Paying Physicians for Quality Primary Care Reform in the UK Tim Doran National Primary Care Research and Development Centre University of Manchester Québec Medical Association, April 2010 Doran NPCRDC Paying Physicians for Quality Primary Care in the UK Doran NPCRDC Paying Physicians for Quality Primary Care in the NHS The Quality and Outcomes Framework Effects of the Reforms Structure of the National Health Service Department of Health 10 Strategic Health Authorities 152 Primary Care Trusts 8,500 / 1,600 General Practices NPCRDC Hospitals Paying Physicians for Quality Primary Care in the NHS The Quality and Outcomes Framework Effects of the Reforms New Labour TM Quality of care, 1997 to 2001 Modernisation Agency NPCRDC Paying Physicians for Quality Primary Care in the NHS The Quality and Outcomes Framework Effects of the Reforms NHS Spending “... health spending will increase by about 5% annually for five years...” “You’ve stolen my bloody budget!” NPCRDC Paying Physicians for Quality The Quality and Outcomes Framework Doran NPCRDC Paying Physicians for Quality Primary Care in the NHS The Quality and Outcomes Framework Effects of the Reforms Framework Thresholds and payment Exception reporting The Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) The original framework o Introduced April 2004 for all general practices in the UK o 146 quality indicators covering: • secondary prevention for 10 chronic conditions • organisation of care • patient experience • additional services o Each indicator allocated between 0.5 and 56 points (1,050 in total) o Achievement scores are publicly reported • NPCRDC Paying Physicians for Quality Primary Care in the NHS The Quality and Outcomes Framework Effects of the Reforms Framework Thresholds and payment Exception reporting The quality indicators Clinical indicators Disease area Indicators Points asthma 7 72 cancer 2 12 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 8 45 coronary heart heart disease disease 15 121 diabetes 18 99 epilepsy 4 16 hypertension 5 105 hypothyroidism 2 8 mental health 5 41 stroke 10 31 total 76 550 NPCRDC Paying Physicians for Quality Primary Care in the NHS The Quality and Outcomes Framework Effects of the Reforms Framework Thresholds and payment Exception reporting The quality indicators Organisational indicators Activity Indicators Points Organisation of care 56 184 record keeping 19 85 patient communication 8 8 education and training 9 29 practice management 10 20 medicines management 10 42 Patient experience 4 100 Additional services 10 36 Access --- 50 Overall quality --- 30 Holistic care --- 100 total 70 500 NPCRDC Paying Physicians for Quality Primary Care in the NHS The Quality and Outcomes Framework Effects of the Reforms Framework Thresholds and payment Exception reporting Achievement thresholds CHD6: Percentage of coronary heart disease patients with BP ≤ 150/90 mmHg 20 • Points: 0 to 19 points Income: £0 to £1,444 (C$0 to C$2,240) 18 Minimum threshold 16 Maximum threshold 14 Points scored • 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Percentage achievement NPCRDC Paying Physicians for Quality “…fragmentation and privatisation of primary care…” ‘LOSS OF CORE VALUES’ “…losing our professional identity and reputation.” ‘DE-PROFESSIONALIZATION’ “…the fingerprints of the World Trade Organisation and the huge financial muscle of the medical industrial complex …” “…deeply corrosive to the ethical practice of medicine.” ‘COERCION OF PATIENTS’ “…threatens the very survival of the NHS.” “…hazardous interactions and iatrogenic illness…” “…loss of critical thinking.” Primary Care in the NHS The Quality and Outcomes Framework Effects of the Reforms Framework Thresholds and payment Exception reporting The Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) Remunerating practices o Each point scored earns an average practice £76 (C$118) o Remuneration adjusted for disease prevalence and list size o Maximum of • £79,800 (C$124,000) per practice • £25,000 (C$39,000) per physician o Payment increased to £125 (C$194) per point in Year 2 o No restriction on how remuneration is distributed NPCRDC Paying Physicians for Quality Primary Care in the NHS The Quality and Outcomes Framework Effects of the Reforms Framework Thresholds and payment Exception reporting Exception reporting CHD6: Percentage of coronary heart disease patients with BP ≤ 150/90 mmHg coronary heart disease register – 100 patients 50 blood pressure controlled 50 Achievement = 50/100 = 50% = 