Jihee Kang Vicki Pallo 4/1/15 UNIV 112 Annotated Bibliography: Genetic Engineering The research that I have gathered has provided varying perspectives towards the issue of genetic engineering. While all the sources address the moral of the issue, each source provides different kinds of ethic that the use of genetic engineering is striking. They all come to a consensus of the benefits of the use but also the obstructions that the use will bring to the world in the future. I think this topic is very controversial but also essential to research about how fast the world is evolving through technology. The world, we live in today, has advanced exceedingly and to talk about the rapidity of technology is crucial in figuring out the possible picture of the future. Each source is linked by the same topic but approaches in a slight different way. For an example, in the journal written by R E Ashcroft, Ashcroft brings up the ethical and political issues of the use of genetic engineering by two scholars, Fukuyama and stock while the news article written by Ariana Eunjung Cha and Sandhya Somashekhar is opinionated by the public. The news article talks about how technology, especially the use of genetic engineering, raises concern to those people who are against “modifying and designing” babies. Both sources are effectual in contributing the component of ethics and morals by different audience which provide diversity. Because these two sources are similar in their approach, they would be effective when writing about the ethics of the issue. The other two sources show different interests in how they utillize the exercise of genetic engineering. A book written by John C Avise presents the use of therapeutic cloning, another word for genetic engineering, to target the diminution of growing diseases like cancer, AIDS, and Alzheimer’s disease. In contrast, a book written by Erik Seedhouse discusses the potential way of improvising the athlete’s strength by cloning. Seedhouse gears the use of genetic engineering towards more designing rather preventing diseases. Both sources are effectual in correlation because they provide two distinctive method of the use of genetic engineering that would still be used upon people. Avise approaches the use of genetic engineering in a good way that would prevent people from the exposure of the diseases. On the other hand, Seedhouse exemplifies the use of cloning to actually build and design people, like athletes. Because these two sources are contrasting in their use of genetic engineering, they would be helpful in my research paper. In conclusion, I decided to utilize all my sources because I think they are all crucial in writing about the genetic engineering. Each source touches the base that the others don’t and they are all imperative and distinctive in many other ways. All the sources however, do come to an agreement or to a point that the use of genetic engineering will be pursued in the medical field sooner or later or simply in another word, human cloning will be available. Ashcraft, R E. “American Biofutures: Ideology and Utopia in the Fukuyama/Stock debate.” Medical Ethics 29 (2003): 59-62 pg. Web. 1 Apr. 2015 In this journal, Ashcraft talks about the two distinctive voices of Fukuyama and Stock about the view of new biomedical technologies radically to transform human existence. Fukuyama views the new biomedical technologies as threats because they are a challenge to the fundamental idea of human rights and a challenge to political economic stability with potential for promoting violent conflict. Whilst stock stands on the positive side of the use and to promote the use in free market and instead it is up to people whether they chose to take risks and improve on their natural endowments. Fukuyama and Stock recognize the great deal of technology and that it will change human history and humanity itself, that it cannot be resisted. They end their thoughts by saying it is the power of people, in another word, we are shaping the future. “The basis of technological determinism is not in the technology, but in human nature.” It is a useful source that I can definitely collaborate with my research paper. This source is different from other sources because it provides contradictory views and opinions towards the idea and I think it will really help me in developing the thesis as I research more. The information is reliable since I found it in the VCU library and the source is objective, providing both sides. The goal for this source is to show the two different perspective of genetic engineering that these two professors have come up with. This source really opened up my eyes and ears how the use of genetic engineering is viewed upon people and how it affects them as a whole. Avise, Henry. “Genetic Tinkering with Humans.” The Hope, Hype & Reality of Genetic Engineering: Remarkable Stories From Agriculture, Industry, Medicine, and the Environment. Oxford University, 2004. 152. pag. Web.b.ebscohost.com. Web. 1 Apr. 2015. In this book, Avise talks about the benefit of the use of therapeutic cloning, in which you remove the nucleus and transfer by injection into an unfertilized egg from which the nucleus ahs been removed. By doing so, it can be served as medicine for saving human lives and improving their health. However, this also brings about the issue of human rights and the ethical responsibility. By “cloning”, we are defying our human rights and generating new cells. This is another useful source I can work with my research paper because it provides thorough procedures of how these experiments are worked inside our bodies. This source is biased, where the author stands on the supportive side however, the author does provide enough information that also talks about its negative view. I can use this source to really inform the readers how it is done and how it can really affect our medicinal field. Cha, Ariana Eunjung and Sandhya Somashekhar. “FDA panel debates technique that would create embryos with three genetic parents.” Washingtonpost.com. The Washington Post, 25 Feb. 2014. Web. 1 Apr. 2015 This newspaper article talks about the debate that every people are in about the use of genetic engineering today. There have been multiple meetings regarding whether government should allow the exercise or not. Scientists argue that the use of technology in improving health is beneficial but it is also highly sensitive, touching ethical and political nerves. It is a useful source because it relates to our world, to the government, to people in today and something that we can participate and contribute to. This source is different from the other sources because it is an article from newspaper which means an opinions from the publicity and how the use of genetic engineering is conveyed to the public instead to scholars or scientists. The source is objective and I can use this source to extravagate how public view the idea of the matter. Seedhouse, Erik. “Ethics.” Engineering Our Future Evolution. SpringerVerlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2014. 45 pag. Link.springer.com. Web. 1 Apr. 2015 This book talks about the negativity of cloning especially for athletes. Seedhouse sees athletes as the first group of people to approve the use of cloning in their bodies. He believes that sport will enter a high-tech arms race between cheaters and testers which redefines what it means to be an athlete because athletes are made not born. He also points out the potential possibility of cancer led by DNA fragment which causes a change in the genome. He concludes his idea by saying the world of sports will be faced with the phenomenon of gene selecting to improve athletes performance. This is a useful source because it talks about the bad results of the use unlike all the other sources which moderately support the use. This particular source will be very effective in my research paper because it will help me find the opposing views compared to the other sources.