
Graduate Research
Assistants 2014-15
A Graduate Research Assistant is defined as someone engaged to assist in the
research work of a faculty member and whose responsibilities are typically highly varied in
nature, reflecting the wide array of research and creative work being undertaken by the
faculty and administrative staff of the university.
A Senior Research Assistant is defined as a graduate assistant involved in research
activity to a greater degree of responsibility and independence than other graduate
assistants in their respective fields. A Senior Assistant may be assigned to two academic or
administrative departments, provided that the total time requirements of the dual
appointments do not exceed the 30-hour per week restriction.
International students need special authorization from the Slutzker Center for International
Services for a Senior Research Assistant appointment.
Section 2
Research Assistants / Senior Research
Research is conducted for the
purpose of fulfilling degree
requirements; equivalent research
is required of all candidates for the
same degree; and, the research is
accepted in partial fulfillment of
degree requirements
Paid semi-monthly; no time-keeping
required. Before a graduate assistantship
is offered, a Department should confirm
that reasonable compensation will be paid
for any services required of the graduate
YES-Salary meets NYS
Research requires knowledge of an
advanced type in a field of science
or learning customarily acquired by
a prolonged course of specialized
intellectual instruction and involves
the consistent use of discretion and
NYS Minimums:
Salary is at least
$600.00 / week
($1300.00 semi-monthly)
Paid on a sponsored
Paid a fixed hourly rate on a
weekly basis for exact number of
hours worked. Before a graduate
assistantship is offered, a
Department should confirm that
reasonable compensation will be
paid for any services required of
the graduate assistant.
NO-not paid on sponsored account; to be paid from departmental funds
Paid semi-monthly via the Fluctuating Work Week
(FWW) method.
Time keeping required.
If hours worked are always the same, no calculation is
needed. If hours increase periodically, pay rate should be
calculated to determine if NYS minimum is being met.
Before a graduate assistantship is offered, a Department
should confirm that reasonable compensation will be paid
for any services required of the graduate assistant.
Research Assistant Non-Exempt on Departmental Account
Research Assistant’s Appointment Letter Plus Tuition Reduction Credits – FWW Basis
Revised for use 2014-15
Mr. John Doe
100 Main Street
Anytown, U.S.A. zip-code
Dear Mr. Doe,
I am pleased to offer you a graduate research assistantship in the Department of ________________ for the 20142015 academic year, effective August 16, 2014[or actual effective date], and ending May 15, 2015[or December 31, 2014].
Professor ______________ will direct your assistantship assignments that will consist of
Your salary for the academic year will be $_________ which you will receive in 18 semi-monthly payments of
$_________ (less applicable withholding taxes), on the fifteenth (or the closest business day) and on the last
business day of the month beginning __________, 2014 and ending __________ 2015. This offer is contingent
upon your providing adequate employment-eligibility documentation as defined by the Immigration Reform and
Control Act of 1986. (Please consult the enclosed EVS Document Acceptability List in regard to evidence of
The University utilizes the fluctuating compensation method set forth in 29 CFR Section 778.114 for Graduate
Assistants who are considered non-exempt employees under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act. You will be
compensated according to a standard which provides a fixed salary for fluctuating hours. Because your hours will
fluctuate from week to week, your semi-monthly payment is intended to compensate you for all hours worked
during the pay period, whether few or many. Although it is anticipated that you will normally work approximately
twenty hours per week, [or ten hours if a half-time assistantship] there will be a number of weeks where you will work
more or less than twenty [or ten] hours. In such cases, your weekly wages will not vary. However, if in a given week
you work more than forty hours, you will receive overtime at the rate of one-half your regular rate of pay for all
hours worked in excess of forty, calculated as follows: Your weekly salary will be divided by total hours worked
each week to compute your weekly regular rate. In order to track the hours that you work each week, you will be
required to submit weekly timesheets to your department, without exception. If your weekly regular rate calculates
to be less than the New York State mandated minimum wage ($8.00 as of 12/31/13) based on your hours worked,
it will be raised to the minimum wage to calculate a new weekly rate for that week. The regular rate will then be
multiplied by .5 and then multiplied by the number of overtime hours worked (i.e., hours in excess of 40 each week)
to reach a weekly overtime compensation amount. The weekly salary will provide you with straight time
compensation for all hours worked in each week. The overtime amount will compensate you for all overtime
worked in any given week.
