MG Midterm Study Guide 2014-2015

Master Gardener Midterm Study Guide
The midterm will be an open book exam including a variety of question types (true/false, multiple choice,
matching, fill in the blank, short answer) and covering any information related to the questions on this study
guide. You may bring printed material only to class, no electronic devices. You many not bring this study guide
to the exam.
Maryland Manual
Botany – Chapter 3
1. What are the three metabolic processes of plants?
2. Provide a detailed explanation of photosynthesis.
3. What are the basic organs of a plant?
4. Define the following:
o Meristems
o Apical meristems
o Axillary buds
o Terminal buds
5. What is the purpose of roots?
6. Describe the circulation system of a plant including the purpose of xylem and phloem.
7. Provide examples of modified stems.
8. What are the parts of a leaf?
9. In what ways can leaves be arranged on a stem?
10. What is the purpose of the stomata?
11. Describe plant reproduction and label the anatomy of a flower.
12. Explain the difference between a deciduous and evergreen plant and provide examples of each.
13. Explain the difference between monocots and dicots and provide examples of each.
14. Describe how plants can be classified by their length of life (annual, biennial, and perennial) and
provide examples of each.
15. What is hardiness? What hardiness zone(s) does NJ fall within?
16. What is taxonomy? What is binomial classification and who designed it?
Soils and Fertilizers – Chapter 4
1. What is soil composed of?
2. How can soil texture be described?
3. What is the relationship between soil texture and soil properties?
4. What role does organic matter have in soil productivity?
5. Explain soil pH and why it is important.
6. Describe and label the different layers of soil (Horizons).
7. What are hydrologic cycles? What are some examples of hydrologic cycles?
8. Provide examples of biochemical reactions that occur in soils.
9. Explain the three numbers that are found on a bag of fertilizer. What do they represent and why is
this important?
10. What is a complete fertilizer? Incomplete fertilizer?
Plant Nutrition – Chapter 5
1. Explain the meaning of the statement, “Plants are photoautotrophic”.
2. What are the two subsets of plant nutrients?
3. Why are plant nutrients important?
Composting – Chapter 6
1. What is compost?
2. What are the factors that contribute to effective composting?
3. Explain the importance of a proper carbon to nitrogen ratio (C/N ratio) as it relates to composting.
How is this achieved?
Entomology – Chapter 7
1. What is the estimated number of insect species in North America? What percentage are considered
2. What are the classes of phylum Arthropoda that insects may be categorized?
3. What are the common characteristics of all adult insects?
4. Identify the varying mouthparts of insects and explain their function.
5. What is metamorphosis? What is the difference between a complete and gradual (simple)
Plant Pathology – Chapter 8
1. Why is diagnosing the causal agent of a diseased plant difficult?
2. Explain the disease triangle.
3. What can cause disease?
4. Identify and provide examples of the classifications of various controls for plant disease.
IPM and Plant Diagnostics –Chapter 9
1. What is IPM?
2. What control methods does it emphasize?
3. Describe the systematic approach for diagnosing plant problems.
4. What are the steps to IPM?
5. What key factors should be considered when attempting to avoid pest and disease problems from the
onset and throughout the duration of the life of the plant?
6. Familiarize yourself with reference materials available for the most common problems (diagnostic
keys, photos, etc.).
7. What are symptoms and signs of fungal disease? Bacterial disease? Viral disease? Insect damage?
Damage caused by other animals?
Pesticide and Pesticide Safety – Chapter 10
1. Define pesticide.
2. What is the importance of a pesticide label?
3. What information can be obtained on a pesticide label?
4. What is the meaning of LD50?
5. What are the differences between synthetic and organic pesticides? Provide examples of both.
6. Describe safety issues related with sprayer use.
Weeds- Chapter 11
1. What makes up a “weed”?
2. What does the presence of weeds often indicate?
3. What are some of the negative effects of weeds?
4. Describe weed control through an IPM lens.
5. Familiarize yourself with reference materials available for the most common weeds (photos, etc.).
Turf Grass – Chapter 13
1. What are the benefits of turfgrass? Disadvantages of turfgrass?
2. Explain the difference between warm and cool season grasses and provide examples of each.
3. What is an endophyte?
4. What is an ideal pH for establishing turf?
5. When is the best time to seed a lawn?
6. What is overseeding?
7. Describe conditions that warrant lawn renovation. What might lawn renovation include?
8. Explain cultural controls that can enhance the health of turf.
9. What are common turf insects? Common turf diseases?
10. What are some alternatives to turf?
Herbaceous Plants – Chapter 15
1. Review perennial, annual and biennial plant types.
2. When considering plant selection, what are the two main mass forms?
3. What tips should be considered when planting an herbaceous bed?
4. Describe proper maintenance of an herbaceous bed.
5. When is the best time to divide perennials?
6. The term “bulb” can refer to what subsets? (e.g. corms, tubers, etc.) Provide examples of each.
Herbs – Chapter 20
1. What cultural considerations are required for growing the most familiar herbs?
2. How can herbs be classified? (e.g. annual, etc.)
Houseplants/Container Plants – Chapter 21
1. When should house and/or container plants be watered?
2. What are soluble salts and how do they weaken a plant?
3. What are symptoms of soluble salt buildup?
4. How can soluble salt buildup be avoided?
Landscape Design – Chapter 22
1. What is the guiding principle of landscape design?
2. Describe the process of site analysis and “blob” design.
3. What are the elements of design?
4. Why is plant selection in landscape design so important?
Pruning- Chapter 24
1. What is the purpose of pruning?
2. Describe apical dominance.
3. What are the reasons for pruning?
4. Identify and describe various pruning techniques.
5. What guidelines should one follow when determining the best time to prune?
6. Describe the process for training trees.