“Big Data” and Data-Intensive Science (eScience) Ed Lazowska Bill & Melinda Gates Chair in Computer Science & Engineering University of Washington July 2013 Exponential improvements in technology and algorithms are enabling the “big data” revolution z A proliferation of sensors y Think about the sensors on your phone z More generally, the creation of almost all information in digital form y It doesn’t need to be transcribed in order to be processed z Dramatic cost reductions in storage y You can afford to keep all the data z Dramatic increases in network bandwidth y You can move the data to where it’s needed z Dramatic cost reductions and scalability improvements in computation y With Amazon Web Services, or Google App Engine, or Microsoft Azure, 1000 computers for 1 day cost the same as 1 computer for 1000 days! z Dramatic algorithmic breakthroughs y Machine learning, data mining – fundamental advances in computer science and statistics Some examples of “big data” in action z Collaborative filtering z Fraud detection z Price prediction z Hospital re-admission prediction z Travel time prediction under specific circumstances z Sports z Home energy monitoring Larry Smarr, UCSD John Guttag & Collin Stultz, MIT Google self-driving car Gordon Bell, Microsoft Research z Speech recognition z Machine translation y Speech -> text y Text -> text translation y Text -> speech in speaker’s voice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nu-nlQqFCKg&t=7m30s 7:30 – 8:40 z Scientific discovery Gene Sequencing Ocean Observatories Initiative Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Large Hadron Collider z Presidential campaigning z Electoral forecasting z Real data-driven decision-making (vs. MBA baloney) for every sector! eScience: Sensor-driven (data-driven) science and engineering Jim Gray Transforming science (again!) Theory Experiment Observation Theory Experiment Observation Theory Experiment Observation [John Delaney, University of Washington] Theory Experiment Observation Computational Science Theory Experiment Observation Computational Science eScience eScience is driven by data more than by cycles z Massive volumes of data from sensors and networks of sensors Apache Point telescope, SDSS 80TB of raw image data (80,000,000,000,000 bytes) over a 7 year period Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) 40TB/day (an SDSS every two days), 100+PB in its 10-year lifetime 400mbps sustained data rate between Chile and NCSA Large Hadron Collider 700MB of data per second, 60TB/day, 20PB/year Illumina HiSeq 2000 Sequencer ~1TB/day Major labs have 25-100 of these machines Regional Scale Nodes of the NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative 1000 km of fiber optic cable on the seafloor, connecting thousands of chemical, physical, and biological sensors The Web 20+ billion web pages x 20KB = 400+TB One computer can read 30-35 MB/sec from disk => 4 months just to read the web eScience is about the analysis of data z The automated or semi-automated extraction of knowledge from massive volumes of data y There’s simply too much of it to look at z It’s not just a matter of volume y Volume y Rate y Complexity / dimensionality eScience utilizes a spectrum of computer science techniques and technologies z Sensors and sensor networks z Backbone networks z Databases z Data mining z Machine learning z Data visualization z Cluster computing at enormous scale eScience will be pervasive z Simulation-oriented computational science has been transformational, but it has been a niche y As an institution (e.g., a university), you didn’t need to excel in order to be competitive z eScience capabilities must be broadly available in any institution y If not, the institution will simply cease to be competitive