A – ablutophobia Fear of bathing. [ID, CE] acarophobia Fear of mites or itching. [ID, CE] acerbophobia syn. of acerophobia. [ID] acerophobia Fear of sourness. [ID] achluophobia Fear of darkness. [ID] acidophobia Aversion (of plants) to acidic soil. [ID] acousticophobia Fear of noise. [ID, CE] acrophobia Fear of heights. [OED, ID, CE] aelurophobia syn. of ailurophobia. [ID, CE] aeronausiphobia Fear of aeroplanes/airplanes. [ID, CE] aerophobia Fear of air and drafts. [OED, ID, CE, WP] agliophobia syn. of algophobia. [CE] agoraphobia Fear of open spaces. [OED, ID, CE, WP] agraphobia Fear of sexual abuse. [ID, CE] agrizoophobia Fear of wild animals. [ID] agyiophobia Fear of streets. [ID] agyrophobia syn. of agyiophobia. [ID] aibohphobia Fear of palindromes. [WP] aichmophobia Fear of knives and other sharp objects. [ID] aichurophobia Fear of being touched by pointed objects. [CE] ailourophobia syn. of ailurophobia. [ID] ailurophobia Fear of cats. [OED, ID] airphobia syn. of aerophobia. [ID] albuminurophobia Fear of kidney disease. [ID] alcoholophobia syn. of potophobia. [ID] alektorophobia Fear of chickens. [ID, CE, WP] algophobia Fear of pain. [OED, ID, CE] alliumphobia Fear of garlic. [ID] allodoxaphobia Fear of other people's opinions. [ID] altophobia syn. of acrophobia. [ID] alychiphobia syn. of kakorrhaphiophobia. [CE] amathophobia Fear of dust. [ID, CE] amaxophobia Fear of travelling in cars/automobiles. [ID, CE] ambulophobia syn. of basiphobia. [ID, CE] amechophobia syn. of amychophobia. [CE] amnesiophobia Fear of amnesia. [ID, CE] amychophobia Fear of being scratched. [ID] anablepophobia Fear of looking up at high places. [ID] ancraophobia syn. of anemophobia. [ID] androphobia Fear of men. [ID, CE] anemiaphobia syn. of anemophobia. [ID] anemophobia Fear of cyclones or wind. [ID, CE] anginophobia Fear of heart attacks. [ID] Anglophobia Fear of England or the English. [OED, ID, CE] ankylophobia Fear of immobility of a joint. [ID] anophelophobia Fear of painful sexual intercourse. [ID] anthophobia Fear of flowers. [ID, CE] anthropophobia Fear of people. [OED, ID, CE] antlophobia Fear of floods. [ID, CE] anuptaphobia Fear of staying single. [ID, CE] apeirophobia Fear of infinity. [ID, WP] aphephobia syn. of haphephobia. [ID] apiophobia syn. of apiphobia. [ID, CE] apiphobia Fear of bees. [ID] aquaphobia syn. of hydrophobia. [ID, CE] arachibutyro– phobia Fear of getting peanut butter stuck to the roof of the mouth. [ID, CE, WP] arachnephobia syn. of arachnophobia. [ID] arachniphobia syn. of arachnophobia. [OED] arachnophobia Fear of spiders. [OED, ID, CE] arithmophobia Fear of numbers. [ID, CE] Armenophobia Fear of Armenia or Armenians. [OED] arrhenophobia syn. of androphobia. [ID] arsonophobia syn. of pyrophobia. [ID] asthenophobia Fear of weakness. [ID, CE] astraphobia Fear of lightning. [ID, CE] astrapophobia syn. of astraphobia. [ID] astrophobia Fear of stars. [OED, ID, CE] ataxiophobia Fear of disorder. [ID, CE] ataxophobia syn. of ataxiophobia. [ID] atelophobia Fear of imperfection. [ID, CE] atephobia Fear of ruin. [ID] atychiphobia syn. of kakorrhaphiophobia. [ID] aulophobia Fear of flutes. [ID, WP] aurophobia Fear of gold. [ID, WP] auroraphobia Fear of the Northern Lights. [ID, CE] Austrophobia Fear of Austria or Austrians. [OED] automysophobia Fear of being dirty. [ID, CE] autophobia (1) Fear of solitude; (2) syn. of aulophobia. [ID] aviatophobia Fear of flying. [ID] – B – bacilliphobia Fear of bacilli (a type of bacterium). [CE] bacillophobia Fear of germs. [ID] bacteriaphobia Fear of bacteria. [CE] bacteriophobia syn. of bacillophobia. [OED, ID] ballistophobia Fear of missiles or being shot. [ID] ballistrophobia syn. of ballistophobia. [CE] barophobia Fear of gravity. [ID, CE, WP] basiphobia Fear of walking. [ID] basistasiphobia syn. of stasibasiphobia. [ID] basophobia syn. of basiphobia. [ID, CE] basostasophobia syn. of stasibasiphobia. [ID] batarachophobia syn. of batrachophobia. [CE] bathmophobia syn. of basiphobia. [ID] bathophobia Fear of depth. [ID, CE] batophobia Fear of passing a tall building. [ID, CE] batrachophobia Fear of frogs and toads. [OED, ID] belonephobia Fear of pins and needles. [ID] bibliophobia Fear of books. [OED, ID, CE] blennophobia Fear of slime. [ID, CE] blenophobia syn. of belonephobia. [CE] bogyphobia syn. of demonophobia. [OED, ID, CE] botanophobia Fear of plants. [ID] bromidrosiphobia Fear of body odour. [ID] bromidrosophobia syn. of bromidrosiphobia. [CE] brontephobia syn. of brontophobia. [ID] brontophobia cacophobia Fear of ugliness. [CE] cacophonophobia Fear of bad music. [WP] cainophobia syn. of kainophobia. [ID, CE] cainotophobia syn. of kainophobia. [ID] calciphobia Inability (of plants) to grow in lime-rich soil. [ID] cancerophobia syn. of carcinophobia. [ID] cancerphobia syn. of carcinophobia. [ID] carcinomatophobia syn. of carcinophobia. [ID] carcinophobia Fear of cancer. [ID, CE] cardiophobia Fear of heart disease. [ID, CE] carnophobia Fear of meat. [ID, CE, WP] catagelophobia Fear of ridicule. [ID] catapedaphobia Fear of jumping, from both high and low places. [ID] cathisophobia syn. of thaasophobia. [ID, CE] catophtrophobia syn. of catoptrophobia. [CE] catoptrophobia Fear of mirrors. [ID] celtophobia Fear of Celtic people. [ID] cenophobia syn. of agoraphobia. [ID] cenotophobia syn. of kainophobia. [ID] centophobia syn. of agoraphobia. [CE] ceraunophobia syn. of keraunophobia. [ID] chactophobia syn. of trichophobia. [CE] chaetophobia syn. of trichophobia. [ID] cheimaphobia Fear of cold. [ID, CE] cheimatophobia syn. of cheimaphobia. [ID] cherophobia Fear of gaiety. [ID, CE, WP] chidophobia Fear of insect stings. [CE] chionophobia Fear of snow. [ID, CE] chiraptophobia syn. of haphephobia. [CE] choleraphobia Fear of cholera, an infectious intestinal disorder. [OED] cholerophobia Fear of cholera. [ID] chorophobia Fear of dancing. [ID, CE] chrematophobia Fear of wealth. [ID, CE] chromatophobia syn. of chromophobia. [ID] chrometophobia syn. of chrematophobia. [ID] chromophobia Fear of colours. [ID, CE] chronophobia Fear of time. [ID, CE, WP] cibophobia syn. of sitophobia. [ID, CE] claustrophobia Fear of closed spaces. [OED, ID, CE, WP] cleisiophobia syn. of claustrophobia. [ID] cleithrophobia syn. of claustrophobia. [ID] cleptophobia syn. of kleptophobia. [ID] climacophobia Fear of stairs. [ID, CE] clinophobia Fear of going to bed. [ID, CE] clithrophobia syn. of claustrophobia. [ID] cnidophobia syn. of chidophobia. [ID] coimetrophobia Fear of cemeteries. [ID, CE] coitophobia Fear of sexual intercourse. [ID, CE] colorphobia Fear of people of a particular colour. [OED] cometophobia Fear of comets. [ID, CE] contrectophobia syn. of agraphobia. [ID] coprophobia Fear of excrement. [OED, ID, CE] coprostasophobia Fear of constipation. [ID, CE] corpulophobia Fear of widths. [WP] counterphobia Seeking that which one fears. [ID] cremnophobia Fear of precipices. [OED, ID, CE] criticophobia Fear of critics or criticism. [OED] cryophobia Fear of ice. [ID, CE] crystallophobia Fear of glass. [ID, CE] cyberphobia Fear of computers. [OED, CE] cyclophobia Fear of cyclists or cycling. [OED] cymophobia Fear of waves. [ID, CE] cynophobia Fear of dogs or rabies. [OED, ID, CE] cyprianophobia Fear of prostitutes. [ID, CE] cypridophobia Fear of venereal disease. [ID] cyprinophobia Fear of lewd women. [ID] cypriphobia syn. of cypridophobia. [ID] daemonophobia syn. of demonophobia. [ID] decidophobia Fear of making decisions. [ID, CE] defecalgesiophobia Fear of painful defecation. [ID, CE] deipnophobia Fear of dining or dinner conversation. [OED, ID, CE] dementophobia syn. of maniaphobia. [CE] demonophobia Fear of demons (spirits, goblins, etc.). [OED, ID] demophobia syn. of ochlophobia. [ID, CE] dendrophobia Fear of trees. [ID, CE] dentophobia Fear of going to the dentist. [CE] dermatopathophobia syn. of dermatophobia. [ID] dermatophobia Fear of skin disease. [ID, CE] dermatosiophobia syn. of dermatophobia. [ID] dextrophobia Fear of rightness and things to the right. [ID, WP] diabetophobia Fear of diabetes. [ID] diametrophobia syn. of corpulophobia. [WP] didaskaleinophobia Fear of going to school. [CE] dikephobia Fear of justice. [ID, WP] dinophobia Fear of dizziness or whirlpools. [ID, CE] diplopiaphobia Fear of double vision. [ID, CE] diplychiphobia syn. of dystychiphobia. [CE] dipsomanophobia syn. of potophobia. [ID] dipsophobia syn. of potophobia. [ID, CE] dishabillophobia Fear of undressing in front of someone. [ID] domatophobia syn. of ecophobia. [ID, CE] doraphobia Fear of fur. [ID, CE] dromophobia Fear of crossing streets. [ID, CE] dysmorphophobia Fear of deformity. [OED, ID, CE] dystychiphobia Fear of accidents. [ID, CE] E ecclesiophobia Fear of church. [OED, ID, CE] ecophobia Fear of home. [ID, CE] eisoptrophobia syn. of catoptrophobia. [ID, CE] electrophobia syn. of elektrophobia. [ID] elektrophobia Fear of electricity. [CE] eleutherophobia Fear of freedom. [ID, CE, WP] elurophobia syn. of ailurophobia. [ID] emetophobia Fear of vomiting. [ID, CE] enetophobia syn. of belonephobia. [ID] enissophobia syn. of hamartophobia. [ID] enochlophobia syn. of ochlophobia. [ID] enosiophobia syn. of hamartophobia. [ID] entomophobia Fear of insects. [ID] entonophobia Fear of ticks. [CE] entophobia syn. of entomophobia. [CE] eosophobia Fear of dawn. [ID, CE] eremiophobia syn. of autophobia. [ID] eremophobia syn. of autophobia. [ID] ereuthophobia syn. of erythrophobia. [ID] ereuthrophobia syn. of erythrophobia. [CE] ergasiophobia Fear of work. [ID, CE] ergophobia syn. of ergasiophobia. [OED, ID] ermitophobia syn. of autophobia. [ID] erotophobia syn. of coitophobia. [ID, CE] erythrophobia (1) Fear of the colour red; (2) Fear of blushing. [OED, ID, CE] esodophobia syn. of primeisodophobia. [ID] euphobia Fear of good news. [ID] euphophobia syn. of euphobia. [WP] eurotophobia syn. of kolpophobia. [ID, CE] expansophobia syn. of corpulophobia. [WP] - F febriphobia Fear of fever. [ID, CE] felinophobia syn. of ailurophobia. [ID] feminophobia syn. of gynephobia. [OED, ID] Francophobia Fear of France or the French. [OED, ID] frigophobia syn. of cheimaphobia. [ID] - G galeophobia syn. of ailurophobia. [ID, CE] Gallophobia syn. of Francophobia. [OED, ID, CE] gametophobia syn. of gamophobia. [ID] gamophobia Fear of marriage. [ID, CE] gatophobia syn. of ailurophobia. [ID] geliophobia syn. of gelophobia. [CE] gelophobia Fear of laughter. [ID, WP] geniophobia Fear of chins. [ID, WP] genophobia syn. of coitophobia. [ID] gentianophobia Resistance (of cells) to staining with gentian. [ID] gephydrophobia syn. of gephyrophobia. [ID] gephyrophobia Fear of crossing a bridge. [ID, CE] gerascophobia Fear of growing old. [ID, CE] Germanophobia Fear of Germany or Germans. [OED, ID] geumaphobia syn. of geumophobia. [ID] geumatophobia syn. of geumophobia. [ID] geumophobia Fear of unfamiliar tastes. [ID] glossophobia Fear of talking. [ID, CE] graphophobia Fear of writing. [ID, CE] grecophobia Fear of Greek customs. [ID] gringophobia Fear of Gringos. [ID] gymnophobia Fear of nudity. [ID, CE] gynephobia Fear of women. [ID, CE] gynophobia syn. of gynephobia. [OED, ID] - H hadephobia Fear of hell. [ID] haematophobia syn. of hematophobia. [OED] hagiophobia Fear of holy things. [ID, CE] halophobia (1) Fear of speaking; (2) Inability (of plants) to grow in salt-rich soil. [ID, CE] hamartophobia Fear of sin or sinning. [ID, CE] haphephobia Fear of being touched. [ID, CE] hapnophobia syn. of haphephobia. [ID] haptephobia syn. of haphephobia. [ID] haptophobia syn. of haphephobia. [ID] harmatophobia syn. of hamartophobia. [ID] harpaxophobia syn. of kleptophobia. [ID] hedonophobia Fear of pleasure. [ID, CE, WP] heliophobia Fear of sunlight. [OED, ID, CE, WP] hellenophobia Fear of Greek or Latin terms. [ID, WP] helminthophobia Fear of being infested with worms. [ID] hemaphobia syn. of hematophobia. [ID] hematophobia Fear of blood. [ID, CE] hemophobia syn. of hematophobia. [ID] heresyphobia Fear of heresy. [ID] herpetophobia syn. of ophidiophobia. [ID, CE] hierophobia (1) Fear of clergymen; (2) syn. of hagiophobia. [OED, ID, CE] hippophobia Fear of horses. [OED, ID, CE] hodophobia Fear of travel. [ID, CE] homichlophobia Fear of fog. [ID, CE] homilophobia Fear of sermons. [ID, CE, WP] homophobia (1) Fear or hatred of homosexuals; (2) Fear of monotony. [OED, ID, CE] hoplophobia Fear of firearms. [CE] hormephobia Fear of shock. [ID] hyalophobia syn. of crystallophobia. [ID] hydrophobia (1) Fear of water; (2) Medical term for rabies. [OED, ID] hydrophobophobia Fear of rabies. [ID] hydrophophobia syn. of hydrophobophobia. [CE] hyelophobia syn. of crystallophobia. [ID] hygrophobia Fear of dampness or liquids, especially water or wine. [ID, WP] hylephobia (1) Fear of forests or wood; (2) Fear of materialism. [ID] hylophobia syn. of hylephobia. [ID, CE] hypegiaphobia syn. of hypengyophobia. [ID] hypengyophobia Fear of responsibility. [ID] hypnophobia Fear of sleep. [OED, ID, CE] hypophobia Absence of fear. [ID] hypsiphobia syn. of acrophobia. [ID] hypsophobia syn. of acrophobia. [ID]