Overview of ATP Production

Overview of ATP Production
Presented by:
Professor Steven P. Dion – Salem State College
Sport, Fitness & Leisure Studies Dept.
ATP Production
 Before
cells can use the energy of
sunlight or energy /calories stored in
carbohydrates, they must transfer the
energy to molecules of ATP.
– ATP is composed of adenine, ribose, and three
phosphate groups.
– ATP transfers energy to many different
chemical reactions; almost all metabolic
pathways directly or indirectly run on energy
supplied by ATP.
ATP Production - Dion
ATP Production
– ATP can donate a phosphate group
(phosphorylation) to another
molecule, which then becomes
primed and energized for specific
reactions. (ready to be used for
ATP Production - Dion
ATP Production
In human cells, cellular respiration releases
energy from energy-rich organic molecules and
changes ADP into ATP.
– Aerobic respiration is the main ATP-producing
– Anaerobic respiration produces much less ATP
(because no oxygen is involved) and can only be
used for short periods of time, such as in
vigorous muscle exercise.
ATP Production - Dion
Aerobic Respiration
Initial Breakdown of Glucose
– Glycolysis reactions occur in the cytoplasm
(liquid stuff outside the nucleus) and results
in the breakdown of glucose to pyruvate;
small amounts of ATP are generated.
– Glucose is first phosphorylated in energyrequiring steps then split to form two
molecules of PGAL.
ATP Production - Dion
Aerobic Respiration
– By substrate-level phosphorylation, four ATP
are produced; but because two ATP were used
previously, there is a net gain of only two ATP.
– Enzymes remove H+ and electrons from PGAL
to change NAD to NADH (which is used later
in oxidative phosphorylation).
The end products of glycolysis are: two
pyruvates, two ATP (net gain), and two
NADH for each glucose molecule degraded.
ATP Production - Dion
The Krebs Cycle and Preparatory
Krebs cycle (occurring in the mitochondria)
degrades pyruvate to carbon dioxide, water,
ATP, H+ ions, and electrons.
 Pyruvate (produced in the cytoplasm) enters
the mitochondria and is converted to acetylCoA, which then joins oxaloacetate already
present from a previous "turn" of the cycle.
ATP Production - Dion
Krebs cycle serves three functions:
– H+ and e– are transferred to NAD+ and
– Two molecules of ATP are produced by
substrate-level phosphorylation.
– Most of the molecules are recycled to
conserve oxaloacetate for continuous
processing of acetyl-CoA.
ATP Production - Dion
The final stage of aerobic respiration occurs
in the electron systems embedded in the
inner membrane of the mitochondrion.
– Oxidation phosphorylation (which takes place
on the cristae of the mitochondria) processes
the H+ ions and electrons to generate high
yields of ATP.
– NADH and FADH2 give up their electrons to
transport (enzyme) systems embedded in the
mitochondrial inner membrane.
ATP Production - Dion
– The actual ATP synthesis is accomplished when
H ions that have been pumped out of the inner
mitochondrial compartment flow back through
a channel protein called ATP synthase.
ATP Production - Dion
Oxygen joins with the "spent" electrons and
H+ to yield water.
– The production of ATP is completely dependent
on the supply of oxygen that withdraws the
electrons at the end of the transport systems.
ATP Production - Dion
Glucose Breakdown
Net ATP Yield of Aerobic Respiration
– The aerobic route is summarized:
– C6H12O6 + 6O2 ——> 6CO2 + 6H2O
– Electron transport yields thirty-two ATP;
glycolysis yields two ATP; Krebs yields two
ATP for a grand total of thirty-six ATP per
glucose molecule.
The actual yield can vary with cell type.
ATP Production - Dion
ATP From Anaerobic Pathways
Anaerobic pathways operate when oxygen
is absent (or limited); pyruvate from
glycolysis is metabolized to produce
molecules other than acetyl-CoA.
 In lactate fermentation, glycolysis produces
two pyruvate, two NADH molecules, two
ATP molecules, and two lactate, which tend
to build up and cause temporary muscle
ATP Production - Dion
The ADP/ATP Cycle
The ADP/ATP cycle is a method for
renewing the supply of ATP that is
constantly being used up in the cell.
 Energy input couples inorganic phosphate to
ADP to form energized ATP.
ATP Production - Dion
Alternative Energy Sources
 Carbohydrates
 Lipids
 Proteins
ATP Production - Dion
Alternative Energy Sources
Carbohydrates are the body’s first source of
– Excess carbohydrate intake is stored as
glycogen in liver and muscle for future use.
– Free glucose is used until it runs low; then
glycogen reserves are tapped.
ATP Production - Dion
Energy From Fats
Lipids are used when carbohydrate supplies
run low.
– Excess fats are stored away in cells of adipose
– Fats are digested into glycerol (which enters
glycolysis) and fatty acids, which enter the
Krebs cycle.
– Because fatty acids have many more carbon
and hydrogen atoms, they are degraded more
slowly and yield greater amounts of ATP.
ATP Production - Dion
Energy From Proteins
Proteins are used as the last resort for
supplying energy for the body.
– Amino acids are released by digestion and
travel in the blood.
– After the amino group is removed, the amino
acid remnant is fed into the Krebs cycle.
ATP Production - Dion