Semester 2 Quest #1 Review Sheet: World History Overview: our


Semester 2 Quest #1 Review Sheet: World History

Overview: our first Quest of the semester will focus on our mini unit on the Industrial

Revolution at the beginning of the semester, our entire unit on the Russian Revolution, and the major historical connections and themes in Animal Farm.

I would suggest reviewing the packet about the pros and cons of the Industrial Revolution. Keep in mind the primary source station activity we did tied to the Industrial Revolution. I would also suggest reviewing Chapter 28 (and completing the Chapter Review and Assessment). Review the

MLK “Remaining Awake During a Revolution” primary source speech (and associated questions). Review the key takeaways from the in class “Chocolate Scramble” example demonstrating communism vs. capitalism. Be familiar with major events discussed in the

Romanov Dynasty Documentary we watched in class. Review ALL class notes.

*Quest structure: True and False, Fill in the Blank, Short Answer

Major vocabulary/topics to focus on:

Pros of the Industrial Revolution

Cons of the Industrial Revolution

Similarities between MLK Jr and Major (read primary source speech)

Definition of Revolution

Capitalism versus Communism (describe key differences)  recall Chocolate Scramble

Is communism a good idea on paper/in theory? Why do you think it is/isn’t?

Definition of allegory. How is Animal Farm an allegory? Know which characters represent who historically.

George Orwell

Karl Marx + Communist Manifesto

Vladimir Lenin

Romanov Dynasty (+ life under the Romanovs)

Proletariat (define)

Czar Nicholas II-what kind of leader was he?

Rasputin-why was he significant?

Bolsheviks-who were they? What ideas did they represent?

Leon Trotsky

The November Revolution- who led it? Why was it significant?

What does it mean to “abdicate”?

What were the positive effects right after the Bolshevik revolution?

What was the fate of the Czar and his family? Who was responsible?

Civil War between “Reds” and “Whites”-who were each group?

What are the dangers of other countries getting involved in another country’s civil war?

What is a civil war?

“Reign of Terror”

Cheka-define and explain it’s significance

How was theory different that reality in the newly formed Soviet Union? *discussed in notes and textbook

Joseph Stalin-who was he? How did he gain power?

Stalin’s Propaganda images-what image and key messages did he put forth for the people? Did it match reality?

Stalin’s Five-Year Plan. What was it and what was it’s major goal?

Collectivization (what was it and what was life like on a collective?)

How did people resist collectivization? What was the reaction from the government to the resistance?

Command Economy


“The Great Purge”-what was it and why is it hard to determine number of deaths? Who did

Stalin target in “The Great Purge”? Why did he do what he did?

What are considered “unnatural deaths”?

Totalitarian State  what did it consist of?  terror, propaganda, war on religion (define atheism)

Changes in Soviet Society (pg. 714-715)
