Macbeth Plot Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, tells the story of a Scottish lord that is blinded by greed and ambition for power. It all started when a trio of witches advised Macbeth of a prophecy that said he would once be leader of Scotland. Blinded by greed and ambition for power Macbeth bloodthirstily stabs and kills the present king, King Duncan and comes to power, known as King Macbeth I of Scotland. Experiencing guilt and paranoia he is forced to kill more people who may be a threat to his reign and this eventually results in a civil war. Shortly after Macbeth and his wife die and a new leader rises to power. Sam, Henry and my suspicions were relatively correct, as we were right in inferring that the three witches told Macbeth he would be King of Scotland, that he then was blinded by need for power, and that he then killed the king and came to power, although as for the rest we were unsure. 1. “All hail Macbeth, that shall be king hereafter”. The third witch that advises him of his rise to power quotes this famous quote. This quote means that from now on Macbeth will rule and everyone hail Macbeth. 2. “Fair and noble hostess we are your guests tonight.” King Duncan quotes this to Lady Macbeth. This means that the Macbeths must be hosting the King and he is indicating that tonight he is to be lead around and told things he should be told, as he is the guest. 3. “Is this a dagger I see before me?” Macbeth famously quotes this statement. This quote means that Macbeth is preparing himself to murder King Duncan. He is imagining a dagger hovering before him and that this will be the weapon that will begin his reign in power.