Fine Arts Survey Project

Fine Arts Survey Project
Ancient Egypt-Josua
Palette of Narmer
The Great Pyramids at Giza and The Great Sphinx
King Menkaure (Mycerinus) and queen
Mortuary Temple and Large Kneeling Statue of Hatshepsut
Temple of Amun at Karnak
Temple of Luxor
Paintings from the Tomb-chapel of Nebamun
Thutmose, “Model Bust of Queen Nefertiti”
Tutankhamun’s Tomb-Innermost Coffin and Death Mask
The Rosetta Stone
Chichen Itza (Maya)
Tikal (Maya)
Palenque (Maya)
Cylindrical Tripod Vase with Effigy Cover, Guatemala (Maya)
Incised Conch Shell Trumpet, Guatemala (Maya)
Bonampak Mural Fresco (Maya)
Olmec Heads (Olmec)
Ceremonial Jaguar Axe (Olmec)
The Pyramid of the Sun, Teotihuacan (Aztec)
Carved details on the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent, Teotihuacan (Aztec)
Ancient Greece/Classical-Eduarda
The Discus Thrower
Fallen Warrior from Temple of Aphaia
The Riace Bronzes
God from the Sea, Zeus or Poseidon
The Motya Charioteer
The Dionysus Cup by Exekias
The Siren Vase
Identify and describe column orders (Doric, Ionic, Corinthian)
Ancient Greece/Hellenistic-Nick
Nike of Samothrace
Venus de Milo
Barberini Faun
Drunken Old Woman
Old Market Woman
Seated Boxer
Dying Gaul
Gaul Killing Himself
Ancient Rome-Merich
Circus Maximus
Arch of Titus
Augustus of Prima Porta
Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius
Roman Baths (not a specific location, general information)
Trajan’s Column
Villa of the Mysteries, Pompeii
Ara Pacis of Augustus
Colossus of Constantine
Early Middle Ages/Romanesque/Early Christian and Byzantine-Mai’Jaray
Cover of the Codex Aureus
Pisa Cathedral/Campanile
Durham Cathedral
Mosaics of Basilica of Sant'Apollinare in Classe
Ceiling of Cubiculum in the Catacomb of Saints Pietro and Marcellinus
Good Shepherd from the Catacomb of Calixtus
Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus
Dura Europos
Mosaics in San Vitale
Hagia Sophia
High Middle Ages/Gothic-Jason
Cathedral of Saint Denis
Cathedral of Notre Dame
Cologne Cathedral
Cimabue “Madonna Enthroned”
Buffalmacco “The Triumph of Death”
Ghirlandaio “Adoration of the Shepards”
Bellini “Miracles of the Cross at the Bridge of San Lorenzo”
Compare “Madonna and Child” by at least 3 artists
Italian Renaissance-Tenae
Lorenzo Ghiberti “The Gates of Paradise”
Masaccio “Expulsion from the Garden of Eden”
Donatello “David” compared to Michelangelo “David”
Botticelli “The Birth of Venus”
Leonardo di Vinci “Mona Lisa” and “The Last Supper”
Michelangelo “The Creation of Adam” and “Pieta”
Raphael “The School of Athens”
Northern Renaissance-Sa’Kyron
Matthais Grunewald “The Isenheim Altarpiece”
Hieronymous Bosch “The Garden of Earthly Delights”
Pieter Brueghel “The Wedding Dance”
Hans Holbein “Portrait of Gisze”
Albrecht Durer “Self Portrait” and “The Knight, Death, and the Devil”
Jan Van Eyck “Arnolfini Wedding” and “Madonna and Chancellor Rolin”
Anthony van Dyck “Jerusalem Delivered”
Caravaggio “The Calling of St. Matthew”
Diego Velazquez “The Water Carrier of Seville”
Frans Hals “The Jolly Toper”
Jan Vermeer “The Cook”
Nicolas Poussin “The Abduction of the Sabine Women”
Peter Paul Rubens “St. George and the Dragon”
Rembrandt “The Blinding of Samson”
Germain Boffrand “Salon de la Princesse a l’Hotel de Soubise”
Jean-Antoine Watteau “A Pilgrimage to Cythera”
Jean-Honore Fragonard “The Swing” and “The Bathers”
Claude Michel (Clodion) “Satyr and Bacchante”
Jean-Baptiste Simeon Chardin “Back from the Market”
Jean-Baptiste Greuze “Broken Eggs”
Project Information
Historical Background (100 points): Provide a historical background for the period of art you are
covering. This should information about the history, culture, geography, major characteristic of your
assigned period of art, and anything else interesting about your topic. Maps, timelines, and images are a
must. It is important to indicate the purpose, influence, style, subject matter, and media of art works
during your assigned topic.
Assigned Works (100 points): Basic information include artist, title, location, date, medium, and
dimensions. You also need to include information about the particular work of art. If the work of art has
a specific artist, also include general information about the artist.
Images and Video (50 points): You must include, at a minimum, one image of the selected works.
Multiple images of each work, or comparison works will improve your score. You should locate at least 1
video pertaining to your assigned topic. The video should not be more than one class period long. If you
submit a video that is longer than 15 minutes, you must provide a video guide. You need to include your
video within your power point.
Presentation (100 points): You should spend 2-4 days presenting your project. You must speak clearly
and confidently. You must learn how to pronounce the works. Failure to do so will result in point
deduction. The presentation will be a separate grade you will receive after your present.
Quiz questions (50 points): You should submit 10 quiz questions from your lesson. Out of these 10 quiz
questions, at least 3 of them will be images to identify.
Submission: All your materials need to be e-mailed to me at This includes your
PowerPoint, link to your video, video guide, and quiz questions. The deadline to submit all work will be
when we finish our prehistory notes.
Participation (100 points): When other classmates are presenting their projects you must put your
phones away, take notes, and ask questions. This will also be a separate grade.
Points at time of due date: 300
Presentation and Participation Points: 200
Total Points for Project: 500
Fine Arts Survey Project Rubric (Information Portion)
_____Historical Background (100): Provide a historical background for the period of art you are covering.
This should information about the history, culture, geography, major characteristic of your assigned
period of art, and anything else interesting about your topic. Maps, timelines, and images are a must. It
is important to indicate the purpose, influence, style, subject matter, and media of art works during your
assigned topic.
_____ Assigned Works (100): Basic information include artist, title, location, date, medium, and
dimensions. You also need to include information about the particular work of art. If the work of art has
a specific artist, also include general information about the artist.
_____ Images and Video (50): You must include, at a minimum, one image of the selected works.
Multiple images of each work, or comparison works will improve your score. You should locate at least 1
video pertaining to your assigned topic. The video should not be more than one class period long. If you
submit a video that is longer than 15 minutes, you must provide a video guide. You need to include your
video within your power point.
_____ Quiz questions (50): You should submit 10 quiz questions from your lesson. Out of these 10 quiz
questions, at least 3 of them will be images to identify.
_____Submission: The student will lose 25 points for each day late.
/300 Points
Teacher Comments:
Fine Arts Survey (Presentation and Participation Portion)
_____Presentation (100): You should spend 2-4 days presenting your project. You must speak clearly
and confidently. You must learn how to pronounce the works. Failure to do so will result in point
deduction. The presentation will be a separate grade you will receive after your present. 10 points will
be deducted each time a student has an unexcused tardy or absence during their presentation time.
_____ Participation (100): When other classmates are presenting their projects you must put your
phones away, take notes, and ask questions. This will also be a separate grade. Part of this grade is
being present and on time during another students presentation. 10 points will be deducted each time a
student has an unexcused tardy or absence.
/200 Points
Teacher Comments: