your child is welcome to ride his or her bike to
school. Ask your child to walk the bike across the
crosswalks to school, in the school parking lot, on
campus, and wherever pedestrian traffic is busy.
Students should wear a bicycle helmet as this is
Florida Law. To insure bike security, bikes should
be locked. The school is not responsible for loss or
damage to bikes. Skateboards, inline skates, and
scooters are not allowed on campus before,
during, or after school.
Changes in transportation
It is important that children know where they are
to go after school. For the safety of students, you
MUST send a signed note to your child’s teacher
in the morning to make a same-day change to
your child’s go-home plan. Phone calls to
change go-home plans will not be accepted
unless it is an absolute emergency. Please note
that Clay County School Board policy states that
children must not be left at school more than
fifteen (15) minutes before or after the normal
school day.
School Dress Code
We expect student dress and grooming to reflect
high standards of personal conduct so that each
student’s attire promotes a positive, safe, and
healthy atmosphere within the school.
• Hats, caps and sunglasses may not be worn at
school unless approved for specific activities and/or
medical reasons.
• Backless shoes are not allowed at school.
• Pants should fit at the natural waistline without
any support. Oversized pants are not allowed.
Clothing should not have holes.
• Shorts and skirts should not be any shorter than
fingertip length. Students may wear leggings under
clothing, but the length of the skirt/shorts must still
be of the appropriate length.
• Shirts must cover the torso and personal
undergarments. Backless tops, halter tops, and
spaghetti straps are not allowed. The shoulder of
sleeveless shirts should measure at least a three
finger width.
•Apparel that advertises or depicts alcohol, drugs,
tobacco products, gang membership, obscene
language or graphics, and/or phrases that are
offensive to others are not permitted.
The Administration has the authority to make the
final determination related to school dress code
Parents will be called to provide acceptable
clothing for their child if inappropriate clothing is
worn to school. Repeated incidents will be
treated as discipline offenses. Thank you for your
cooperation when selecting your child’s
wardrobe for school. Rule of thumb: if in doubt,
don’t wear it.
School Rules
We expect students to follow these guidelines
each day at school:
Make good decisions
Be Honest
Have a positive attitude
Be responsible
Be respectful
Believe in yourself
Promoting Responsibility In Decision Making Every
More detailed rules and specific expectations will
be taught and reinforced throughout the school
Achievement test schedules are set annually at
the county level and administered on a county
wide basis. Results are sent home and teachers
are available for conferences regarding the
child's progress. Your child’s teacher will give you
more information about testing specific to their
grade level.
Transferring from KHES
If your student must transfer from KHES, please
notify the school office at least three days prior to
the student's last day if possible. This will enable
our registrar (Mrs. Goetzman) to complete the
necessary forms in a timely fashion.
Websites is the Clay County Schools
website is our school
website, which is updated monthly during the
school year, is a wonderful resource for
information about KHES. Please bookmark our
school website and plan to visit often.
Wireless Communication Devices
Students may possess a wireless communication
device (cell phone) while the student is on school
property or in attendance at a school function
for after-hours usage. The wireless
communication device must be powered off
and kept in a backpack upon entry through the
gates of the school and throughout the entire
school day or while on school transportation at
any time. If the device is “powered on” it will be
interpreted as being in “use” and the student will
be sent to administration. “Usage” of a wireless
communication device upon arrival to school or
while on school transportation at any time will
result in disciplinary action and could carry a
consequence of up to 3 (three) days OSS for the
first offense.
Taking photographs or videos by any means,
whatsoever, while on school board property or
while on school transportation is prohibited. The
only exceptions to this prohibition are:
1. Taking photos for reproduction in a school
sponsored publication.
2. Taking photos during a school sponsored
social event, sporting event, awards ceremony or
other school sponsored activity or function at which
photography is allowed and the photographs are
images of activities which are reasonably
considered to be part of the activity or event.
3. Taking photographs with the permission of
the school administration.
Publication on any internet site of any
photographs, videos or images taken in violation
of the prohibitions listed above is strictly
prohibited, will be deemed disruptive to the
order of the school and will be sufficient reason
to impose disciplinary measures which may
include, but not be limited to, In-School
Suspension, Out of School Suspension and
Recommendation for Expulsion.