2 Nephi 9

“The 9th chapter of 2 Nephi should be carefully read by
every person seeking salvation”
(Joseph Fielding Smith, Answers to Gospel Questions, 4:57).
2 Nephi 9
“The 9th chapter of II Nephi . . . should be carefully read
by every person seeking salvation” (Joseph Fielding Smith, Answers
to Gospel Questions, 4:57).
Read the heading to 2 Nephi 9 and tell why you think
this chapter is so important.
Name that fear…
Name that fear…
Name that fear…
Name that fear…
Name that fear…
Name that fear…
Name that fear…
Name that fear…
Name that fear…
Name that fear…
2 Nephi 9
 Look for the Monster in verses
 What do death and hell refer to?
 Why call it a monster?
2 Nephi 9
 Jacob described the state of people who appear before
God: 2 Nephi 9:15–16.
 Another outcome: 2 Nephi 9:14.
Do you know somebody that
is on the brink of physical
In God’s Presence
Do you know
somebody that is on
the brink of spiritual
How does being ‘on the brink’ affect
them and those around them?
Do you know somebody that
is on the brink of physical
In God’s Presence
Do you know
somebody that is on
the brink of spiritual
What fixes the problem of being separated from
God’s presence? 2 Nephi 9:7
The Fall and
Ensign, Jan.
1996, Spencer J.
The Book of Mormon teaches us of
an infinite atonement-an atoning sacrifice by
Christ that is unbounded by time, ethnicity,
geography, or even kinds of sins, save for the
unpardonable sin of denying the Holy Ghost.
The Resurrection includes all people “from the
days of Adam down” to the end of time (Alma
40:18), those “both old and young, both bond
and free, both male and female” (Alma 11:44).
But he also took upon himself “the pains and
the sicknesses” and the “infirmities” of his
people (Alma 7:11–12). The Atonement is infinite
in that because of the redemption made
possible by his beloved Son, our Heavenly
Father is able to forgive us “as often as [we]
repent” (Mosiah 26:30–31; see also Moro. 6:8).
2 Nephi 9
 Where will the Prophet go?
 What about Cain?
 Joseph Smith?
 Hitler?
 Little children?
 Little children without the atonement?
Return to God and become like
Him, but it would be a lot harder
and take a lot longer.
2. Return to God but would never
become like him.
3. Would not return to God.
4. Would become like Satan and be a
miserable devil angel and be in
hell eternally.
2 Ne 9:8-9
D. Todd
Agency,” Ensig
n June 2009,
“If our separation from God and our
physical death were permanent, moral
agency would mean nothing. Yes, we
would be free to make choices, but what
would be the point? The end result would
always be the same no matter what our
actions: death with no hope
of resurrection and no hope of heaven. As
good or as bad as we might choose to be,
we would all end up ‘angels to a devil.’
[2 Nephi 9:9.]”
Avoiding the Monster:
Warnings from Jacob
2 Nephi 9
2 Nephi 9
2 Nephi 9
2 Nephi 9
2 Nephi 9
2 Nephi 9
2 Nephi 9
2 Nephi 9
2 Nephi 9
 Two groups:
 GROUP 1: 2 Nephi 9:6-26 and look for the cheery “O’s”
 GROUP 2: 2 Nephi 9:27–38 and look for the scary “Wo’s.”
 Satan casts one vote; the Lord casts one vote. Who casts
the deciding vote?
 Read 2 Nephi 9:39 and look for what leads to death
and what leads to life.
 2 Nephi 9:41 Final test to see if we’ve been “Smile”ing.
 Would you like this job?
To help visualize the Infinite Atonement and
Resurrection watch “He is Risen”
“The 9th chapter of 2 Nephi . . . should be carefully read
by every person seeking salvation”
(Joseph Fielding Smith, Answers to Gospel Questions, 4:57).