TEACHER’S AIDE, YARD DUTY, BUS DUTY (schedule, instructions, sub list) FALL 2014 You are responsible for getting a substitute if you cannot make your scheduled time. Subs are listed on the back of this page. You must sign in at the office when you arrive. Be sure to initial the sign in form when you receive your scrip card in the office at the end of your shift. You are still needed for lunch yard duty even if there is inclement weather and recess is held indoors. (see instructions below) Thanks for all you do for St. Agnes students and teachers! (Call Lynnette Carron at 314-550-5483 if you have any questions) TEACHER’S AIDE INSTRUCTIONS: Please arrive by 8:25am and sign in at the office. Report to each classroom as indicated on the schedule below. If Mrs. Filer is not in the room, she will have a list of jobs (by her door) for you to do until she returns with the class. As teacher’s aide, you are asked to work about 45 minutes with each grade regardless of the class your child may be in. Even if you don’t finish the work assigned, please move to the next room. TEACHER’S AIDE SCHEDULE: 8:30 to 11:25am 8:30 – 9:15 KINDERGARTEN 9:15 – 10:00 GRADE 1 10:00 – 10:45 GRADE 3 10:45 – 11:25 GRADE 2 YARD DUTY INSTRUCTIONS: Please arrive by 11:20am and sign in at the office. All playground monitors should have a whistle and/or bell with them as well as a walkie-talkie and a school key. (these items are located in the office) FROM 11:30 TO 12:00: You will pick up the Kindergarten class at the office and bring them to the upper playground. If recess is indoors, you will monitor the Kindergarten class in their classroom for the first half hour. FROM 12:00 TO 12:30: You will pick up either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd graders at the office after you return with the Kindergarteners. If recess is indoors, you will monitor the primary students in the hallway by the office with the teacher on duty. If you have a cell phone with you, please program the school’s phone number into it as an extra precaution (573-483-2506). PLEASE DO NOT USE CELL PHONES WHEN MONITORING THE CHILDREN. If a child needs to come into the building, please indicate that on the walkie-talkie and please send them in with a companion. DON’T FORGET: Keep your back to the wall and scan the students frequently. A complete list of instructions is in the school office. BUS DUTY INSTRUCTIONS: Please arrive by 2:40pm and sign in at the office. You will go outside with the students and supervise as they find their rides home. You need to bring a walkie-talkie with you. (located in the office) When all students are in their cars, you may start removing the orange cones starting with cone #1 closest to the school building. All remaining students wait by the ramp until the cars are gone. Sr. Regina will be supervising the students inside until you return. Then you will monitor the students inside till the last bus leaves at approximately 3:30pm. Don’t forget to initial the sign in form after your shift when you receive your scrip payment. SUB PHONE # TEACHER’S AIDE SUBS Shelly Reed Tyne Huck Brandy Roth Lisa Gansner Jennifer Brawley Niki Weibrecht Lynnette Carron Crystal Duwe Amy Drury Robyn Weiler 314-435-5079 573-883-6152 573-808-6094 314-401-2070 573-747-6765 573-517-2131 (can text) 314-550-5483 (can text) 573-483-9687 573-883-6833 314-550-3570 DAYS AVAILABLE any any Tuesday, Thursday Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday any any (Home # 483-3522) Tuesday, Thursday, Friday any Friday Monday, Thursday LUNCH YARD DUTY SUBS Tyne Huck Brandy Roth Niki Weibrecht Amy Drury Nicky Schweiss Lisa Gansner Anna Wodraska 573-883-6152 573-808-6094 573-517-2131 573-883-6833 573-450-8719 314-401-2070 573-483-2085 any any any Friday Wednesday, Thursday any Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 573-517-1036 573-883-6224 314-550-7450 636-209-3079 573-883-6269 573-880-6233 573-579-6674 314-550-0395 (can text) 573-883-6152 573-517-2131 573-883-6833 314-550-3570 314-401-2070 any (Home # 483-2411) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday any any Monday, Tuesday Tuesday any any Tuesday Monday, Thursday any BUS DUTY SUBS Lisa Kertz Tonia Carron Kim Drury Debra Klahs Jennifer Linderer Lisa Braun Amy Schwent Stephannie Drury Tyne Huck Niki Weibrecht Amy Drury Robyn Weiler Lisa Gansner