Tom Sawyer Group Novel Study - Oak Park Unified School District

Chapters 6-10: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Class #__________Name__________________________________________________________________ Period__________
Points: _____/28
Date of Chapters 6-10 Quiz: ____________________________
______(3) Chapters 6-10 Vocabulary/Flashcards
______(3) Chapter 6 Questions/Summary/Highlighting
______(3) Chapter 7 Questions/Summary/ Highlighting
______(3) Chapter 8 Questions/Summary/ Highlighting
______(3) Chapter 9 Questions/Summary/ Highlighting
______(3) Chapter 10 Questions/Summary/ Highlighting
______(3) Novel Group Study
______(5) Response to Literature (RtL) Paragraph
______(2) Chapters 6-10 Standards Organizer
All assignments should be neat and complete.
All work should be detailed and thoughtful.
Answers must contain page numbers where evidence may be found to support
the answers.
Assignments should be written IN PEN and corrections made in RED PEN.
NOTE: On the day each assignment is due, if you do not have it, you will receive a work
habits check. Work habits will be affected.
If you need help make sure you come in before class. Incomplete answers will result in a
“0” on that portion of the assignment.
You should be reading each night and flashcarding
5 minutes each night to prepare for the daily quizzes.
Vocabulary Chart
CHS 6-10
1. Highlight Blue the word in the book. Use pages given as a reference.
2. Write the sentence from the book.
3. Define each word.
Sentence from book.
(AT least 20 words)
(represent how word is used in the
Highlight vocab BLUE
(Who said it if it is a quote.)
fetters, n.
p. 41
odious, adj.
p. 41
expectorate, v.
p. 43
homage, n.
p. 43
pariah, n.
p. 43
perennial, adj.
p. 43
ostentation, n.
p. 749
Sentence from Book
(Page number)
abide, v.
p. 52
smite, v.
smote (past tense)
p. 55
zephyr, n.
p. 57
illustrious, adj.
p. 58
lath, n.
p. 59
**When definitions have been completed, make flash cards and place on ring.
Highlight ends of cards pink.
(Definitions on one side, word on another. You do not need part of speech or the sentence on the
flash cards.)
These will be checked in class when the vocabulary definitions are due.
Chapter 6 Reading Questions
Directions: Answers to questions MUST COMPLETELY ANSWER the question and contain the
evidence page.
Chapter 6
1. What is Tom’s attitude toward school? (Evidence page______)
2. What does Tom use an excuse for not going to school? (Evidence page______)
3. Why does Aunt Polly laugh when Tom tells her what the matter is? (Evidence page______)
4. How does Aunt Polly take care of Tom’s loose tooth? (Evidence page______)
5. What new talent does Tom have without the tooth in his mouth? (Evidence page______)
6. Describe Huckleberry Finn. (Evidence page______)
7. Why does Huck have a dead cat? (Evidence page______)
8. Why does Twain include the descriptions of the dead cat, spunk water, and bean? (Evidence
9. Why are Tom and Huck going to the graveyard that night? (Evidence page______)
10. Why does Tom decide to tell the truth about why he was late for school? (Evidence page______)
11. What things does Tom put on the slate to amuse Becky? (Evidence page______)
Directions: Summarize each chapter read in three sentences (ex: What happened at the beginning, middle, end)
#6 Tom Meets Becky”
Chapter 7 Reading Questions
Directions: Answers to questions MUST COMPLETELY ANSWER the question and contain the
evidence page.
Chapter 7
1. How do Tom and Joe amuse themselves during class? (Evidence page______)
2. What image of school and teachers does Twain give you? (Evidence page______)
3. Why do Tom and Becky stay at school instead of going home for lunch? (Evidence page______)
4. What is Tom’s process for becoming engaged? (Evidence page______)
5. Why does Becky start crying? (Evidence page______)
6. What does Tom do when he can’t get Becky to stop? (Evidence page______)
Directions: Summarize each chapter read in three sentences (ex: What happened at the
beginning, middle, end)
#7 “Tick-Running and a Heartbreak”
Chapter 8 Reading Questions
Directions: Answers to questions MUST COMPLETELY ANSWER the question and contain the
evidence page.
