McDougal Littell Online Book

McDougal Littell Online Book
The text book you will be using this year is available online. You will be able to access their entire math text plus the website has
many valuable tools to help you succeed with mathematics this year!
How to find your math book?
1.) Select your Subject- Middle School and Math
2.) Find Your State- Illinois
3.) Find Your Book- GO.
4.) On this page you must select McDougal Littell Math Course 1 or 2.
Now that you have done this, you will have access to the following fantastic features…
Help with Math:
 @ Home Tutor- this section is great to go to if you miss a lesson or are having trouble understanding it. This will walk you
through the entire lesson and give problems to try.
 Hints and Homework Help- this has several problems from each section of the text and it helps students to solve the
problems. Great to go to if you are struggling with their homework.
 More Examples- Extra practice, additional math problems and solutions--with explanations--are provided for each lesson.
 Power Point Presentations-This section has PowerPoint presentations based on lesson examples from the book.
Practice, Practice, Practice
 eWorkbook- Several math problems are provided for each lesson. You can can enter and check your answers online.
 Problem of the Week- Updated weekly, the problem of the week challenges you to think creatively and critically. Solutions
are included.
Games and Activities
 Puzzles and Games- Fun, interactive games to help reinforce math concepts.
 Math Vocabulary Flipcards- An interactive approach to the traditional paper flash cards, flipcards allow students to review
math vocabulary terms in an animated format. This is a great place to come before a vocabulary quiz!
 Brain Games- This engaging review game allows you to practice previously learned material and provides an alternative
and fun way to learn new skills.
 What Do You Think? - These critical thinking activities relate math to real world situations and asks you to extend upon
the concept presented.
*Animated Math
 Animated Math- Interactive Math Activities that relate to each lesson. What a fun way to review math concepts!
Quick Reference
 Parents as Partners- This has a review of each chapter for your parents and it offers practice problems with answers so
they can quiz you. I would recommend doing this with your parents before each test or quiz you take this year.
*Assessment (This is the most helpful section to get ready for upcoming Tests/Quizzes)
 Section Quizzes- Multiple interactive quizzes to improve student test-taking skills.
 Chapter Tests- Multiple interactive tests to improve student test-taking skills.
 State Test Practice - A state-specific standardized test to improve students’ test-taking skills.
The Online Text (link at the bottom of the page):
 This is the only portion of the website you MUST log in to use.
Username __________________________ Password __________________________
Click on the CONTENTS tab and students can access each section of all the chapters (please note that all sections that
are labeled as review will be slightly different from your child’s actual text. The student book is specific to the Illinois State
Standards and the online text is the National Standards)
Click on the TOOLS tab and students can access a highlight tool, notes tool, glossary, and search engine of the text.