The Celestial Light of Deliverance and Knowledge Is In You

Lesson 1
July 6, 2014
Volume 26
The Celestial Light of Deliverance and
Knowledge Is In You
Devotional Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:34-45
It is always important to realize and
remember that we are not just earthly
human beings with a physical body full
of mortal limitations. Every atom,
molecule, cell, tissue, and organ of our
physical body receives life from the
spiritual body that was created in the
image and likeness of God. Our bodies
communicate with extra-terrestrial
forces of life and all creation to
maintain a high quality of survival.
God placed an electronic and spiritual
system of chemistry, biology, and
psychology in our souls and bodies that
is capable of constant healing and
positive longevity. The soul and body
must be protected from the unreliable
conditions of the world that rob us and
strip us from our true originality.
We must master the art and business of
being translated out of the life of Adam
into the kingdom life of the resurrected
Christ. Based upon the reality of over
400 years of slavery in the Gentile
dispensation, our ancestors suffered
from the loss of the genetic substance
that protected them from disease and
short life spans. Being stripped of their
true original culture, knowledge, and
identity caused them to live like
animals in a corrupt contaminated
world. Therefore our terrestrial bodies
must be trained to receive wisdom,
knowledge, and understanding from
the celestial consciousness that thinks
with the Christ mind. The conditions of
high blood pressure, diabetes, strokes,
heart attacks, cancer, and premature
death cannot assault a person that is
able to overrule the human nature of
the first Adam. Celestial-minded
thinking causes us to process our
thoughts and elevate our minds into the
consciousness of the last Adam, where
ignorance, lack of knowledge and selfdestruction does not exist. As long as
we lack the true knowledge of self and
miss out on expanding in the
knowledge of God, the world will
continue to treat us like savages and
define us as worthless creatures.
Our highest priority is to function from
a heavenly mind and avoid living from
an earthly mind that inherited
unhealthy conditions from the slave
masters and tricked us into living with
no purpose and no divine destiny. The
Everlasting Gospel was revealed in
1897 to raise the consciousness of
God's people and establish a new
world, where human plantation
knowledge and the kingdom gospel
will be replaced by an overflow of
triumphant celestial knowledge. The
religious knowledge of the kingdom
gospel is too limited to satisfy us with
what we really need from God. So we
must advance into the divine
understanding that is able to quicken
our minds with regenerative power and
reverse and prevent the causes of
aging, sickness, suffering and death.
Lesson Scripture: Psalms 139:7-14; Philippians 3:20-21
Lesson Outline:
God Created you to be Wonderful and Marvelous.
(Psalms 139:7-14)
One of the greatest causes of physical
decline and loss of life is using the
wisdom of the world to manage a body
and soul that God created. Our souls
have access to the knowledge of
everlasting and eternal life, but we
have to make a super conscious contact
with the life center of the Christ mind
in order to receive that knowledge. Sin
and ignorance makes the carnal mind
create sickness and declining health
in the earthly body. Righteousness and
triumphant life in Christ is the only
way to comprehend the spiritual
knowledge that unlocks the reality of
body redemption. Through the power
of prayer and spiritual meditation, our
bodies can experience the perfection of
a divine mind where the life-giving
words of truth can quicken us and
cause us to live as long as we desire.
The knowledge of being created in the
image and after the likeness of God
must become an illumination in our
souls and bodies through the
Everlasting Gospel. Then we will be
able to turn our earthly body into a
celestial body made of flesh, bone, and
Spirit and leave the limitations of flesh
and blood behind us.
A Change Is Going to Happen Very Soon. (Philippians 3:2021)
Heaven is no longer understood to be a
place where we go to put on gold
slippers, white robes, two wings, and
streets paved with gold. Heaven is the
highest level of Christ consciousness
where we find ourselves in harmony
with the thoughts, revelations, and
principles of the true and living God.
Our conversation in heaven confirms
the statement that Jesus gave in John
10:30 that says, "I and my Father
are one." When we properly adjust
ourselves to the kingdom of God that is
already on the inside, then we will be
able to demonstrate a great change that
will consume our terrestrial bodies
with the spiritual power of our celestial
bodies. When our vile bodies are
redefined and reconstructed into a
glorious body, we will experience a
body that is completely made of
spiritual substance, eternal health, and
everlasting glorification. Every thought
of our minds will be pure spiritual
substance and we will no longer be
subject to physical and mortal laws that
support sin and death. The law of the
Spirit of life in Christ Jesus will be
operating in our entire being and there
will be no more corruption or
To Think About
Let the word, power, and anointing of the Christ mind travel through every system
and central location of your physical body. The abiding consciousness of the Holy
Ghost will also quicken every cell, atom, and molecule of your physical body and
give you a celestial revelation about yourself.
Revealed Verse: I don’t just believe God created me to live and not die, I know He
created me to live on and on.
Daily Bible Reading
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
I Cor.
