File - Green Oak Baptist Church

Bro. Ben Derrick
During this study we have talked about 4 of the 7 major judgments found in the Bible:
1. The Judgment of Sin at Calvary
o The judgment determines whether or not you get to go to Heaven or Hell based upon what you
do with this fact!
 2 Cor 5:21
2. The Self Judgment of a Christian
o This judgment determines whether or not we live a fruitful Christian life and whether or not we
stay in fellowship!
 1 Cor 11:31
 John 15:10
3. The Judgment Seat of Christ
This Judgment is for Christians to hand out rewards for service after salvation. We will all give
account for what we have done whether it be good or bad.
 Rom 14:10
 1 Cor 3
 2 Cor 5:10
4. The Judgment of Israel during the Tribulation
Dan 9:27
5. The Judgment of Nations (Judgment of Sheep and Goat Nations)
Matt 25:31-46
O 1 Cor 6:3
O 2 Pet 2:4
- Facts about angels in the Bible:
1. They are always represented as male:
O Gen 19:5
O Judges 6:21, the angel holds a staff in “his” hand
O Zech 1:19
O Luke 24:4
2. You will never find where they have wings or fly.
I. When will the Judgment of Angels take place?
- The timing will be sometime right before/during the Great White Throne Judgment which will be after the
1,000 yr. millennial reign.
O Jude 6
O Rev 12
II. Why will the Judgment of Angels take place?
- At one time there were no fallen angels; all of them were faithful to God. Lucifer who was not an angel but the
“anointed cherub” that covereth (Ezekiel 28:14-17) was in charge of all angels.
O There is 2 angelic type beings mentioned in the Bible separate from angels:
1. Cherubim (Ezek 1:1-14; Ezek 10; Rev 4:6-10)
2. Seraphim (Isaiah 6:1-7)
- Because of pride, Lucifer rebelled against God and was cast out of Heaven along with all of the other angels
who rebelled against God (later renamed Satan after he was cast out of Heaven). These are called the 5 “I Wills”
of Satan. (5 being the number of death in the Bible…Gen 5:5 = the death of the first man, etc.)
O Luke10:18
O Rev 12:4-9
- These angels who by their own free will were cast out of Heaven with Satan and are now what we would
commonly call evil/unclean spirits. Although the word “demon” is not found in the KJB, that is what you might
commonly refer to them as. Because Satan is not omnipresent (in other words, he can only be at one place at
one time) he has these fallen angels bid his work for him in his absence.
O Matt 8:28
O Mark 5:2
O Luke 8:30
- HELL was originally not made for man, but Satan and his fallen angels!
O Matt 25:41