10.6 points = £800 (C$1,240) NPCRDC Paying Physicians for Quality Primary Care in the NHS The Quality and Outcomes Framework Effects of the Reforms Framework Thresholds and payment Exception reporting Exception reporting CHD6: Percentage of coronary heart disease patients with BP ≤ 150/90 mmHg coronary heart disease register – 100 patients exception reported 10 40 blood pressure controlled 50 Achievement = 50/90 = 56% = 13.1 points = £995 (C$1,540) NPCRDC Paying Physicians for Quality Primary Care in the NHS The Quality and Outcomes Framework Effects of the Reforms Framework Thresholds and payment Exception reporting Exception reporting CHD6: Percentage of coronary heart disease patients with BP ≤ 150/90 mmHg coronary heart disease register – 100 patients exception reported 10 20 blood pressure controlled inappropriately exception reported 50 20 Achievement = 50/70 = 71% = 19 points = £1,444 (C$2,240) NPCRDC Paying Physicians for Quality Results of the Framework Doran NPCRDC Paying Physicians for Quality Primary Care in the NHS The Quality and Outcomes Framework Effects of the Reforms Results for Years 1-4 Points scored and remuneration Year % of total points scored Mean earnings per physician 2004-05 91.3% C$ 35,260 2005-06 96.3% C$ 61,210 2006-07 95.5% C$ 57,815 2007-08 96.8% C$ 58,590 NHS Information Centre ( Paying Physicians for Quality Primary Care in the NHS The Quality and Outcomes Framework Effects of the Reforms Achievement of incentivised indicators 100 90 Achievement rate 80 70 60 Measurement 50 Treatment Outcome 40 30 20 10 0 2000/1 2001/2 2002/3 2003/4 NPCRDC 2004/5 2005/6 2006/7 Paying Physicians for Quality Primary Care in the NHS The Quality and Outcomes Framework Effects of the Reforms Achievement of incentivised indicators 100 90 Achievement rate 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2000/1 2001/2 2002/3 2003/4 NPCRDC 2004/5 2005/6 Paying Physicians for Quality 2006/7 Primary Care in the NHS The Quality and Outcomes Framework Effects of the Reforms Uplift in achievement Incentivized and unicentivized indicators 6 Uplift in achievement 5 4 3 2 Incentivized Unincentivized 1 0 -1 -2 -3 2004/5 2006/7 NPCRDC Paying Physicians for Quality Primary Care in the NHS The Quality and Outcomes Framework Effects of the Reforms Inequality in quality of care 60 40 20 Quintile 1 Quintile 2 Quintile 3 Quintile 4 Quintile 5 0 Overall reported achievement achievement Reported 80 100 Achievement by area deprivation quintile 04/05 2004-05 05/06 2005-06 06/07 2006-07 QOF year Doran et al. Lancet 2008; 372: 728-736. Paying Physicians for Quality Primary Care in the NHS The Quality and Outcomes Framework Effects of the Reforms Incentivised process AST7: Asthmatics immunised against influenza in previous season 100% 90% Achievement rate 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1999 2000 2001 2002 NPCRDC 2003 2004 2005 Paying Physicians for Quality 2006 “I actually think it's a good idea… it makes things tangible and quantifies things… …although I hate it.” McDonald et al BMJ 2007;334:1357 Summary Doran NPCRDC Paying Physicians for Quality Summary Summary Quality of care for incentivized indicators o Quality of care • Achievement increased in Years 1-3 • Significant improvement over projected rates (up to 38% in Year 1) • Achievement plateaud from Year 2 onwards o Inequality of care • Poorest performing practices improved the most • Inequalities almost disappeared by Year 3 NPCRDC Paying Physicians for Quality Summary Summary Quality of care for partially incentivized and unincentivized indicators o Quality of care – unincentivized indicators • Little effect on achievement in Year 1 • Borderline underachievement by Year 3 up to 10% below projected rates o Inequality of care • ??? NPCRDC Paying Physicians for Quality Conclusions Lessons from the UK’s experiment with pay-for-performance Create the necessary infrastructure Establish baseline performance Involve physicians and patient groups from an early stage Base indicators on important outcomes if possible Pilot indicators and model allocation formulae Regularly review all elements of the scheme Monitor effects on professional behaviour and morale NPCRDC Paying Physicians for Quality Primary Care in the NHS The Quality and Outcomes Framework Effects of the Reforms Effect of increasing payment thresholds Treatment: treated with beta blocker Number of practices Maximum threshold Percentage achievement NPCRDC Paying Physicians for Quality Further information: