Champion of the Year 2015 Revised Jan 15

Champion of the Year Award
Nomination Form
This award is designated for a company associate who proactively advocates for and supports
the inclusion of diverse suppliers in his or her department/division. The award acknowledges
the associate who has gone above and beyond to ensure that diverse firms are utilized and that
spend with them increases significantly year over year. All TCCC/CCR associates, in all salary
grades, are eligible to participate.
Nomination/Application Process:
Step 1: Nominator Information (See Below) – Must be completed by the nominator.
Step 2: Nominee Information (See Below) – May be completed by the nominator or nominee.
Step 3: Award Application (Pages 2-3) – May be completed by the nominator or nominee.
However, it is recommended that the two individuals collaborate to ensure that the
information provided is accurate and complete.
A completed Nomination and Application form must be sent via email to Donald Payne, no later than March 2, 2015. Any questions about this form or
submittal should be directed to Terrez Thompson,
Nominator Information
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Nominee Information
Manager Name:
Email Address:
Description of products/services you are
responsible for sourcing:
Telephone Number:
Champion of the Year Award
Application Form
1. Diversity Spend - (30 Points)
Describe how nominee demonstrated efforts to continually increase purchases from diverse
suppliers in 2014.
Please summarize diversity spend influenced by nominee below. Include both 1 st & 2nd tier
Total Dollars Spent with
Diverse Firms:
2. External Outreach - (10 Points)
Describe nominee’s participation in internal & external outreach events in 2014. Include events
held by external organizations (eg., National Minority Supplier Development Council, Women’s
Business Enterprise National Council, etc.,) such as trade shows, programs, networking events,
involvement on board of directors, etc. Add additional columns if necessary.
Name of Organization:
Describe participation:
3. Internal Events & Awareness - (10 Points)
Describe nominee’s participation in internal events (those sponsored by TCCC/CCR) in 2014.
Include events such as supplier diversity training, opportunity forums, supplier diversity awards
ceremonies, advocates meetings, etc. Add additional columns if necessary.
Name of Event:
Describe participation:
4. Accountability - (20 Points)
Does nominee set annual supplier diversity spend goals either personally or for his/her team?
If so, please describe below and provide details on how the nominee has successfully driven
accountability and delivered results.
5. Supplier Engagement - (20 Points)
Describe efforts lead by nominee to identify potential sourcing opportunities for diverse
suppliers and creative steps taken to engage/introduce such suppliers with sourcing decision
makers and other leaders within the company. Include supplier introductions and capability
sessions initiated and/or lead by nominee.
6. Other Achievements - (10 Points)
Provide other examples that demonstrate the nominee’s commitment to supplier diversity and
why he/she should be considered for this award.