In accepting this offer, you specifically acknowledge and agree to the following:
the semi-monthly payment will compensate you, on a straight-time basis, for all hours worked by
you during each pay period, whether few or many;
the semi-monthly payment is not for a set number of hours as your hours will fluctuate from week
to week; and
for all overtime hours (i.e., over forty hours in a week) you will receive an additional payment of onehalf your regular rate of pay.
Graduate research assistantships at Syracuse University are offered to selected full-time matriculated students. As a
graduate research assistant, you will render a service to the University in research in return for the stipend, and will
be expected to devote the remainder of your time to graduate study and research for an advanced degree. The
combination of service, study and research is a full-time arrangement, and as a graduate research assistant it is
expected that you accept no other work for pay and accept no other award except possibly tuition reduction credits.
If you have been awarded a full-time assistantship, exceptions to this policy must be approved by our department chair or
program director. This requirement does not apply to students who hold a part-time assistantship (less than 20 hours per week). The
University’s policies are described in the enclosed copy of Graduate Research and Teaching Assistants: Benefits and
Responsibilities (“GA Booklet”), including information on medical coverage.
I am also pleased to offer you the following tuition reduction credits: _____ tuition reduction credits for fall
semester, ____ tuition reduction credits for spring semester and _____tuition reduction credits during the following
summer for a total of _______ tuition reduction credits. It is given to you in recognition of your academic merit.
The tuition reduction credits will be credited to your account at the Bursar’s office. You will need to seek the
permission of your academic department if you wish to reconfigure the tuition reduction credits to accommodate
anticipated changes in credit loads. [or, In recognition of the fact that you have completed all coursework and dissertation credits
required for the degree in our department, we are not offering you tuition reduction credits in addition to this assistantship. If you believe
that the assessment of your credits earned is inaccurate in any way, please consult me as soon as possible.] The terms and
requirements applicable to the tuition reduction credits are described in the enclosed copy of the GA Booklet.
Your graduate research assistantship and your tuition reduction credits are contingent upon your doing all of the
maintenance of at least the minimum academic standard (3.0 grade point average) in each term;
maintenance of full-time matriculated status;
satisfactory progress toward fulfillment of degree requirements
compliance with University policies and procedures; and
satisfactory performance of assigned assistantship research and related duties
Failure to meet the contingencies in the preceding paragraph could result in the termination of your graduate
research assistantship.
In fairness to those students on our list of alternates, it is highly desirable that you let us know as soon as possible
of your acceptance. However, you do have until April 15, 2014 [or if letter date is after April 15, then insert 15 days upon
receipt of this letter]. If we do not receive a signed acceptance from you by April 15, 2014 [or insert the end of this 15 day
period], the offers described in this letter will be revoked.
We sincerely hope that you will accept these offers, and look forward to having you with us as an important part of
Syracuse’s graduate community and as one of our colleagues.
Dr. Anne Smith
Chair, Department of __________________________________
Graduate Assistants: Benefits and Responsibilities
EVS Document Acceptability List
If you wish to ACCEPT the offers in this letter, please sign below and return a completed copy of this
letter to my attention by April 15, 2014 [or if letter date is after April 15, insert within 15 days of receipt of this letter].
I accept the graduate research assistant appointment described herein. I have read and understand all of the
benefits and responsibilities associated with this appointment (including those described in the enclosed GA
Booklet). Additionally, I understand and accept that I will be paid according to the fluctuating work week standard
under 29 CFR Section 778.114, as described in this offer letter and I understand that my salary shall serve as
straight-time compensation for all hours worked in a given week, whether few or many, and that I am entitled to
additional overtime compensation, at one-half of my regular rate of pay, for all hours worked in excess of forty in a
particular week. I also understand that if at any point I do not understand the fluctuating workweek standard of
pay, I may contact the Office of Human Resources. If I have been offered tuition reduction credits, I also accept
such tuition reduction credits as described herein and I have read and understand the terms and requirements that
apply to such tuition reduction credits (including those described in the enclosed GA Booklet).
