Español II h ¡Bienvenidos! El 18 de octubre 2012 Realidades 2 Capítulo 2A PROYECTO ¡Al CONOCERTE! Need index cards ( 2” x 5”) with infinitives ( the verbs but not conjugated) Black Ink Need to introduce yourself Me gustaría presentarme 5 things you like to do Where you do them 5 things you have to do to get ready to go to school How to describe yourself with 5 adjectives or more Questions may follow A PRIMERA VISTA Realidades 2 Capítulo 2A Lunes, el 18 de octubre 2012 META LOS VERBOS REFLEXIVOS La Primera Vista y los verbos reflexivos La práctica La introducción Reflexive verbs are verbs in which the subject is the direct recipient of the action of the verb. There is no object The action of the verb reflect back on the subject.... The key word in English is -self. The reflexive verbs are recognized by the use of –SE attached to the infinitiveLavarse, Bañarse, afeitarse, cepillarse..... Lavar Lavo Lavas Lava Lavamos Laváis lavan yo lavo el coche. Lavarse Me lavo Te lavas Yo lavo el patio. Yo lavo la bicicleta. Se lava Nos lavamos Os laváis Se lavan Yo me lavo despúes de lavar el coche. Yo lavo el coche y despúes, yo me lavo. REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS Me Te Se Nos Os Se Yo me despierto y despúes me levanto. Reflexive pronouns work with a reflexive verb to indicate that a person is performing the action toward or for him- or herself. These types of verbs are not very common in English, but are used frequently in Spanish. Many actions related to personal care or daily routines are reflexive, but other verbs can be reflexive as well. Me ducho cada mañana. (I shower (myself) every morning.) Te peinas el pelo. (You brush your hair (yourself).) Se hablaba. (He was talking to himself.) Me veo en el espejo. (I see myself in the mirror.) verse The subject is performing the action on him- or herself, making the object of the verb, the same as the subject. Compare two sentences in which one is reflexive and one is not. I wash myself. (Me lavo.) - myself is the object of wash lavarse I wash the dog. (Lavo el perro.) - the dog is the object of wash lavar When the object of the verb is the same person as the subject, you will need to use a reflexive pronoun that matches the subject of the verb in both number (singular, plural) and person (1st, 2nd, 3rd). Me te se nos os se Me lavo. (I wash myself.) Te lavas. (You wash yourself.) Se lava. (He washes himself./She washes herself./It washes itself./You wash yourself.) Nos lavamos (We wash ourselves.) Os laváis. (You wash yourselves.) Se lavan. (They wash themselves./You wash yourselves.) Reflexive Pronouns Reflexive pronouns have almost the same forms as indirect object pronouns except se is used in place of le and les for the third person. The reflexive pronoun will always be the same person (1st, 2nd, 3rd) and number (singular, plural) as the subject of the sentence. Reflexive Pronoun Forms Singular 1st me (to, for, from, person or off myself) 2nd te (to, for, from, person or off yourself) se (to, for, from, 3rd or off himself, person herself, itself, Plural nos (to, for, from, or off ourselves) os (to, for, from, or off yourselves) se (to, for, from, or off themselves, yourselves) yourself) Reflexive Pronoun Uses Reflexive verbs will require the use of reflexive pronouns to indicate that the direct object of the verb is also the subject, that the subject is performing the action on him- or her-self. Notice that the reflexive pronoun has the same person as the verb ending. lavarse (to wash one’s self) - Me lavo las manos. (I wash my hands.) sacarse (to take something off one’s self) - Nos sacamos los guantes. (We our gloves off (ourselves).) despertarse (to wake up) - Se despiertan a las seis cada mañana. (They wake themselves up at six o’clock every morning.) As mentioned before, you can also add reflexive pronouns to verbs not regularly reflexive verbs in order to make them reflexive. Reciprocidad verse (to see one’s self) hablarse (to talk to one’s self) escribirse (to write to one’s self) comprarse (to buy (something) for one’s self) Reflexive verbs can also be used to indicate an emotional response to something. When a person becomes angry, sad, happy, etc., you can express this by using reflexive verbs. Me enojé rápidamente. (I got angry quickly.) Te alegras de hablar español. (It makes you happy to speak Spanish.) Se aburre en la clase de matemáticas. (He gets bored in Math class.) Mas reciprocidad Each other Ellos se escriben todos los días. Ellos se saludan todos los días. Reflexive Pronoun Placement Reflexive pronouns are placed immediately before simple conjugated verbs and negative commands. sacarse - Yo me saco los guantes. (I take off my gloves.) QUITARSE afeitarse - Tú te afeitas la cara. (You shave your face.) acostarse -)o-ue stem change Ellas se acuestan. (They go to bed.) escribirse - No se escriba notas. (Don’t write notes to yourself.) command Reflexive Pronouns are attached to affirmative commands and in the case of compound verbs (present progressive, ir+a+infinitive, etc.) the pronoun can either be attached to the infinitive or present participle or go before the conjugated verb. ducharhse - Estoy duchándome. / Me estoy duchando. (I am showering (myself). quitarse - Quítate el sombrero. (Take off your hat.) sentarse - Voy a sentarme. Me voy a sentar. (I am going to sit (myself) down.) Spanish Reflexive Verbs Reflexive verbs must be used with a reflexive pronoun in order to indicate that the subject is performing the action of the verb upon itself. Reflexive verbs exist in English, but they are much more common in Spanish. Reflexive verbs usually have to do with parts of the body, clothing, or one's state of mind. Here are some common reflexive verbs: aburrirse to get bored acostarse to go to bed afeitarse to shave alegrarse to be happy animarse to cheer up arreglarse to get ready asustarse to get scared bañarse to bathe calmarse to calm down caerse to fall (down) cansarse to get tired cepillarse to brush (hair, teeth) colocarse to get a job cortarse to cut (hair, nails) decidirse to make up one's mind despedirse to say goodbye to despertarse to wake up divertirse to have a good time dormirse to fall asleep ducharse to take a shower enfermarse to get sick enojarse to get angry lastimarse to hurt oneself lavarse to wash (up) levantarse to get up maquillarse to put on makeup peinarse to comb (hair) pintarse to put on makeup ponerse to put on (clothes) preocuparse to worry probarse to try on quebrarse to break (arm, leg) quedarse to stay, remain quemarse to burn (oneself, one's body) quitarse to take off (clothes) romperse to tear (clothes); to break (arm, leg) sentarse to sit down sorprenderse to be surprised vestirse to get dressed Some reflexive verbs are AFEITARSE CEPILLARSE los dientes Cortarse el pelo Secarse Lavarse la cara Pintarse la uña Realidades 2 página 77 ACTIVIDAD 3 ¿Comprendiste? 1. Falso. No dan nada interesante hoy. 2. Cierto 3. Cierto 4. Cierto 5. Falso. A Raúl no le gusta vestirse a lo ridículo. 6. Cierto 7. Cierto 8. Falso. Raúl cree que va a ser un desastre. Realidades 2 página 80 Nos preparamos para la fiesta Actividad 8 1. Se 2. Nos 3. Me 4. Me 5. Me 6. Me 7. Te 8. Se 9. Se Realidades 2 las actividades y la gramática Antes de - despúes de Antes de- + verb Despúes de- + verb Otro ejemplo- Despúes de ducharme, yo me seco y me visto. Realidades 2 Página 81 Actividad 9 Realidades 2 Página 81 Actividad 10 Fin Examen IB Parte II Realidades 2 Actividad 15 MI DÍA LOCO Necesitan hacerla (la tarea) en casa esta noche. tarea tarea tarea TAREA ¡Estudien Ustedes! Los Examenes vienen Capítulo 2A Para El 19 de octubre Realidades 2 Actividad 15 ¡Para mañana! Y MI DÍA LOCO PROYECTO ¡Al CONOCERTE! Need index cards ( 2” x 5”) with infinitives ( the verbs but not conjugated) Black Ink Need to introduce yourself Me gustaría presentarme 5 things you like to do (and Where you do them -such as “ I practice football with the team at the football field.) 5 things you have to do to get ready to go to school ( five reflexive verbs must be uesed while talking about your morning routine) Describe yourself with 5 adjectives or more Questions may follow ¡SIEMPRE! Mini-lección 12-15 minutos en casa En el cuaderno de casa. tarea Realidades 2