CIA Monthly Update March 15, 2011

Next Generation Science Standards
Juan-Carlos Aguilar
Science Program Manager
Georgia Department of Education
Work Taking Place
Tentative Implementation Plan
K-12 Framework for Science Education
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
Work Taking Place
National Research Council
Council of State Science Supervisors (CSSS)
Building Capacity Among State Science Education Leaders
• State Collaborative on Assessment and Student Standards
• Georgia
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
Achieve will take the lead in developing aligned Science standards in partnership
with states and key stakeholders by late 2011 or early 2012. These new National
Science Standards will:
 Focuses on a limited number of core ideas in Science and Engineering both
within and across disciplines
 Based on the notion of learning progressions
 Involves the integration of both knowledge of scientific explanations and the
practices needed to engage in scientific inquiry and engineering design
 Take into consideration the knowledge and skills required for science
literacy, college readiness, and for pursing further study in STEM fields
 Provide a platform for the development of aligned, high quality assessments,
curricula and instructional materials.
Lead States and NGSS Writing Team
Writing Team Only
Lead State Partner Only
Writing Team and Lead State Partner
Building Capacity Among State Science Education Leaders
Phase I
Sept 30 - Oct 1, 2011
BCSSE Framework – Nashville
Feb 24 – 25, 2012
BCSSE Framework – Raleigh
March 26, 27, 28
CSSS Annual Meeting –
Phase II
Sept 28, 29, 2012
BCSSE Framework and Standards
BCSSE Winter Meeting
Phase III
Spring 2013
CSSS Annual Meeting – San Antonio
Spring 2013
BCSSE Regional Meetings
Letter to support development of the Implementation Teams
One page vision messages (customized for each audience)
a. Contains rationale for the Framework
b. Focus on the vision for science education and describes the goals
c. Emphasizes the research to support the Framework
d. Describes the process that led to the Framework and to the Standards
e. Explains the merging of the three dimensions
f. Provides a clear rationale for why science is important for all students
Power-Points for Awareness
a. 30 minute version for briefings
b. 2 hr version for meetings
Professional development tools one for teachers, one for leadership groups
a. 2 day professional development PPT
b. Activities to engage participants in understanding the framework dimensions
c. Videos of what it looks like in the classroom
Web Site
Public service announcements/messages
System of Science Education
Framework for K-12 Science Education
Released by the National Research Council of the National
Academies of Science July 19, 2011
 1st Step in developing Next Generation Science Standards
 Achieve will develop Standards within 18 months
 An Evolutionary (not Revolutionary) step forward
 Builds on Nat’l Science Education Standards, Benchmarks
for Science Literacy
 We’ve learned a lot about learning and teaching of science
 There have been advances in scientific knowledge
Research Shaping the Framework
• How children learn is at the foundation of the research
supporting the Framework.
• The National Science Education Standards have provided us
with a vision for science education, the Framework provides
cohesion and clarity to that vision and traction for science
inquiry through the practices
• The role of evidence in teaching and learning science
receives the attention it deserves as a cornerstone of
• The Framework has a clearer reliance on the cognitive
sciences to inform the structure of science standards and
hence inform teaching and learning science.
Base on
the Ideas of
Reports that Shape Where We Find
Ourselves Today
Framework Goals
• The Framework is motivated in part by a growing national consensus around the
need for greater coherence—that is, a sense of unity—in K-12 science education.
• Develop students’ understanding of the practices of science and engineering,
which is as important to understanding science as is knowledge of its content.
• The Framework endeavors to move science education toward a more coherent
vision in three ways:
First – It is built on the notion of learning as a developmental progression.
Second – The expectation is that students engage in scientific investigations and
argumentation to achieve deeper understanding of core science ideas.
Third – The Framework emphasizes that learning science and engineering
involves integration of the knowledge of scientific explanations (i.e., content
knowledge) and the practices needed to engage in scientific inquiry and
engineering design. Thus, the Framework seeks to illustrate how knowledge and
practice must be intertwined in designing learning experiences in K-12 science
Framework 1-3
Goals for Science Education
The Framework’s vision takes into account two major goals for K-12
science education:
(1) Educating all students in science and engineering.
(2) Providing the foundational knowledge for those who will
become the scientists, engineers, technologists, and
technicians of the future.
The Framework principally concerns itself with the first task—what
all students should know in preparation for their individual lives and
for their roles as citizens in this technology-rich and scientifically
complex world.
Framework 1-2
Goals for Science Education
Science Education
All students will:
• Understand science is not just a body of knowledge that reflects
current understanding of the world; it is also a set of practices used
to establish, extend, and refine that knowledge. Both elements—
knowledge and practice—are essential.
• Value and use science as a process of obtaining knowledge based
upon observable evidence.
CCSS Literacy
All students will gain skills to:
• Communicate effectively using science language and reasoning.
• Use writing as a tool for learning.
• Use writing as a tool to communicate ideas; write for a variety of
purposes and audiences.
CCSS Literacy Standards
Framework for K-12 Science Education
Notable Features: Content
• Addresses the Mile Wide/Inch Deep Problem
• Fewer Big Ideas arranged as progressions of
• Engineering, Technology and Applications of
Science is Elevated
• Ocean, Climate and Earth Systems Science are
The New NRC Framework for
K-12 Science Education
 Dimension 1: Scientific and Engineering Practices
 Dimension 2: Crosscutting Concepts
 Dimension 3: Disciplinary Core Ideas
Dimension 1: Scientific & Engineering Practices
Why Practices?
The idea of science as a set of practices has emerged from the
work of historians, philosophers, psychologists, and
sociologists over the past 60 years. This perspective is an
improvement over previous approaches, in several ways.
First - It minimizes the tendency to reduce scientific practices
to a single set of procedures, such as identifying and
controlling variables, classifying entities, and identifying
sources of error. This tendency overemphasizes experimental
investigation at the expense of other practices, such as
modeling, critique, and communication.
Dimension 1: Scientific & Engineering Practices
Why Practices?
Second - A focus on practices (in the plural) avoids the mistaken
impression that there is one distinctive approach common to all
science—a single “scientific method”—or that uncertainty is a universal
attribute of science.
Third - Attempts to develop the idea that science should be taught
through a process of inquiry have been hampered by the lack of a
commonly accepted definition of its constituent elements. The focus in
the Framework is on important practices, such as modeling, developing
explanations, and engaging in critique and evaluation (argumentation),
that have too often been underemphasized in the context of science
education. Students engage in argumentation from evidence to
understand the science reasoning and empirical evidence to support
Dimension 1: Scientific & Engineering Practices
Practices – Knowledge and Skills
• The importance of developing students’ knowledge of
how science and engineering achieve their ends while
also strengthening their competency with related
• The term “practices,” instead of a term such as
“skills,” to stress that engaging in scientific inquiry
requires coordination both of knowledge and skills
Framework page 3-1
Dimension 1: Scientific & Engineering Practices
Practices – Knowledge and Skills
• This implies that Science Practices differs from
science inquiry.
• Stressing the use of evidence is one of the significant
• The essential role of science content knowledge is
another significant difference.
• What are some of the potential implications for the
changes in focus?
Framework for K-12 Science Education
Dimensions of the Framework
 Dimension 1: Scientific and Engineering Practices
– “Inquiry” and “Science Processes” are re-defined as
Scientific and Engineering Practices
– These Practices represent strategic, synergistic
integration with ELA CCSS
Dimension 1: Scientific & Engineering Practices
Identify a
need or
Draw a
the problem
Collect data &
Construct an
Collect data
& analyze
Draw a
Construct an
Scientific Process
Present the
Decide on
Construct a
Test & evaluate
Dimension 1: Scientific & Engineering Practices
1. Asking Questions and defining problems
2. Developing and using models
3. Planning and carrying out investigations
4. Analyzing and interpreting data
5. Using math, information/computer technology,
computational thinking
6. Constructing explanations, designing solutions
7. Engaging in argument from evidence
8. Obtaining, evaluating, communicating information
Framework 3-28 to 31
Dimension 2: Crosscutting Concepts
What are Crosscutting Concepts?
• Crosscutting concepts are concepts that cross disciplinary boundaries
and contribute to the sense making that leads to students valuing and
using science and engineering practices.
• The Framework describes seven crosscutting concepts that appear to
have value in supporting understanding of the natural sciences and
• The crosscutting concepts, when made explicit for students, contribute
to their understanding of a coherent and scientifically-based view of
the world.
• Crosscutting concepts have utility for instruction.
Framework page 4-1
Dimension 2: Crosscutting Concepts
How Do Students Learn These Concepts?
1. Crosscutting concepts (CCC) are fundamental to an
understanding of science, yet students are often expected to
develop this knowledge without any explicit instructional
2. The vision of the framework is for “The Standards” to be
written as an intersection of the three dimensions, with
crosscutting concepts being an integral component to the other
3. Students should have the crosscutting concepts as common and
familiar touchstones across the disciplines and grade-levels.
Dimension 2: Crosscutting Concepts
How Do Students Learn These Concepts?
4. Explicit development of the crosscutting concepts in multiple
disciplinary contexts can help students develop an
understanding of science and engineering as coherent,
cumulative, and versatile.
5. The utility of students’ science knowledge depends upon their
ability to use science to explain novel phenomena.
Dimension 2: Crosscutting Concepts
1. Patterns
2. Cause and Effect
3. Scale, Proportion and Quantity
4. Systems and System Models
5. Energy & Matter: Flows, Cycles, Conservation
6. Structure and Function
7. Stability and Change
Dimension 3: Disciplinary Core Ideas
Organized into Four Domains
• Physical Science
• Life Sciences
• Earth & Space Sciences
• Engineering, Technology and the Applications of
Dimension 3: Disciplinary Core Ideas
• Broad Explanatory Power
• Each Core Idea is introduced with a question and
has description of what students should understand
by end Grade 12
• Followed by “Grade Band End Points” (suggestive
of Learning Progressions)
• Engineering has new emphasis
• More Ocean, Climate and Earth Systems Science
From Framework
to Standards
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
The National Science Framework was release on July 17, 2011.
Expected completion of the New Generation of National Science Standards by
Achieve is December, 2012 .
Precision review of the Science GPS will be conducted in the Spring-Summer of
Tentative date to submit revised Science GPS for adoption by the Georgia Board of
Education in the Summer of 2013.
Professional Development for teachers on the revised Science GPS in the
2013-2014 and 2014-2015 school years.
First year of implementation of the revised Science GPS in the 2015-2016 school
year .
Assessments will be aligned accordingly at this time. New assessments on 20152016 school year.