SU ID Number___________________________________________
If you have decided not to accept the graduate research assistant appointment offer, and if you have also
decided not to accept the offer of tuition reduction credits, please sign below and return a completed copy to
my attention by April 15, 2014 [or insert within 15 days upon receipt of this letter]:
SU ID Number___________________________________________
Research Assistantship Appointment Contract Summary:
If this letter is a REVISION: REVISION DATE: _________________________
Student Name:
Letter Date:
Nominating Department:
Assignment Offered:
(i.e.: Fall/Spring/Full-20hours/week OR Fall 2014/Half-10hours/week)
Salary: $
# of Tuition Reduction Credits:
Research Assistant Non-Exempt on Sponsored Account
Research Assistant’s Appointment Letter Plus Tuition Reduction Credits – Hourly Rate Basis Revised for use 2014-15
Ms. Mary Wang
100 Main Street
Syracuse, New York 13210
Dear Ms. Wang:
I am pleased to offer you a graduate research assistantship in the Department of ___________________ for the
2014-2015 academic year, effective August 16, 2014[or actual effective date], and ending May 15, 2015 [or December 31,
2014]. Professor ___________ will direct your assistantship assignments which will consist of
Your wage for the academic year is budgeted at $________ to provide you with compensation during the period of
______ weeks, commencing ____________and ending___________; the budgeted wage is based on a projection
of ____hours of work per week on average. Your actual compensation, however, will be based on a rate of
$__________per hour and the precise number of hours that you work each week (less applicable withholding
taxes). The University’s workweek begins on Thursday and ends on Wednesday. Payday is the next Wednesday
following the end of the workweek. This offer is contingent upon your providing adequate employment-eligibility
documentation as defined by the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. (Please consult the enclosed EVS
Document Acceptability List in regard to evidence of eligibility.)
Professor _________ will establish a work schedule that, if followed, will enable you to earn the budgeted wage
amount specified above. Note that if you work fewer hours than scheduled, you will earn less than the budgeted
wages. You may not work more hours than scheduled without permission because doing so may exceed the budget
for your earnings. If academic or other demands cause you to work fewer hours than scheduled in a given week,
you may ask to make up the hours by working correspondingly more hours in a subsequent week or weeks. Such
make-up hours will be subject to the ability of the Department to schedule the hours. In addition, international
students may not work more than 20 hours per week during weeks when classes are in session. They may work
more than 20 hours per week during break periods or between semesters. If you work more than 40 hours in a
workweek, you will be entitled to overtime pay at one-and-a-half times your pay rate, or $______per hour.
Graduate research assistantships at Syracuse University are offered to selected full-time matriculated students. As a
graduate research assistant, you will be expected to be engaged in research for a period not exceeding an average of
twenty hours per week during the academic year in return for the wages, and will be expected to devote the
remainder of your time to graduate study and research for an advanced degree. The combination of study and
research is a full-time arrangement and as a graduate research assistant it is expected that you will accept no other
work for pay and accept no other award except possibly tuition reduction credits. If you have been awarded a fulltime assistantship, exceptions to this policy must be approved by our department chair or program director. This requirement does not
apply to students who hold a part-time assistantship (less than 20 hours per week). The University’s policies are described in
the enclosed copy of Graduate Research and Teaching Assistants: Benefits and Responsibilities (“GA Booklet”), including
information on medical coverage.
I am also pleased to offer you the following tuition reduction credits: ____ tuition reduction credits for fall
semester, ____ for spring semester and ____ tuition reduction credits during the following summer for a total of
____ tuition reduction credits. It is given to you in recognition of your academic merit. The tuition reduction
credits will be credited to your account at the Bursar’s office. You will need to seek the permission of your
academic department if you wish to reconfigure the tuition reduction credits to accommodate anticipated changes in
credit loads. [or, In recognition of the fact that you have completed all coursework and dissertation credits required for the degree in our
department, we are not offering you tuition reduction credits in addition to this assistantship. If you believe that the assessment of your
credits earned is inaccurate in any way, please consult me as soon as possible.] The terms and requirements applicable to the
tuition reduction credits are described in the enclosed copy of the GA Booklet.
Your graduate research assistantship and your tuition reduction credits are contingent upon your doing all of the
maintenance of at least the minimum academic standard (3.0 grade point average) in each term;
maintenance of full-time matriculated status;
satisfactory progress toward fulfillment of degree requirements; and
compliance with University policies and procedures.
Your graduate research assistantship appointment is also contingent upon continuation of sponsored funding, and
satisfactory performance of assigned assistantship research and related duties. Failure to meet the contingencies in
the preceding paragraph and this paragraph could result in the termination of your graduate research assistantship.
Since support for your graduate research assistantship is provided in whole or part by an external sponsor, your
signature on the final page of this document acknowledges that you are aware of and agree to abide by the
University’s intellectual property policy, which is incorporated into this agreement by reference and can be found at
osp.syr.edu, agreement for non-faculty.
In fairness to those students on our list of alternates, it is highly desirable that you let us know as soon as possible
of your acceptance. However, you do have until April 15, 2014 [or if letter date is after April 15, then insert 15 days upon
receipt of this letter]. If we do not receive a signed acceptance from you by April 15, 2014 [or insert the end of this 15 day
period], the offers described in this letter will be revoked.
We sincerely hope that you will accept these offers, and look forward to having you with us as an important part of
Syracuse’s graduate community and as one of our colleagues.
Dr. Anne Smith
Chair, Department of _________________________________
Graduate Assistants: Benefits and Responsibilities
EVS Document Acceptability List
If you wish to ACCEPT the offers in this letter, please sign below and return a completed copy of this
letter to my attention by April 15, 2014 [or if letter date is after April 15, insert within 15 days upon receipt of this letter].
I accept the graduate research assistant appointment described herein. I have read and understand all of the
benefits and responsibilities associated with this appointment (including those described in the enclosed GA
Booklet). If I have been offered tuition reduction credits, I also accept such tuition reduction credits as described
herein and I have read and understand the terms and requirements that apply to such tuition reduction credits
(including those described in the enclosed GA Booklet).
Since support for your graduate research assistantship is provided in whole or part by an external sponsor, your
signature on this document acknowledges that you are aware of and agree to abide by the University’s intellectual
property policy, which is incorporated into this agreement by reference and can be found at osp.syr.edu, agreement
for non-faculty.
Signature ___________________________________________
SU ID Number ______________________________________
If you have decided not to accept the graduate research assistant appointment offer, and if you have also
decided not to accept the offer of tuition reduction credits, please sign below and return a completed copy to
my attention by April 15, 2014 [or insert within 15 days upon receipt of this letter]:
Signature ___________________________________________
SU ID Number _________________________________
Research Assistantship Appointment Contract Summary:
If this letter is a REVISION: REVISION DATE: _________________________
Student Name:
Letter Date:
Nominating Department:
Assignment Offered:
(i.e.: Fall/Spring/Full-20hours/week OR Fall 2014/Half-10hours/week)
# of Tuition Reduction Credits:
Research Assistant Exempt on Sponsored Account
(i.e., they are engaged in research that is a required part of the advanced degree program)
Research Assistant’s Appointment Letter Plus Tuition Reduction Credits – Semi Monthly
Revised for use 2014-15
Ms. Mary Wang
100 Main Street
Syracuse. New York 13210
Dear Ms. Wang:
I am pleased to offer you a graduate research assistantship in the Department of ___________________ for the
2014-2015 academic year, effective August 16, 2014[or actual effective date], and ending May 15, 2015 [or December 31,
2014]. This assistantship is considered exempt from the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Professor
___________ will direct your assistantship assignments which will consist of ___________________________.
Your salary for the academic year will be $_______, which you will receive in 18 semi-monthly payments of
$_______ (less applicable withholding taxes), on the fifteenth (or the closest business day) and on the last business
day of the month, beginning _____________, 2014 and ending ________, 2015. This offer is contingent upon
your providing adequate employment eligibility documentation as defined by the Immigration Reform and Control
Act of 1986. (Please consult the enclosed EVS Document Acceptability List in regard to evidence of eligibility.)
Graduate research assistantships at Syracuse University are offered to selected full-time matriculated students. As a
graduate research assistant, you will be expected to be engaged in research for a period not exceeding an average of
twenty hours per week during the academic year in return for the salary, and will be expected to devote the
remainder of your time to graduate study and research for an advanced degree. The combination of study and
research is a full-time arrangement and as a graduate research assistant it is expected that you will accept no other
work for pay and accept no other award except possibly tuition reduction credits. If you have been awarded a fulltime assistantship, exceptions to this policy must be approved by our department chair or program director. This requirement does not
apply to students who hold a part-time assistantship (less than 20 hours per week). The University’s policies are described in
the enclosed copy of Graduate Research and Teaching Assistants: Benefits and Responsibilities (“GA Booklet”), including
information on medical coverage.
I am also pleased to offer you the following tuition reduction credits: ____ tuition reduction credits for fall
semester, ____ for spring semester and ____ tuition reduction credits during the following summer for a total of
_____ tuition reduction credits. It is given to you in recognition of your academic merit. The tuition reduction
credits will be credited to your account at the Bursar’s Office. You will need to seek permission of your academic
department if you wish to reconfigure the tuition reduction credits to accommodate anticipated changes in credit
loads. [or, In recognition of the fact that you have completed all coursework and dissertation credits required for the degree in our
department, we are not offering you tuition reduction credits in addition to this assistantship. If you believe that the assessment of your
credits earned is inaccurate in any way, please consult me as soon as possible.] The terms and requirements applicable to the
tuition reduction credits are described in the enclosed copy of the GA Booklet.
Your graduate research assistantship and your tuition reduction credits are contingent upon your doing all of the
maintenance of at least the minimum academic standard (3.0 grade point average) in each term;
maintenance of full-time matriculated status;
satisfactory progress toward fulfillment of degree requirements; and
compliance with University policies and procedures.
Your graduate research assistantship appointment is also contingent upon continuation of sponsored funding, and
satisfactory performance of assigned assistantship research and related duties. Failure to meet the contingencies in
the preceding paragraph and this paragraph could result in the termination of your graduate research assistantship.
Since support for your graduate research assistantship is provided in whole or part by an external sponsor, your
signature on the final page of this document acknowledges that you are aware of and agree to abide by the
University’s intellectual property policy, which is incorporated into this agreement by reference and can be found at
osp.syr.edu, agreement for non-faculty.
In fairness to those students on our list of alternates, it is highly desirable that you let us know as soon as possible
of your acceptance. However, you do have until April 15, 2014 [or if letter date is after April 15, then insert 15 days upon
receipt of this letter]. If we do not receive a signed acceptance from you by April 15, 2014 [or insert the end of this 15 day
period], the offers described in this letter will be revoked.
We sincerely hope that you will accept these offers, and look forward to having you with us as an important part of
Syracuse’s graduate community and as one of our colleagues.
Dr. Anne Smith
Chair, Department of _________________________________
Graduate Assistants: Benefits and Responsibilities
EVS Document Acceptability List
If you wish to ACCEPT the offers in this letter, please sign below and return a completed copy of this
letter to my attention by April 15, 2014 [or if letter date is after April 15, insert within 15 days upon receipt of this letter].
I accept the graduate research assistant appointment described herein (including those described in the enclosed GA
Booklet). I have read and understand all of the benefits and responsibilities associated with this appointment. If I
have been offered tuition reduction credits, I also accept such tuition reduction credits as described herein and I
have read and understand the terms and requirements that apply to such tuition reduction credits (including those
described in the enclosed GA Booklet).
Since support for your graduate research assistantship is provided in whole or part by an external sponsor, your
signature on this document acknowledges that you are aware of and agree to abide by the University’s intellectual
property policy, which is incorporated into this agreement by reference and can be found at osp.syr.edu, agreement
for non-faculty.
Signature ___________________________________________
SU ID Number ______________________________________
If you have decided not to accept the graduate research assistant appointment offer, and if you have also
decided not to accept the offer of tuition reduction credits, please sign below and return a completed copy to
my attention by April 15, 2014 [or insert within 15 days upon receipt of this letter]:
Signature ___________________________________________
SU ID Number ______________________________________
Research Assistantship Appointment Contract Summary:
If this letter is a REVISION: REVISION DATE: __________________
Student Name:
Letter Date:
Nominating Department:
Assignment Offered:
(i.e.: Fall/Spring/Full-20hours/week OR Fall 2014/Half-10hours/week)
# of Tuition Reduction Credits:
Research Assistant Exempt on Departmental Account
(i.e., they are engaged in research that is a required part of the advanced degree program)
Research Assistant’s Appointment Letter Plus Tuition Reduction Credits – Semi Monthly Revised for use 2014-15
Ms. Mary Wang
100 Main Street
Syracuse. New York 13210
Dear Ms. Wang:
I am pleased to offer you a graduate research assistantship in the Department of ___________________ for the
2014-2015 academic year, effective August 16, 2014[or actual effective date], and ending May 15, 2015 [or December 31,
2014]. This assistantship is considered exempt from the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Professor
___________ will direct your assistantship assignments which will consist of ___________________________.
Your salary for the academic year will be $_______, which you will receive in 18 semi-monthly payments of
$________ (less applicable withholding taxes), on the fifteenth (or the closest business day) and on the last business
day of the month, beginning ________, 2014 and ending _______, 2015. This offer is contingent upon your
providing adequate employment eligibility documentation as defined by the Immigration Reform and Control Act
of 1986. (Please consult the enclosed EVS Document Acceptability List in regard to evidence of eligibility.)
