October 26, 2010 - Sacramento City College

Approved Minutes
Sacramento City College
Academic Senate
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
President: Connie Zuercher
Vice-President: Greg Rose
Secretary: Troy Myers
Senators: Dana Armstrong, Lonnie Larson, Michelle Smith, Riad Bahhur, Patti Redmond, Lori
Petite, Andrew Jones, Lorna Reach, Kim Beyrer, Deborah Gambrell, Shannon Culmo, Jared
Anderson, Dana Armstrong, Angelia Jovanovic, Lonnie Larson, Jon Hanson, Makeba Rangel,
Debbie Loomis, Barbara Toupadakis, Susan Griffin, Simeon Okoroike, Deskaheh Bomberry,
John Herlihy, Amy Zannakis, Linda Reynolds, Adrian Chevraux-Fitzhugh, Tamara Cheshire,
Lynne Giovannetti, Norman Lorenz, Rick Woodmansee, Steve James, Ginni May, Darlene
Arnold, Roxanne Tambert, Carolyn Pickrel, Carrie Marks, Carolyn Koloski, Dena Chubbic, Sue
Carriere, Sue Hussey, Chris Daubert.
Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 12:01
Approval of Minutes: minutes from 10-6 approved by consensus with one abstention.
Announcements: Friday 2:00 memorial for Linda Stroh at the Student Center, from 2:00 to
4:00. Program will begin about 2:15 and last about an hour. Today we will hear from
approximately half of the positions that have come forward. All votes MUST be in to Elaine
by10/29. This allows us to get a prioritized list by November 2nd; this list will be shared with the
Deans November 3rd. We should all have the corrected version of the voting sheet from Elaine
Ader. Welcome to the Deans and Chairs.
Each Chair will have one minute to present; Senate will have two minutes for questions and
answers. Senator Bomberry will be the official timer.
New Business
Faculty Hiring Presentations
(Refer to faculty packets for content of presentations.)
Language & Literature:
English: Jeff Knorr
ESL: Joanne Prado
Science & Allied Health
Department Chairs or Designees
Chemistry: Diane Bennett
Advanced Technology
Engineering Design Tech: this position was pulled by the division.
Photo/Journalism: Diane Heimer, Paul Estabrook.
Railroad: Phil Cypret
Physical Education, Health, & Athletics
Fitness Instructor/Assistant Football Coach: Daniel Walker
Learning Resources
Distance Education Coordinator: Jory Hadsell.
Librarian: Cathy Chenu-Campbell
Connie thanks all for their presentations. She is very impressed by the quality of the
presentations and how well the process worked. Senators, be sure to preview your packets for
next week.
Mary Turner asked if we should have Elaine resend the ranking sheet to reflect the rescinded
Technology position; Connie agreed that we should, and a new ranking form will be sent to all
Summer School Revised Schedule
Mary Turner
Connie asked for any other concerns. CIS in particular relies on the current schedule for their
course offerings. Math has the same concern with their course sequences: some students take
Math 103 and then 104. Mary said this is not possible under the pilot model, unlike the
sequence in CIS. Lynne pointed out that she has had to turn away students from Davis who
could not take her class because they would have missed four days. A Senator asked how many
students from UC are actually being turned away. Mary said the exact number is not known
outside of anecdotal information. Another Senator wondered if we should be favoring Davis
students over SCC students’ needs; our students should be polled after the new session is put in
place to see how they feel about it. Also, some English faculty do other things, AP grading for
example, which the new structure might prohibit. Mary noted that SCC students already have
priority registration. Greg asked if we plan to diminish our course offerings. Mary said this was
not the case; the overall FTE allocation is the same. Another Senator asked if we should have a
four, six, and eight week term; he then suggested perhaps a five week term. Mary said that
anything not a four, six or eight week term affects funding from the district. Another Senator
suggested we maintain the status quo. Another noted that the UC students do get on our roll
sheets ahead of SCC students, and removing the UC students by making them less likely to
register gives room to SCC students.
Connie asked what will drive this decision. Is it local only, or are all four campuses involved?
Mary explained that it is local only, and she is gathering feedback from many sources.
Currently, she is weighing the plusses and minuses before she makes her final decision. If we do
use the new model, there will be an assessment for faculty as well as a chance for the Senate to
give input. The Academic Calendar is set by the trustees and the Calendar Committee, and so
we can’t talk about summers beyond the coming summer. Mary promises feedback soon.
Connie summarized the issue by saying that not many students are affected. Connie wants to
know what else is driving the issue beyond meeting student need. Is money involved? Mary
said she has heard generally positive feedback from the chairs. She thinks that having a first six
weeks and a second six weeks may be confusing for students. Will this help counseling and
facilities to do maintenance. She hopes it will.
Connie proposed we hold a Senate vote, and she asked for a motion and a second. Motion made
to support the proposal:. 17 for; 15 against; 8 abstentions.
See your smiling faces next week! The Agenda has already been distributed.
October 26, 2010 – 12-1p.m
To place items on future agendas, please call x2150