Yash's Medusa Practice Exam New

Medusa Practice Exam
Yash C
1. Achilles wounded this son of Heracles. He was healed by rust from the spear that hurt him.
a. Telephus
b. Lycaon
c. Agelaus
d. Tlepolemus
2. What brother of Oeax was stoned to death for “having” a letter from Priam in his tent?
a. Nauplius
c. Palamedes
d. Isus
3. Agamemnon did not take ________.
a. Isus’ life
b. Cassandra as a concubine c. Briseis from Achilles
d. Aretus’ life
4. Which one of the following was not killed by Neoptolemus?
a. Polites
b. Eurypylus
c. Polyxena
d. Pedasus
5. Who healed Philoctetes, Telephus, and Menelaus?
a. Asclepius
b. Apollo
c. Machaon
d. Chiron
6. The first man to jump off the Achaean ships at Troy was _________
a. Nestor
b. Pandarus
c. Odysseus
d. Protesilaus
7. What Trojan was killed by two serpents after saying “I fear the Greeks even bearing gifts.”?
a. Laocoon
b. Hector
c. Cassandra
d. Epeius
8. Agamemnon was forced to return what woman to her father?
a. Briseis
b. Chryseis
c. Cassandra
d. Hecuba
9. What son of Hecuba did she send to live with king Polymestor so he wouldn’t die at war?
a. Polyborus
b. Polites
c. Paris
d. Polydorus
10. Which person below had no role in building the Trojan horse?
a. Epeius
b. Odysseus
c. Nestor
d. Athena
11. Who didn’t go to try and convince Achilles to return to the Trojan War?
a. Ajax son of Telamon
b. Ajax son of Oileus
c. Odysseus
d. Phoenix
12. Thersites mocked Achilles for falling in love with the corpse of what Amazon?
a. Antiope
b. Penthesilia
c. Hippolyta
d. Briseis
13. Which son of Atreus went to Catreus’s funeral, thereby leaving his wife with a strange guest?
a. Menelaus
b. Achilles
c. Agamemnon
d. Paris
14. What Greek “deserter” tricked the Trojans into believing that the wooden horse was a gift?
a. Dolon
b. Odysseus
c. Epeius
d. Sinon
15. What do Diomedes and Glaucus exchange instead of dueling to the death?
a. phone numbers
b. swords
c. concubines
d. armor
16. What rained from the sky after Sarpedon’s death?
a. blood
b. tears
c. poison
d. wine
17. What son of Nestor announced the death of Patroclus to Achilles?
a. Aretus
b. Peisistratus
c. Antilochus
d. Thrasymedes
18. Achilles still killed _______, even after he grabbed Achilles’ knees and begged for mercy.
a. Isus
b. Deiphobus
c. Lycaon
d. Pandarus
19. After the war, she was taken as Neoptolemus’ concubine.
a. Andromache
b. Helen
c. Hecuba
d. Cassandra
20. What goddess killed Ajax son of Oileus after he raped Cassandra in her temple?
a. Hera
b. Artemis
c. Aphrodite
d. Athena
21. Who predicted that Clytemnestra would kill her when she came home with Agamemnon?
a. Cassandra
b. Helen
c. Andromache
d. Hecuba
22. Achilles: Automedon:: Hector: _______
a. Deiphobus
b. Hera
c. Antilochus
d. Cebriones
23. Who predicted that Troy would not fall until the Greeks got back Philoctetes?
a. Mopsus
b. Calchas
c. Helenus
d. Cassandra
24. Athena took the form of what son of Priam to deceive Hector and allow Achilles to kill him?
a. Helenus
b. Deiphobus
c. Pandarus
d. Paris
25. Who am I? My nickname meant “high king” and Pyrrhus threw me from the walls of Troy.
a. Priam
b. Isus
c. Scamandrius
d. Talthybius
26. What Cretan at Troy was forced to sacrifice his son due to a deal he made with Poseidon?
a. Idomeneus
b. Leucus
c. Orsilochus
d. Thersites
27. What son of Priam married Oenone, who later refused to heal his fatal wounds?
a. Hector
b. Helenus
c. Alexander
d. Deiphobus
28. How many sons did Priam have?
a. 100
b. 52
c. 51
d. 50
29. What deity was tasked with taking Sarpedon’s body back to Lycia?
a. Iris
b. Hermes
c. Hypnos
d. Thanatos
30. What Thracian king with very fine horses died without fighting in battle?
a. Rhesus
b. Diomedes
c. Eioneus
d. Strymon
31. When this son of Tithonus died, Zeus, moved by his mother’s tears, made him immortal.
a. Cepheus
b. Celeus
c. Memnon
d. Agamemnon
32. What queen and wife of Mynes indirectly caused the major conflict of The Iliad?
a. Helen
b. Briseis
c. Cassandra
d. Chryseis
33. Who served as Aeneas’ charioteer and broke a potentially peaceful truce with his arrow?
a. Protesilaus
b. Pandarus
c. Koalarus
d. Dolon
34. Which of the following was not a requirement for the Greeks to win the war?
a. Philoctetes’ sword b. The Palladium
c. Pelops’ bones
d. Neoptolemus had to fight
35. Who boasted of his affair with Aphrodite and was blasted by a lightning bolt as a result?
a. Aeneas
b. Turnus
c. Anchises
d. Pandarus
36. Who was the second best Achaean warrior at Troy? He even wounded gods.
a. Achilles
b. Ajax the Greater
c. Diomedes
d. Odysseus
37. With which one of the following did Hector not duel?
a. Diomedes
b. Achilles
c. Protesilaus
d. Ajax the Greater
38. Which of the following deities supported only the Greeks?
a. Artemis
b. Aphrodite
c. Hermes
d. Ares
39. Who killed himself after Odysseus won the armor of Achilles?
a. Ajax the Greater b. Ajax the Lesser
c. Diomedes
d. Agamemnon
40. Aphrodite, Apollo, and Poseidon all rescued which Trojan warrior in battle?
a. Hector
b. Deiphobus
c. Glaucus
d. Aeneas
41. What Greek warrior is described as bow-legged, lame, and ugly by Homer?
a. Agamemon
b. Thersites
c. Phoenix
d. Sinon
42. Who shot his cousin Hector’s charioteer from behind his half-brother’s giant shield?
a. Ajax the Greater
b. Diomedes
c. Paris
d. Teucer
43. Who am I? I killed Sarpedon. It took the combined efforts of Apollo, Euphorbos, and Hector
to slay me.
a. Diomedes
b. Patroclus
c. Achilles
d. Phoenix
44. What Trojan spy was killed by Diomedes after telling him the tents and strengths of the
Trojan allies?
a. Dolon
b. Sinon
c. Rhesus
d. Silon
45. Whose wife, Laodamia, constructed a bronze statue of him to mourn his death?
a. Pandarus
b. Isus
c. Rhesus
d. Protesilaus
46. Helenus did not ________
a. vie for Helen’s hand
b. marry Andromache
c. get captured by Agamemnon
d. prophesize Aeneas’s founding of Rome
47. Which Greek leader is not paired correctly with how Helen and Priam describe him?
a. Odysseus: a ram b. Agamemnon: a bull
c. Ajax: a bulwark
d. Idomeneus: god-like
48. If in the picture on the right, the little boy on the left is
Iulus, who is the woman on the right?
a. Hera
b. Aphrodite
c. Creusa
d. Hecuba
49. If the person on the right is Achilles, who is the
person on the left and why is he fighting Achilles?
a. Scamander; Achilles dumped bodies in his river.
b. Poseidon; Achilles insulted him.
c. Poseidon; Achilles claimed to be stronger than him.
d. Nereus; Achilles insulted Nereus’ daughter and
Achilles mother, Thetis.
50. The shield to the right is a physical representation of the Earth as the
Greeks saw it and belonged to Achilles. What god was involved with both
the event in question 49’s picture and the object pictured here?
a. Zeus
b. Hephaestus
c. Poseidon
d. Apollo
1. A
2. C
3. D
4. D
5. C
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. D
10. C
11. B
12. B
13. A
14. D
15. D
16. A
17. C
18. C
19. A
20. D
21. A
22. D
23. B
24. B
25. C
26. A
27. C
28. D
29. D
30. A
31. C
32. B
33. B
34. A
35. C
36. C
37. A
38. C
39. A
40. D
41. B
42. D
43. B
44. A
45. D
46. C
47. B
48. C
49. A
50. B