Graduate research assistantships at Syracuse University are offered to selected full-time matriculated students. As a
graduate research assistant, you will be expected to be engaged in research for a period not exceeding an average of
twenty hours per week during the academic year in return for the salary, and will be expected to devote the
remainder of your time to graduate study and research for an advanced degree. The combination of study and
research is a full-time arrangement and as a graduate research assistant it is expected that you will accept no other
work for pay and accept no other award except possibly tuition reduction credits. If you have been awarded a fulltime assistantship, exceptions to this policy must be approved by our department chair or program director. This requirement does not
apply to students who hold a part-time assistantship (less than 20 hours per week). The University’s policies are described in
the enclosed copy of Graduate Research and Teaching Assistants: Benefits and Responsibilities (“GA Booklet”), including
information on medical coverage.
I am also pleased to offer you the following tuition reduction credits: _____ tuition reduction credits for fall
semester, ____ for spring semester and ____ tuition reduction credits during the following summer for a total of
_____ tuition reduction credits. It is given to you in recognition of your academic merit. The tuition reduction
credits will be credited to your account at the Bursar’s office. You will need to seek the permission of your
academic department if you wish to reconfigure the tuition reduction credits to accommodate anticipated changes in
credit loads. [or, In recognition of the fact that you have completed all coursework and dissertation credits required for the degree in our
department, we are not offering you tuition reduction credits in addition to this assistantship. If you believe that the assessment of your
credits earned is inaccurate in any way, please consult me as soon as possible.] The terms and requirements applicable to the
tuition reduction credits are described in the enclosed copy of the GA Booklet.
Your graduate research assistantship and your tuition reduction credits are contingent upon your doing all of the
maintenance of at least the minimum academic standard (3.0 grade point average) in each term;
maintenance of full-time matriculated status;
satisfactory progress toward fulfillment of degree requirements
compliance with University policies and procedures; and
satisfactory performance of assigned assistantship research and related duties
Failure to meet the contingencies in the preceding paragraph could result in the termination of your graduate
research assistantship.
In fairness to those students on our list of alternates, it is highly desirable that you let us know as soon as possible
of your acceptance. However, you do have until April 15, 2014 [or if letter date is after April 15, then insert 15 days upon
receipt of this letter]. If we do not receive a signed acceptance from you by April 15, 2014 [or insert the end of this 15 day
period], the offers described in this letter will be revoked.
We sincerely hope that you will accept these offers, and look forward to having you with us as an important part of
Syracuse’s graduate community and as one of our colleagues.
Dr. Anne Smith
Chair, Department of _________________________________
Graduate Assistants: Benefits and Responsibilities
EVS Document Acceptability List
If you wish to ACCEPT the offers in this letter, please sign below and return a completed copy of this
letter to my attention by April 15, 2014 [or if letter date is after April 15, insert within 15 days upon receipt of this letter].
I accept the graduate research assistant appointment described herein. I have read and understand all of the
benefits and responsibilities associated with this appointment (including those described in the enclosed GA
Booklet). If I have been offered tuition reduction credits, I also accept such tuition reduction credits as described
herein and I have read and understand the terms and requirements that apply to such tuition reduction credits
(including those described in the enclosed GA Booklet).
Signature ___________________________________________
SU ID Number ______________________________________
If you have decided not to accept the graduate research assistant appointment offer, and if you have also
decided not to accept the offer of tuition reduction credits, please sign below and return a completed copy to
my attention by April 15, 2014 [or insert within 15 days upon receipt of this letter]:
Signature ___________________________________________
SU ID Number ______________________________________
Research Assistantship Appointment Contract Summary:
If this is a REVISION: REVISION DATE: __________________
Student Name:
Letter Date:
Nominating Department:
Assignment Offered:
(i.e.: Fall/Spring/Full-20hours/week OR Fall 2014/Half-10hours/week)
Salary: $
# of Tuition Reduction Credits: