and use a comma before the connecting word.

What you need for today 5/7:
1. Fill out planner
2. Materials out
a. Notebooks
b. Pencil
3. Put everything else away and under your desk.
4. Rough drafts
Bell work:
Tell me whether or not the following sentences are
punctuated correctly:
Joe went to the bank Sue went home.
Joe went to the bank, Sue went home.
-write down definitions of comma splice and fused
-Punctuation exercises
Run-ons, comma splices, and fused sentences are all
names given to compound sentences that are not
punctuated correctly. The best way to avoid such errors is
to punctuate compound sentences correctly by using
these rules.
1. Join the two independent clauses with one of the coordinating conjunctions
(and, but, for, or, nor, so, yet), and use a comma before the connecting word.
He enjoys walking through the country. He often goes backpacking on his
_________________________, and _________________________.
*Without the “and” this would be a comma splice.
2. When you do not have a connecting word use a semicolon (;). Sometimes you
will also need to add a connecting word (like however, for instance).
He often watched TV when there were only reruns. She preferred to read
__________________________; however,____________________.
*Without the punctuation, this would be a fused sentence!
- Finish final drafts
-Finish worksheets from the other day/Modifier
-Review worksheet
*If finished with everything, you can make a speech to
present to the class for extra credit!!!