Review of Persepolis - Fort Thomas Independent Schools

Analytical Analysis
Essential Questions
• What is a symbol?
• How does an author use a symbol in a
text to create meaning?
• How does an author use a symbol in a
text to develop and/or support a
universal truth?
Symbolism Prompt
• Prompt: The setting, characters, and
descriptive details of Persepolis contain many
symbols. Choose at least three symbols from
the novel, and in an essay, explain how/why
the author uses this symbol in the text, and
describe what each symbol represents. Finally,
in your discussion, explain how each symbol
creates a universal truth. Consider the
symbolism connected to characters, conflicts,
imagery, and point of view.
• Each group will find a symbol from the text that is ESSENTIAL to
understanding an important message in Persepolis.
• Each person in the group creates a graphic organizer for this prewriting exercise.
• On your paper, describe the symbol physically. How does this
symbol work? How does Satrapi make this object mean more
than itself?
• How is this symbol connected to characters, conflicts, plot
events, point of view, and universal truths?
• Make a list of 3 or more abstract nouns this symbol represents.
• Find another place in the text where this symbol appears.
Individual Prewriting
A. Describe the symbol physically. Where in the text does it
appear? What is the context of this symbol—what is going
on in the story when it appears?
B. How does this symbol work? How does Satrapi make this
object mean more than itself? What does this symbol
C. How is this symbol connected to character development,
conflicts, plot events, point of view, the setting?
D. How does this symbol develop/support a universal truth?
Suggestion: make a list of 4-5 abstract nouns this symbol
represents. Choose two of these nouns, and join them
with a strong verb to show a relationship.
E. Is there another place in the text in which this symbol
appears, or is there another place in the text that has a
similar meaning? If so, what is the connection?
Topic – the graphic novel Persepolis; Marjane Satrapi
Qualifier – uses
Directions – the three symbols you will discuss
Claim – to develop
Universal truth - *there are too many to discuss here!
Let’s keep this part general in the thesis.
Ex. In Marjane Satrapi’s graphic novel Persepolis, she
uses the symbol of the cigarette, the head covering, and
the golden key to develop several themes.
Choose ONE or both questions to answer for your
conclusion (which should be at least 3-5 sentences).
1. Why do authors like Satrapi use symbolism in
their writing? What are the advantages to using
symbolism in writing? What are the
disadvantages to using symbolism in writing?
2. Evaluate Satrapi’s use of symbolism in her
graphic novel. What was effective? Why? What
was ineffective? Why?
Use of Direct Quotes:
In addition to summarization, you must use direct textual evidence to support your statements. Be sure to explain the significance of each quote;
do not simply “dump” them into your essay. Be sure to use proper punctuation and citation when using a quote pulled from the text.
The univited guest is described as having, “a mask which concealed the visage… made so nearly to resemble to countenance of a stiffened
corpse” (87). The narrator then goes on to say, “His vesture was dabbled in blood” (87). Undoubtedly, Poe meant for this description to
represent death; a death that has been personified, conjured into a living being.
Notice that quotations have been place around the required information, recognizing that it has been taken word for word from the text.
Also, note that the page number is given in parentheses after each quote.
Additionally, the proper punctuation goes on the outside of the parentheses.
Last, the writer has followed up the information with an explanation, which serves to connect the evidence back to the topic.