Chapter 13
Branding And Packaging
Explain value of branding
Understand brand loyalty
Analyze components of brand equity
Recognize types of brands and benefits
Understand how to select and protect brand
Examine branding policies
Understand co-branding/brand licensing
Describe packaging functions/design
considerations and how packaging is used
• Examine functions of labeling and describe
legal issues pertaining to labeling
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• Brand – a name, term, design, symbol, or other
feature that identifies a seller’s products and
differentiates them from competitors’ products.
Brand name – part spoken, including letters,
words, and numbers
Brand mark – part not made up of words, such
as a symbol or design
Trademark – legal designation of exclusive use
of a brand
Trade name – full legal name of organization
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Value of Branding – Buyer
• Identify specific products
• Form of self-expression
• Evaluate product
• Reduce perceived risk of purchase
• Status
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Value Of Branding – Seller
• Identify product
• Aids in new product introduction
• Facilitates promotion
• Fosters brand loyalty
• Cultural branding
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Brand Loyalty
A customer’s favorable attitude toward
a specific brand.
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Brand Loyalty (cont’d)
• Recognition – aware brand exists and is
alternative if preferred brand unavailable
• Preference – preferred over competitive
• Insistence – strongly preferred, no
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Brand Equity
The marketing and financial value associated
with a brand’s strength in a market.
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Major Elements
Of Brand Equity
Adapted with the permission of The Free Press, a division of Simon & Schuster Adult Publishing Group, from Managing Brand Equity:
Capitalizing on the Value of a Brand Name by David A. Aaker. Copyright © 1991 by David A. Aaker. All rights reserved.
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Types Of Brands
• Manufacturer- initiated by its producer
• Private distributor- initiated and owned
by a reseller
• Generic- indicating only a product category
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The World’s
Most Valuable Brands
From “The Top 100 Global Brands Scoreboard,” Business Week, (accessed May 1, 2006). Reprinted by permission of
Business Week. The brand valuations draw on publicly available information, which has not been
independently investigated by Interbrand. Data: Interbrand Corp., J. P. Morgan Chase & Co.,
Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, Business Week.
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Perceptions Of Brands
“Store Brands at the Turning Point,” Consumer Research Network, 3624 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA.
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Selecting A Brand Name
• Easy to say, spell, recall
• Indicate major benefits- suggest in
positive way products’ uses and
special characteristics
• Recognizable in all types of media
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Sources For Brand Names
• Individual
• Committee
• Department
• Consultant
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Protecting A Brand
• Brand types
Fanciful = most protected
Generic = least protected
• 10 year protection but renewed indefinitely
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Branding Policies
• Individual- each product given a
different name
• Family- all of a firm’s products with the
same name or part of the name
• Extension- organization uses one of its
existing brands to brand a new product
in a different category
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Using two or more brands on one product.
NASDAQ And Announcement
Co-BrandingSample Agreement
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Brand Licensing
An agreement whereby a company permits
another organization to use its brand on
other products for a licensing fee.
HP’s Brand Licensing Program
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Packaging Functions
1. Protect product and maintain
functional form
2. Offer convenience
3. Promote product
4. Communicate quality or premium
nature of product
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Packaging Considerations
Design consistency
Promotional role- color
Needs of resellers
Environmentally responsible
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Companies That Spend
The Most On Packaging
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Packaging And
Marketing Strategies
Multiple Packs
Handling -Improved
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Criticisms Of Packaging
Not functional
Types Of Packaging
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• Labeling- identifying, promotional, or
other information on package
• Universal Product Code (UPC)electronically readable lines identifying
product and inventory/pricing information
Universal Product Code and EAN Article
Numbering Code Page
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Labeling Laws
• Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (1966)
• Nutrition Labeling Act (1990)
Nutrition Labeling Analysis
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Perceived Quality And Value Of
Products Based On Country Of Origin
“American Demographics 2006 Consumer Perception Survey,” Advertising Age, Jan. 2, 2006, p. 9. Data by Synovate.
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