The Future of Coke Industry in India

Devendra K Ojha
Chairman, Global Coke Limited
The views expressed here contain information
derived from publicly available sources that have
not been independently verified.
representation or warranty is made as to the
accuracy, completeness or reliability of the
information. Any forward looking information in
this presentation has been prepared on the basis of
a number of assumptions which may prove to be
incorrect. This presentation should not be relied
upon as a recommendation or forecast by Global
Coke Limited.
Ideally the Coke Industry
should locate
 At the pithead, run by the miners
 At the plant head, run by the steel makers
India is unique
 Because of the proliferation merchant coke
 Located on the coasts
 Dependent on 100 % imported coal
Are they viable?
Not Unless
 They secure supplies
 Attain minimum scale of operations
 Co generate electricity
 Master the art of blending
 Optimise the logistics
The Global Coke story in context:
 Supply secured for the next 12 years
 Stake in only operating mine in Mozambique
 Assured quality
 Extremely favourable logistic costs
 Long term contracts with mining companies
around the world
The global coke story in context:
 Favourable location of plants
 Sold out order book position
 Growing demand in the immediate radius
 Repeat orders from existing customers
The global coke story in context:
 All plants with waste heat recovery
 Additional benefits of Carbon credits
 Trained manpower
 Professional management with proven
capabilities of unlocking values and wealth
The global coke story in context:
 Singapore operations for global reach
 Own jetty to foster coastal shipping
 Plans to foray into shipping to have greater
control of logistics
 Berge operations in Mozambique
 Advantage of prime mover in emerging
Future Plans
 Million ton plants in all four corners of India
 Coal Washery in Mozambique
 Secure supply route from Mozambique
 Aggressively acquire overseas asset plays
Points to ponder
 India’s energy hunger does not mean that we
will consume all that we produce
 India can cater to markets both in Europe and
the Far East
 Possibilities joint ventures
It’s a global village
 Resource of Mozambique
 London listed entity
 Indian coke maker …. ….
 Why rule out more diverse stakeholders
 Or more exotic destinations?
Responsible Resource Management
 Scarce resources
 Need for latest technologies for optimal
 More co operation between stakeholders
 For sustainable development
 Inclusive growth
 Wealth creation
 Coke will become increasingly dearer calling
for an Indian Steel Alliance
 Coke price will be the critical factor for Global
Steel Competitiveness
The writing on the wall is clear
History will not be kind to us, if we fail to pick
up the gauntlet
Thank You