Chapter 8
1. What does Tom think of what he’s done to Becky? (Evidence page______)
2. What careers does he consider as possibilities? (Evidence page______)
3. What career does he settle on? (Evidence page______)
4. How does Tom try to regain all of his lost marbles? (Evidence page______)
5. How does he rationalize why the incantation didn’t work? (Evidence page______)
6. Why are there rules for playing Robin Hood? (Evidence page______)
Directions: Summarize each chapter read in three sentences (ex: What happened at the
beginning, middle, end)
#8 “A Pirate Bold to Be”______________________________________________________________________________________
Chapter 9 Reading Questions
Directions: Answers to questions MUST COMPLETELY ANSWER the question and contain the
evidence page.
Chapter 9
1. Why are Tom and Huck at the graveyard? (Evidence page______)
2. How are Muff Potter and Injun Joe characterized by the boys? (Evidence page______)
3. What are the three men doing there? (Evidence page______)
4. What grudge does Injun Joe have against Dr. Robinson? (Evidence page______)
5. What is the outcome of the fight? (Evidence page______)
6. How is the blame shifted for the fight’s outcome? (Evidence page______)
Directions: Summarize each chapter read in three sentences (ex: What happened at the
beginning, middle, end)
#9 “Tragedy in a Graveyard”
Chapter 10 Reading Questions
Directions: Answers to questions MUST COMPLETELY ANSWER the question and contain the
evidence page.
Chapter 10
1. How do the boys react to what they’ve seen? (Evidence page______)
2. Why do they decide to keep quiet about what they’ve seen? (Evidence page______)
3. How do the boys seal their promise? (Evidence page______)
4. Why does the dog howling bother the boys? (Evidence page______)
5. What do the boys think will be Muff Potter’s fate? (Evidence page______)
6. Why isn’t Tom punished for coming in late? (Evidence page______)
7. What is ”the feather that breaks the camel’s back”? (Evidence page______)
Directions: Summarize each chapter read in three sentences (ex: What happened at the
beginning, middle, end)
#10 “Dire Prophecy Of The Howling Dog_________________________________________________________________
Response to Literature Paragraphs
The basic format for a single paragraph based on examples from
literature is as follows:
1. topic sentence
2. clarify (be more specific than the topic sentence)
3. support and explain (quote and analysis)
- cite author and page number (Twain #)
- use enough examples to make your point effectively (at least two)
4. wrap up
- revisit the topic sentence without restating
- make an observation about the topic
- tell readers what can be learned from the topic
- compare to real life situations
Writing Conventions
 use present tense
o Tom Sawyer is a character . . .
 mention the full title of the book (underlined) and the author in the topic
o In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain, Huckleberry Finn is
the character that best represents . . .
 put passages taken directly from the novel in quotation marks, followed by a
space and then a citation of author and page #
o “A gory knife had been found close to the murdered man, and it had
been recognized by somebody as belonging to Muff Potter” (Twain 73)
 use third person – no I or you
o Twain created a tense mood for the reader when . . .
Tom Sawyer Group Novel Study
Group #_____________
Chapter 6-10
Remember: You may only choose the activity from the activity card only
once during our study of the novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
Activity #_________ (Use this side for written activities, the blank side for other activities)
Chapters 6-10
Tom Sawyer Standards Organizer
Save this paper to study for the book test and to write the RtL Essay.
Conflicts: struggles between opposing forces,
causing the action in the story. Conflicts may be
external or internal.
secondary story lines that add
depth or complicate the main plot.
Main Plot
Themes: Central message, concern or
purpose of the passage
Tone: author’s attitude toward the subject or reader.
Mood: atmosphere or feeling within a work.
Effect of Setting on
Dialect - the form of language spoken by
people in a particular region or groupInjun, spunk-water,
“Pap says when they keep looking at you
right stiddy, they’re a-witching you.” (Huck,
“Do you reckon..” (Tom 62)
“No—‘taint so, is it?” (Tom 63),
“..then swelled himself up” (42)
“What a turn you did give me.” (43)
“It’s devil fire. Oh, Tom, this is awful.”
expressions that have meaning in a
specific region an/or time period.