Two Additional words and their definitions using the Greek prefix para

Greek Prefixes Week Eight
Handout due Thursday, February 23
All Greek Words/Prefixes will be tested on Unit 8 test Thursday, March 1
1. Para-: beside, near, alongside
a. parasite- (n.) an organism that grows, feeds, and lives on or in another organism to
whose survival it contributes nothing; a hanger-on; literally one “who eats at the table of
from Greek para- "beside" + sitos "food,"
Sentence with parasite:
b. parallel- (adj.) – being an equal distance apart everywhere; in Grammar- having
identical syntactic constructions in corresponding clauses or phrases
from Greek para- “beside” + allelon “another”
Sentence with parallel:
Two Additional words and their definitions using the Greek prefix paraa.
2. Peri-: around
a. perimeter- (n.) the outer limits of an area
from Greek peri- “around” + metron “measure”
Sentence with perimeter:
b.pericardium- (n., pl.) the membranous sac filled with fluid that encloses the heart and
the roots of the aorta and other large blood vesels.
from Greek peri- “around” + kardia- “heart”
Sentence with pericardium:
Two Additional words and their definitions using the Greek prefix peria.
3. Poly-: many
a. polyglot – (adj.) a person having knowledge of several languages
from Greek poly- “many” + glotta- “tongue”
Sentence using polyglot
b. polygon- (n.) a closed plane figure bounded by three or more line segments
from Greek poly- “many” + gonia- “angle”
Sentence using polygon
Two Additional words and their definitions using the Greek prefix polya.