1. 2-Methylpropan-2-ol ALLOW methylpropan-2-ol [1] 2. (i) Same molecular formula but different structural formulae ALLOW Same molecular formula but different arrangement of atoms OR Same molecular formula but different structures OR Same molecular formula but different displayed formulae DO NOT ALLOW Same molecular formula but different spatial arrangement of atoms 1 (ii) CH3CH2CH2CH2OH OR (CH3)2CHCH2OH ALLOW OH OH OR ALLOW displayed formula ALLOW sticks (i.e. no H shown bonded to C) ALLOW DO NOT ALLOW OH shown as below C C C C OH sticks OK and –OH is OK OH C C C C sticks OK and OH– is not OK ALLOW correct ethers 1 [2] 3. (i) (sum of) the molecular masses of the desired product ÷ sum of molecular masses of all products × 100 ALLOW (sum of) the molecular masses of the desired product ÷ sum of molecular masses of all reactants × 100 1 Rainham School for Girls 1 (ii) this preparation is addition OR has 100% atom economy OR there is only one product preparation from cyclohexanol has less than100% atom economy OR H2O is produced as well OR calculated atom economy = 82% ALLOW no by products formed ALLOW other substances formed OR cyclohexene is not the only product 2 [3] Rainham School for Girls 2 4. (a) (i) H H C2 H 5 δ+ C I δ C2H5 H C OH + I– H OH– C–I curly arrow from the bond not from carbon atom curly arrow from the OHcorrect partial charges on C—I no need to show any lone pairs on oxygen but must have a clear negative sign rather than partial negative charge IGNORE lone pairs IGNORE products of this reaction ALLOW curly arrow from a negative charge or from any part of hydroxide ion If SN1 mechanism is given then use the mark scheme below correct partial charges on C—I C–I curly arrow from the bond not from carbon atom curly arrow from the OH- to the correct carbocation H C2H 5 C δ+ δ H H C2H5 C+ OH– H 3 (ii) nucleophilic substitution 1 Rainham School for Girls 3 (b) C–I bonds broken more easily C–I bonds are weaker OR have less bond enthalpy OR C–I bonds are longer ALLOW ora e.g. C—Br bonds are stronger OR broken less easily 2 [6] 5. Structural isomer compounds with the same molecular formula different structural formulae but with Stereoisomer compounds with the same structural formula different arrangements in space but with Evidence of using Mr of 70 to calculate molecular formula of C5H10 F and G are o Correct identification of the E and Z isomers H is E/Z happens because double bonds restricts rotation Rainham School for Girls 4 different groups on each carbon of the double bond ALLOW same molecular formula but different structures Second marking point is DEPENDENT on first mark ALLOW compounds with the same structure Second marking point is DEPENDENT on first mark This is the QWC mark IGNORE wrong names of F, G and H ALLOW structural or displayed formulae for F, G and H e.g. H is CH3CH2CH2CHCH2 ALLOW identification using trans and cis and ALLOW this marking point as identification of another example of identifying E/Z or cis and trans if not done for F and G ALLOW one mark if no structures drawn but correct names given for F, G and H i.e E-pent-2-ene, Z-pent-2-ene and pent-1-ene ALLOW ecf on structures if wrong molecular formula used or consistent error or slip such as having just sticks [11] 6. (i) species with an unpaired electron (1) 1 (ii) uv (light)/high temperature/min of 400° C/sunlight (1) 1 (iii) homolytic (fission) (1) 1 (iv) C4H10 + Cl• (1) C4H9• + HCl (1) C4H9• + Cl2 (1) C4H9Cl + Cl• (1) 2 [5] 7. (a) (i) uv/sunlight/high temperature (range 400 700 C) 1 (ii) Cl2 2Cl 1 C4H10 Cl HCl C4H9/C4H9 1 C4H9/C4H9 Cl2 C4H9Cl Cl 1 (iii) any two free radicals from (a) (ii) 1 (iv) homolytic (fission) 1 Rainham School for Girls 5 (b) (i) 2, 3-dichlorobutane (ii) 1 1 Cl Cl (iii) any dichlorobutane except 2,3-dichlorobutane. 1 [9] 8. (a) (i) (ii) (b) (volatile components) can escape/distil out (1) ethanal is most volatile/bpt less than 60 °C/partial oxidation (1) 2 (volatile components) cannot escape/ refluxed (1) complete oxidation will be achieved/oxidised to the acid (1) 2 C2H5OH + 2[O] CH3COOH + H2O C2H5OH, 2[O] and CH3COOH (1) rest of equation (1) 2 [6] Rainham School for Girls 6