Presentation Slides: Fibromyalgia

How do I adapt my life to this disorder? Why do I
feel like doctors aren’t listening to my symptoms?
Dr. Eric Oltmanns D.C.
Crossroads Chiropractic
Dr. Eric Oltmanns D.C.
 Crossroads Chiropractic Clinic
 Located inside the St. Cloud Medical Group Across From
Hennen’s Furniture
 Access to Over 50 MD’s and Urgent Care
 Access To Digital X-ray, MRI, and advance imaging
 Access to Physical Therapy and Clinical Counseling
Definition of Fibromyalgia
 According to the Mayo Clinic:
 Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread
musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep,
memory and mood issues.
American College of Rheumatology
(ACR) Diagnostic Criteria for
• ACR Diagnostic Criteria:
• History of chronic
widespread pain ≥ 3
• Patients must exhibit ≥
11 of 18 tender points
 Fatigue
 Sleep Disorders
 Morning Joint Stiffness
 Chronic Headaches
 Muscle pain after exertion
 Jaw Pain
 Irritable Bowl Syndrome
 Skin Sensitivity
 Numbness or tingling in arm/legs
 Memory impairment
 Dizziness
 Rheumatic Diseases/Arthritis
 Lyme Disease
 Lupus
 Anemia
 Hypothyroidism
 Hormone Imbalance
Contributing Causes
 Previous Physical or Emotional
 Previous surgeries
 Genetics
 Female:Male Ratio is 7:1
40-60 year old woman is most
common age
Why have I seen so many
 Due to the number of symptoms usually present, it
takes many specialty doctors to investigate specific
 It is usually difficult for these professionals to
communicate with each other and is also difficult to
come to the same diagnosis of FM.
 This process can take 5 to 10 years to accurately receive
a FM diagnosis.
 Each office visit only allows a snapshot of the whole FM
picture and takes many visits to document the
accumulation of symptoms and trends.
Why are so many different
treatments offered and tests
 The type of Doctor you see dictates the type of
treatment they provide for FM
 For example, family practice doctors might pick 2
symptoms out of the list you provide that day and give you
medications for them.
 Many will order specific tests in their specialty so it is not
uncommon to feel like you have had every imaginable test
completed on you. Do you ever feel like the image below?
What does Chiropractic
treatment offer for FM?
 Personally I believe that to effectively treat FM,
many health care providers must work in
conjunction towards a common goal of reducing
symptoms and improving quality of life.
 As a Chiropractor, I focus on the musculoskeletal
complaints and symptoms that FM patients have
such as muscle spasms, headaches, joint pain, etc.
 The other main topics that we focus on are
Nutrition, Exercise, Stress Reduction.
Chiropractic FM treatments
 Trained in finding trigger points and working on
them to reduce muscle spasm.
 Specific adjustments to reduce neurological
interference, reduce muscle spasm, reduce
headaches, and many more benefits that include
too many to list.
 Ultrasound therapy and electric stimulation to
reduce muscle spasm and reduce intensity of
trigger points.
At Home Recommendations
 Exercise:
 Many FM patients dread the thought of this and believe that
it will flare their symptoms up.
 20-30 minutes of aerobic exercise per day
 Resistance band strengthening 3x per week
 Prognosis significantly improved when regular exercise is
implemented in the treatment plan
 Start slow and gradually increase intensity and quantity of
 This will improve sleep, blood pressure, energy level, and
 Stress Reduction
 Many FM patients can remember a stressful time
period where their symptoms began
 Finding someone who will discuss the past can help
reduce stress such as a clinical counselor
 Meditation, Yoga, and Tai-Chi are incredible forms of
stress reduction
 Breathing techniques for certain times of day/night
to help reduce stressful events or anxiety
 Stress allows the Adrenal Glands to release Cortisol
which in turn causes inflammation and exacerbates
FM symptoms
 Support Group
 Massage
Improving Sleep
 It is important to have quality sleep to allow the
adrenal glands to regulate themselves.
 Chiropractic treatments will help improve sleep
habits by reducing symptoms that consistently
interrupt sleep.
 Previously mentioned at home recommendations
will contribute to better sleep.
Nutritional Advice
 Only fuel your body with high nutrient foods and meats.
 Avoid processed foods and junk food that increase your blood sugar
and in turn contribute to stress, depression, and muscle aches
 Rule of thumb *If it is in a box, it is processed* Shop the perimeter
of the grocery store and limit entering the isles.
 Drink LOTS of water (half your weight in ounces)
 Example: 160 lbs. should drink 80 ounces H2O per day
 Avoid Corn, Wheat, Gluten, Nuts, Soy, Sugar
 Elimination Diet:
 Remove unwanted food from diet for 2-4 weeks. Re-introduce
unwanted food after 2-4 weeks and see what kind of symptoms
return. About 75% of people find trigger foods this way
Supplements that I
 Omega-3 Fatty Acids (Fish Oil)
 Vitamin D, C, and B6/B12
 Probiotics
 Calcium/Magnesium
 Multi-vitamin
 Malic Acid
5 Things to Avoid
 Avoid Smoking
 Coffee
 Drinking Alcohol in excess
 Sedentary lifestyles/habits
 Stressful Environments
Reasons to come into my office
for Chiropractic Care
 Reduced Pain, headaches, muscle aches
 Improved quality of sleep
 Improved quality of life
 Less Medical Doctor Visits and Medication Use
 If my treatments are not helping, I will be completely
honest and refer you to the right person
 I enjoy working with other health care professionals and
to be part of your FM treatment team, we all play an
important role
 Acupuncture treatments work very well for
 Reduce pain/muscle spasm
 Most people that benefit from this treatment
will know by the second or third treatment
Call and make an appointment
Dr. Eric Oltmanns
Crossroads Chiropractic Clinic
Thanks For Taking Your Time Today To
Improve Your Health!