1 Cor.
Lesson 2
July 13, 2014
Volume 26
The Super-Conscious Mind Written by Presider Yolanda C. White
Devotional Reading: Romans 8:1-8
The mind or consciousness is defined
as the “seat of all thought and memory
housed in the human brain”. It contains
all of our emotions, perceptions,
imaginations, and will. The mind is
also said to have 3 levels—Conscious,
sub-conscious, and super-conscious.
The conscious is the “here and now”
mind responsible for logic, calculations
and all actions that are performed
while you are awake or aware. The
subconscious is the “save it for later”
mind that stores all of your previous
life experiences, your beliefs, your
memories, your skills, all situations
you've been through and all the images
you've ever seen. For example, when
you learned to ride a bike or drive a
car, you can now do it automatically,
without thinking about it. The
subconscious mind also controls other
functions in your body like breathing
and heart beats.
The super-conscious mind is the
“universal mind”. It has two aspects;
the first aspect is that it is infinite
intelligence that governs the whole
universe (GOD). The second is that it
is the collective consciousness of
everyone and everything that exist in
all levels of reality, sum of all minds
that are in existence. It is in the superconscious mind that we can hear God!
It is the state of “super-consciousness”
that we experience an extraordinary
transport in the depth of contemplation
or “elevated” consciousness. If we
would elevate our minds above the
flesh and carnal thinking, we would
hear and see clearly the things that God
has prepared for those who love him.
When our minds are in a low or
polluted estate, we cannot hear or see
God, it is like being in a football
stadium and the cheers are so loud that
you can’t distinguish one voice from
the other. If we really want to hear
from God, we must tune out everything
that is not like him and tune in (elevate
our minds) to the universal broadcast
of God. Hear what the spirit is saying
to the church.
The whole goal and purpose for the
Super Conscious mind is so that we
might cast down all imaginations and
everything that exalts itself against the
knowledge of Christ and bring “every
thought” of our mind to the obedience
of Christ. Very few people operate in
the super-conscious mind, because in
this mind the flesh does not exist!
Lesson Scripture: Colossians 3:1-3; Ephesians 6:10-18
Lesson Outline:
Elevate Your Mind to Super-Consciousness. (Colossians 3:1-3)
“……Tune in and listen there’s a
universal broadcast going on”, in
other words God is speaking and we
must tune in, or rather elevate our
minds, to hear what the spirit (God) is
saying to the church (me). God is
always speaking, but we are not always
listening because we do not lift our
minds high enough to hear the voice of
God. We miss his voice when our
minds have too much interference and
static, that is, we listen to everything
else, but God. We don’t have an ear
for him because we are too focused on
gossip, garbage, problems, situations,
and circumstances. These things
pollute our minds and deafen our ears
so that we are unable to hear what the
spirit is saying. If you truly want to
hear and see what God is saying and
doing, you must elevate your mind!
If we then have risen with Christ,
which is a privilege— that is, have
benefited by union and communion
with him are justified and sanctified,
and shall be glorified. We must seek
those things which are above. We must
mind the concerns of the spiritual
world more than the concerns of the
carnal world. We must make God our
scope and aim, seek the favor of God,
keep up our communion with God by
faith, hope, and agape love, and make
it our constant care and business to
secure our title to and qualifications for
the inheritance of eternal life.
We should seek and secure what he has
purchased at so great an expense (his
life). We must live such a life as Christ
lived here on earth and lives now in
eternity, according to our abilities.
II. Satan Cannot Enter the Super Conscious Mind. (Ephesians
We must guard our minds by putting
on the whole armor of God, that no
part be naked and exposed to the
enemy. It is called the armor of God,
because he both prepares and bestows
it. We have no armor of our own that
will be armor of proof in a trying time.
Nothing will enable us to stand, but the
armor of God. This armor is prepared
for us, but we must put it on; that is,
we must pray for grace, we must use
the grace given us, and draw it out into
act and exercise as there is occasion.
The armor of God is the Word of God!
The Super Conscious mind is the mind
of Christ, and where he dwells, Satan
cannot enter. Remember Satan was
cast down from the heavenly (high or
above) places, therefore when we
elevate our minds to superconsciousness, he cannot enter, his
access was revoked a long time ago.
Spiritual warfare consists of struggling
against evil forces in our minds. The
Bible is clear that this is not a battle
which is fought on a physical plain at
all, but rather a spiritual one. For we
fight against the opposition of the
powers of darkness, and with many
enemies who would keep us from God
and eternal life.
Who are these principalities, powers,
rulers of darkness and such? They all
stem from Satan's kingdom, but since
Satan is not omnipresent (can be
everywhere at once), he works through
a network or an army of demonic
spirits. We must tap into the SuperConscious mind where the arms of sin
and death cannot reach us.
To Think About
In order to change from the conformation of this world, we must change the way we
think; in order to pull off mortality and carnality, we must change the way we think; in
order to see, hear, and become God’s true image, we must change the way we think!?
We can only have the super-conscious experience when we endeavor to abstract our
thoughts and affections from the flesh and carnality, and be completely under the
influence of the Holy Ghost.
Revealed Verse: Elevate your mind to super-consciousness!
Daily Bible Reading
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday