Semester II Final Review Sheet - Physics

Grade 10 Science – Semester II Final Exam Physics Review Guide
Vector Quantities
Uniform Circular Motion
Free-Body Diagram
Newton 1st Law of Motion
Mechanical Energy
Elastic Collisions
Periodic Motion
Potential Energy of a Spring
Transverse Wave
Scalar Quantities
Tangential Speed
Newton 2nd Law of Motion
Kinetic Energy
Inelastic Collisions
Destructive Interference
Centripetal Acceleration
Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion
Potential Energy
Hooke’s Law
Constant Velocity
and Displacement
Velocity with
Displacement with
Final Velocity with
Acceleration and
Velocity of an
Object undergoing
Uniform Circular
Period to Frequency
Centripetal Force
sin 
cos 
tan 
Newton’s Second
Law of Motion
Free Fall / Gravity
Centripetal Force
Net Force
Normal Force
Longitudinal Wave
Constructive Interference
Law of Reflection
Kinetic Energy
Potential Energy
(due to gravity)
Mechanical Energy
Conservation of
(Elastic Collisions)
Conservation of
(Inelastic Collisions)
Hooke’s Law
Potential Energy of
a Spring
Period of a
Velocity of a Wave
Velocity Questions:
During a race on level ground, Andra runs with an average velocity of 6.02 m/s to the east. What is Andra’s displacement
after 137 s?
Heather and Matthew walk with an average velocity of 0.98 m/s eastward. If it takes them 34 min to walk to the store, what is
their displacement?
If Joe rides his bike in a straight line for 15 min with an average velocity of 12.5 km/h south, how far has he ridden?
It takes you 9.5 min to walk with an average velocity of 1.2 m/s to the north from the bus stop to the museum entrance. What
is your displacement?
Simpson drives his car with an average velocity of 48.0 km/h to the east. How long will it take him to drive 144 km on a
straight highway?
How much time would Simpson save by increasing his average velocity to 56.0 km/h to the east?
A bus travels 280 km south along a straight path with an average velocity of 88 km/h to the south. The bus stops for 24 min.
Then, it travels 210 km south with an average velocity of 75 km/h to the south.
How long was the total trip?
What is the average velocity for the whole trip?
A book is moved once around the edge of a table top with dimensions of 1.75 m x 2.25 m. The book ends up back in its
original position and completes the journey in 23 s.
What is the book’s displacement?
What is the distance the book traveled?
What was the book’s average speed?
What was the book’s average velocity?
Car A travels from New York City to Miami at a speed of 25 m/s. Car B travels from New York City to Los Angeles as a
speed of 25 m/s. Are the velocities the same?
What is the shortest possible time in which a bacterium could travel a distance of 8.4 cm across a Petri dish at a constant
speed of 3.5 mm/s?
10. A child is pushing a shopping cart at a speed of 1.5 m/s. How long will it take the child to push the cart down an aisle with a
length of 9.3 m?
11. An athlete swims from the north end to the south end of a 50.0 m pool in 20.0 s and makes the return trip to the starting
position in 22.0 s.
What is the average velocity for the first half of the trip?
What is the average velocity for the second half of the trip?
What is the average velocity for the roundtrip?
12. Two students walk in the same direction along a path, at a constant speed – one at 0.90 m/s and the other at 1.90 m/s.
Assuming that they start at the same point and the same time, how much sooner does the faster student arrive at a
destination 780 m away?
How far would the students have to walk so that the faster student arrives 5.50 min before the slower student?
Average Acceleration Questions:
13. A shuttle bus slows down with an average acceleration of -1.8 m/s2. How long does it take the bus to slow from 9.0 m/s to a
complete stop?
14. As the shuttle bus comes to a sudden stop to avoid hitting a dog, it accelerates uniformly at -4.1 m/s2 as it slows from 9.0 m/s
to 0.0 m/s, Find the time interval of acceleration for the bus.
15. A car traveling at 7.0 m/s accelerates uniformly at 2.5 m/s2 to reach a speed of 12.0 m/s. How long did it take for this
acceleration to occur?
16. With an average acceleration of -1.2 m/s2, how long will it take a cyclist to bring a bicycle with an initial speed of 6.5 m/s to
a complete stop?
17. Turner’s treadmill runs with a velocity of -1.2 m/s and speeds up at regular intervals during a half-hour workout. After 25
min, the treadmill has a velocity of -6.5 m/s. What is the average acceleration of the treadmill during this period?
18. Suppose a treadmill has an average acceleration of 4.7 x 10 -3 m/s2.
How much does its speed change after 5.0 min?
If the treadmill’s initial speed is 1.7 m/s, what will its final speed be?
19. If a baseball has zero velocity at some instant, is the acceleration of the baseball necessarily zero at that instant? Explain and
give examples.
20. If a passenger train is traveling on a straight track with negative velocity and positive acceleration, is it speeding up or
slowing down?
21. When Jennifer is out for a ride, she slows down on her bike as she approaches a group of hikers on a trail. Explain how her
acceleration can be positive even though her speed is decreasing.
Displacement with Constant Acceleration Questions:
22. A racing car reaches a speed of 42 m/s. It then begins a uniform negative acceleration, using its parachute and braking
system, and comes to rest 5.5 s later. Find the distance that the car travels during braking.
23. A car accelerates uniformly from rest to a speed of 6.6 m/s in 6.5 s. Find the distance the car travels during this time.
24. When Maggie applies the brakes of her car, the car slows uniformly from 15.0 m/s to 0.0 m/s in 2.50 s. How many meters
before a stop sign must she apply her brakes in order to stop at the sign?
25. A driver in a car traveling at a speed of 21.8 m/s sees a cat 101 m away on the road. How long will it take for the car to
accelerate uniformly to a stop in exactly 99 m.
26. A car enters the freeway with a speed of 6.4 m/s and accelerates uniformly for 3.2 km in 3.5 min. How fast (in m/s) is the car
moving after this time?
Velocity and Displacement with Constant Acceleration Questions:
27. A plane starting at rest at one end of a runway undergoes a uniform acceleration of 4.8 m/s 2 for 15 s before takeoff. What is
the speed at takeoff? How long must the runway be for the plane to be able to take off?
28. A car with an initial speed of 6.5 m/s accelerates at a uniform rate of 0.92 m/s 2 for 3.6 s. Find the final speed and the
displacement of the car during this time.
29. An automobile with an initial speed of 4.30 m/s accelerates uniformly at the rate of 3.00 m/s2. Find the final speed and the
displacement after 5.00 s.
30. A car starts from rest and travels for 5.0 s with a constant acceleration of -1.5 m/s2. What is the final velocity of the car? How
far does the car travel in this time interval?
31. A driver of a car traveling at 15.0 m/s applies the brakes, causing a uniform acceleration of -2.0 m/s2. How long does it take
the car to accelerate to a final speed of 10.0 m/s? How far has the car moved during the braking period?
Final Velocity after any Displacement Questions:
32. A person pushing a stroller starts from rest, uniformly accelerating at a rate of 0.500 m/s 2. What is the velocity of the stroller
after it has traveled 4.75 m?
33. A car traveling initially at +7.0 m/s accelerates uniformly at the rate of 0.80 m/s2 for a distance of 245 m.
What is its velocity at the end of the acceleration?
What is its velocity after it accelerates for 125 m?
What is its velocity after it accelerates for 67 m?
34. A car accelerates uniformly in a straight line from rest at the rate of 2.3 m/s2.
What is the speed of the car after it has traveled 55 m?
How long does it take the car to travel 55 m?
35. A motorboat accelerates uniformly from a velocity of 6.5 m/s to the west to a velocity of 1.5 m/s to the west. If the
acceleration was 2.7 m/s2 to the east, how far did it travel during the acceleration?
36. An aircraft has a liftoff speed of 33 m/s. What minimum constant acceleration does this require if the aircraft is to be airborne
after a take-off run of 240 m?
37. A certain car is capable of accelerating at a uniform rate of 0.85 m/s 2. What is the magnitude of the car’s displacement as it
accelerates uniformly from a speed of 83 km/h to one of 94 km/h?
Falling Objects Questions:
38. Jason hits a volleyball so that it moves with an initial velocity of 6.0 m/s straight upward. If the volleyball starts from 2.0 m
above the floor, how long will it be in the air?
When the volleyball’s final velocity if 1.1 m/s upward, what is its displacement?
39. A robot probe drops a camera off the rim of a 239 m high cliff on Mars, where the free-fall acceleration is -3.7 m/s2.
Find the velocity with which the camera hits the ground.
Find the time required for it to hit the ground.
40. A flowerpot falls from a windowsill 25.0 m above the sidewalk.
How fast is the flowerpot moving when it strikes the ground?
How much time does a passerby on the sidewalk below have to move out of the way before the flowerpot hits the
41. A tennis ball is thrown vertically upward with an initial velocity of +8.0 m/s.
What will be the ball’s speed when it returns to its starting point?
How long will the ball take to reach its starting point?
Centripetal Acceleration Questions:
42. A rope attaches a tire to an overhanging tree limb. A girl swinging on the tire has a centripetal acceleration of 3.0 m/s2. If the
length of the rope is 2.1 m, what is the girl’s tangential speed?
43. As a young boy swings a yo-yo parallel to the ground and above his head, the yo-yo has a centripetal acceleration of 250
m/s2. If the yo-yo’s string is 0.50 m long, what is the yo-yo’s tangential speed?
44. A dog sits 1.5 m from the center of a merry-go-round. The merry-go-round is set in motion, and the dog’s tangential speed is
1.5 m/s. What is the dog’s centripetal acceleration?
45. A racecar moving along a circular track has a centripetal acceleration of 15.4 m/s 2. If the car has a tangential speed of 30.0
m/s, what is the distance between the car and the center of the track?
Centripetal Force Questions:
46. A 2.10 m rope attaches a tire to an overhanging tree limb. A girl swinging on the tire has a tangential speed of 2.50 m/s. If the
magnitude of the centripetal force is 88.0 N, what is the girl’s mass?
47. A bicyclist is riding at a tangential speed of 13.2 m/s around a circular track. The magnitude of the centripetal force is 377 N,
and the combined mass of the bicycle and rider is 86.5 kg. What is the track’s radius?
48. A dog sits 1.5o m from the center of a merry-go-round and revolves at a tangential speed of 1.80 m/s. If the dog’s mass is
18.5 kg, what is the magnitude of the centripetal force on the dog? What form is this force taking?
49. A 905 kg car travels around a circular track with a circumference of 3.25 km. If the magnitude of the centripetal force is 2140
N, what is the car’s tangential speed? If the maximum frictional force that can be obtained between the car and its tires is
2600 N, what is the maximum tangential speed the car can still safely travel at around this track?
Free Body Diagram Questions:
50. Draw the following free-body diagram situations:
A ball falling to earth in the absence of air-resistance.
A ball falling to earth in the presence of air-resistance.
A person sitting in the middle of an ice covered lake.
A person sliding across (at a constant velocity) an ice covered lake where the friction is negligible.
A box sitting on the floor.
A box being pushed across a floor in the presence of friction.
A pendulum hanging straight down (not moving).
A pendulum passing though the bottom of its swinging arch.
A pendulum at the apex of its swinging arch.
Determining Net Force Questions:
51. A man is pulling on his dog with a force of 70.0 N directed at an angle of +30.0 to the horizontal. Find the x and y
components of the force.
52. A gust of wind blows an apple from a tree. As the apple falls the gravitational force on the apple is 2.25 N downward, and the
force of the wind is 1.05 N to the right. Find the magnitude and direction of the net force on the apple.
53. The wind exerts a force of 452 N north on a sailboat, while the water exerts a force of 325 N west on the sailboat. Find the
magnitude and direction of the net force on the sailboat.
54. If a car is traveling westward with a constant velocity of 20 m/s, what is the net force acting on the car?
55. If a car is accelerating downhill under a net force of 3674 N, what additional force would cause the car to have a constant
56. The sensor in the torso of a crash-test dummy records the magnitude and direction of the net force acting on the dummy. If
the dummy is thrown forward with a force of 130.0 N while simultaneously being hit from the side with a force of 4500.0 N,
what force will the sensor report?
Newton’s Second Law Questions:
57. Roberto and Laura are studying across from each other at a wide table. Laura slides a 2.2 kg book towards Roberto. If the net
force acting on the book is 1.6 N to the right, what is the book’s acceleration?
58. The net force on a propeller of a 3.2 kg model airplane is 7.0 N forward. What is the acceleration of the airplane?
59. The net force on a golf cart is 390 N north. If the cart has a total mass of 270 kg, what are the magnitude and direction of the
cart’s acceleration?
60. A car has a mass of 1.50 x 103 kg. If the forces acting on the car are the engine at 8.00 x 103 N to the east and friction at 1.25
x 103 N to the west, what is the car’s acceleration?
61. A soccer ball kicked with a force of 13.5 N accelerates at 6.5 m/s 2 to the right. What is the ball’s mass?
62. A 2.0 kg otter starts from rest at the top of a muddle incline 85 cm long and slides down to the bottom in 0.5 s. What net
force acts on the otter along the incline?
63. A 6.0 kg object undergoes an acceleration of 2.0 m/s2.
What is the magnitude of the net force acting on the object?
If the same force is applied to a 4.0 kg object, what acceleration is produced?
64. The forces acting on a sailboat are 390 N north and 180 N east. If the boat and crew has a mass of 270 kg, what are the
magnitude and direction of the boat’s acceleration?
Work Questions:
65. A tugboat pulls a ship with a constant net horizontal force of 5.00 x 10 3 N and causes the ship to move through a harbor. How
much work is done on the ship if it moves a distance of 3.00 km?
66. A weight lifter lifts a set of weights a vertical distance of 2.00 m. If a constant net force of 350 N is exerted on the weights,
what is the net work done on the weights?
67. A shopper in a supermarket pushes a cart with a force of 35 N directed at an angle of 25 downward from the horizontal. Find
the work done by the shopper on the cart as the shopper moves along a 50.0 m length of aisle.
68. If 2.0 J of work is done in raising a 180 g apple, how far is it lifted?
69. For each of the following cases, indicate whether the work done on the second object in each example will have a positive or
negative value.
a. The road exerts a friction force on a speeding car skidding to a stop.
b. A rope exerts a force on a bucket as the bucket is raised up a well.
c. Air exerts a force on a parachute as the parachutist falls to Earth.
70. If a neighbor pushes a lawnmower four times as far as you do but exerts half as much force, which one of you does more
work and by how much?
Kinetic Energy Questions:
71. Calculate the speed of an 8.0 x 104 kg airliner with a kinetic energy of 1.1 x 10 9 J.
72. What is the speed of a 0.145 kg baseball if its kinetic energy is 109 J?
73. Two bullets have masses of 3.0 g and 6.0 g respectively. Both are fired with a speed of 40.0 m/s. Which bullet has more
kinetic energy? What is the ratio of their kinetic energies?
74. Two 3.0 g bullets are fired with speeds of 40.0 m/s and 80.0 m/s respectively. What are their kinetic energies? Which bullet
has more kinetic energy? What is the ratio of their kinetic energies?
75. A car has a kinetic energy of 4.32 x 105 J when traveling at a speed of 23 m/s. What is its mass?
Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem Questions:
76. A student wearing frictionless roller skates on a horizontal surface is pushed by a friend with a constant force of 45 N. How
far must the student be pushed, starting from rest, so that her final kinetic energy is 352 J?
77. A 2.0 x 103 kg car accelerates from rest under the actions of two forces. One is a forward force of 1140 N provided by
traction between the wheels and the road. The other is a 950 N resistive force due to various frictional forces. Use the workkinetic energy theorem to determine how far the car must travel for its speed to reach 2.0 m/s.
78. A 2.1 x 103 kg car starts from rest at the top of a driveway that is sloped at an angle of 20.0 with the horizontal. An average
friction force of 4.0 x 103 N impedes the car’s motion so that the car’s speed at the bottom of the driveway is 3.8 m/s. What
was the length of the driveway?
79. A 75 kg bobsled is pushed along a horizontal surface by two athletes. After the bobsled is pushed a distance of 4.5 m starting
from rest, its speed is 6.0 m/s. Find the magnitude of the net force on the bobsled.
Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem Questions:
80. A bird is flying with a speed of 18.0 m/s over water when it accidentally drops a 2.00 kg fish. If the altitude of the bird is 5.40
m and friction is disregarded, what is the speed of the fish when it hits the water?
81. A 755 N diver drops from a board 10.0 m above the water’s surface. Find the diver’s speed 5.00 m above the water’s surface.
The find the diver’s speed just before striking the water.
82. If the diver in item 2 leaves the board with an initial upward speed of 2.00 m/s, find the diver’s speed when striking the
83. An Olympic runner leaps over a hurdle. If the runner’s initial vertical speed is 2.2 m/s, how much will the runner’s center of
mass be raised during the jump?
84. A pendulum bob is released from some initial height such that the speed of the bob at the bottom of the swing is 1.9 m/s.
What is the initial height of the bob?
Power Questions:
85. A 1.0 x 103 kg elevator carries a maximum load of 800.0 kg. A constant frictional force of 4.0 x 10 3 N retards the elevator’s
upward motion. What minimum power, in kilowatts, must the motor deliver to lift the fully loaded elevator at a constant
speed of 3.00 m/s?
86. A car with a mass of 1.50 x 103 kg starts from rest and accelerates to a speed of 18.0 m/s in 12.0 s. Assume that the force of
resistance remains constant at 400.0 N during this time. What is the average power developed by the car’s engine?
87. A rain cloud contains 2.66 x 107 kg of water vapor. How long would it take for a 2.00 kW pump to raise the same amount of
water to the cloud’s altitude of 2.00 km?
88. How long does it take a 19 kW steam engine to do 6.8 x 107 L of work?
89. A 1.50 x 103 kg car accelerates uniformly from rest to 10.0 m/s in 3.00 s.
a. What is the work done on the car in this time interval?
What is the power delivered by the engine in this time interval?
Momentum Questions:
90. A deer with a mass of 146 kg is running head-on toward you with a speed of 17 m/s. You are moving north. Find the
momentum of the deer.
91. A 21 kg child on a 5.9 kg bike is riding with a velocity of 4.5 m/s to the northwest.
What is the total momentum of the child and bike together?
What is the momentum of the child?
What is the momentum of the bike?
92. What velocity must a 1210 kg car have in order to have the same momentum as a 2250 kg pickup truck traveling at 25 m/s to
the east?
Force and Impulse Questions:
93. A 0.50 kg football is thrown with a velocity of 15 m/s to the right. A stationary receiver catches the ball and brings it to rest
in 0.020 s. What is the force exerted on the ball by the receiver?
94. An 82 kg man drops from rest on a diving board 3.0 m above the surface of the water and comes to rest 0.55 s after reaching
the water. What is the net force on the diver as he is brought to rest?
95. A 0.40 kg soccer ball approaches a player horizontally with a velocity of 18 m/s to the north. The player strikes the ball and
causes it to move in the opposite direction with a velocity of 22 m/s. What impulse was delivered to the ball by the player?
96. A 0.50 kg object is at rest. A 3.00 N force to the right acts on the object during a time interval of 1.50 s.
What is the velocity of the object at the end of this interval?
At the end of this interval, a constant force of 4.00 N to the left is applied for 3.00 s. What is the velocity at the end
of 3.00 s?
Stopping Distance Questions:
97. A 2240 kg car traveling to the west slows down uniformly from 20.0 m/s to 5.00 m/s. How long does it take the car to
decelerate if the force on the car is 8410 N to the east? How far does the car travel during the deceleration?
98. How long would the car in question 8 take to come to a stop from its initial velocity of 20.0 m/s to the west? How far would
the car move before stopping?
99. A 2500 kg car traveling to the north is slowed down uniformly from an initial velocity of 20.0 m/s by a 6250 N braking force
acting opposite the car’s motion. Use the impulse-momentum theorem to answer the following questions:
What is the car’s velocity after 2.50 s?
How far does the car move during 2.50 s?
How long does it take the car to come to a complete stop?
100. Assume that the car in problem 8 has a mass of 3250 kg.
How much force would be required to cause the same acceleration as in problem 8?
How far would the car move before stopping? (Use the force found in Part A)
Conservation of Momentum Questions:
101. A 63.0 kg astronaut is on a spacewalk when the tether line to the shuttle breaks. The astronaut is able to throw a spare 10.0 kg
oxygen tank in a direction away from the shuttle with a speed of 12.0 m/s, propelling the astronaut back to the shuttle.
Assuming that the astronaut starts from rest with respect to the shuttle, find the astronaut’s final speed with respect to the
shuttle after the tank is thrown.
102. An 85.0 kg fisherman jumps from a dock into a 135.0 kg rowboat at rest on the west side of the dock. If the velocity of the
fisherman is 4.30 m/s to the west as he leaves the dock, what is the final velocity of the fisherman and the boat?
103. Each croquet ball in a set has a mass of 0.50 kg. The green ball, traveling at 12.0 m/s, strikes the blue ball, which is at rest.
Assuming that the balls slide on a frictionless surface and all collisions are head-on, final the final speed of the blue ball in
each of the following situations:
The green ball stops moving after it strikes the blue ball.
The green ball continues moving after the collision at 2.4 m/s in the same direction.
104. A boy on a 2.0 kg skateboard initially at rest tosses an 8.0 kg jug of water in the forward direction. If the jug has a speed of
3.0 m/s relative to the ground and the boy and the skateboard move in the opposite direction at 0.60 m/s, find the boy’s mass.
Perfectly Inelastic Collisions Questions:
105. A 1500 kg car traveling at 15.0 m/s to the south collides with a 4500 kg truck that is initially at rest at a stoplight. The car and
the truck stick together and move together after the collision. What is the final velocity of the two-vehicle mass?
106. A grocery shopper tosses a 9.0 kg bag of rice into a stationary 18.0 kg grocery cart. The bag hits the cart with a horizontal
speed of 5.5 m/s toward the front of the cart. What is the final speed of the cart and bag?
107. A 1.50 x 104 kg railroad car moving at 7.00 m/s to the north collides with and sticks to another railroad car of the same mass
that is moving in the same direction at 1.50 m/s. What is the velocity of the joined cars after the collision?
108. A dry cleaner throws a 22 kg bag of laundry onto a stationary 9.0 kg cart. The cart and laundry bag begin moving at 3.0 m/s
to the right. Find the velocity of the laundry bag before the collision.
109. A 47.4 kg student runs down the sidewalk and jumps with a horizontal speed of 4.20 m/s onto a stationary skateboard. The
student and the skateboard move down the sidewalk with a speed of 3.95 m/s. Find the following:
The mass of the skateboard.
How fast the student would have to jump to have a final speed of 5.00 m/s.
Kinetic Energy in Perfectly Inelastic Collisions Questions:
110. A 0.25 kg arrow with a velocity of 12 m/s to the west strikes and pierces the center of a 6.8 kg target.
What is the final velocity of the combined mass?
What is the decrease in the kinetic energy during the collision?
111. During practice, a student kicks a 0.40 kg soccer ball with a velocity of 8.5 m/s to the south into a 0.15 kg bucket lying on its
side. The bucket travels with the ball after the collision.
What is the final velocity of the combined mass?
What is the decrease in the kinetic energy during the collision?
112. A 56 kg ice skater traveling at 4.0 m/s to the north meets and joins hands with a 65 kg shatter traveling at 12.0 m/s in the
opposite direction. Without rotating the two skaters continue skating together with joined hands.
What is the final velocity of the two skaters?
What is the decrease in the kinetic energy during the collision?
Elastic Collisions Questions:
113. A 0.015 kg marble sliding to the right at 22.5 cm/s on a frictionless surface makes an elastic head-on collision with a 0.015
kg marble moving to the left at 18.0 cm/s. After the collision the first marble moves to the left at 18.0 cm/s.
Find the velocity of the second marble after the collision.
Verify your answer by calculating the total kinetic energy before and after the collision.
114. A 16.0 kg moving to the left at 12.5 m/s makes an elastic head-on collision with a 14.0 kg raft moving to the right at 16.0
m/s. After the collision, the raft moves to the left at 14.4 m/s. Disregard and effects of the water.
Find the velocity of the canoe after the collision.
Verify your answer by calculating the total kinetic energy before and after the collision.
115. A 4.0 kg bowling ball sliding to the right at 8.0 m/s has an elastic head-on collision with another4.0 g bowling ball initially at
rest. The first ball stops after the collision.
Find the velocity of the second ball after the collision.
Verify your answer by calculating the total kinetic energy before and after the collision.
116. A 25.0 kg bumper car moving to the right at 5.00 m/s overtakes and collides elastically with a 35.0 kg bumper car moving to
the right. After the collision, the 25.0 kg bumper car slows to 1.50 m/s to the right, and the 35.0 kg bumper car moves at 4.50
m/s to the right.
Find the velocity of the 35.0 kg bumper car before the collision.
Verify your answer by calculating the total kinetic energy before and after the collision.