Rat Dissections by kenzie

By : Kenzie
Respiratory System: The
System that allows you to
Rat Lungs
Reproductive System:
The system that allows you
To reproduce.
Rat Lungs
Mouth and Nose: Entrance contains mucus and nose hairs
to catch bacteria.
Nasal Spectrum: Divides nasal cavities from left to right
Pharynx: Throat, common passage way for air and food.
Epiglottis: The flap of skin that covers either the trachea or
esophagus for protection.
Larynx: Voice box
Trachea: Wind pipe.
Bronchi: The lower end of the trachea that splits it between
traveling right and left.
Bronchial tube: Cartilaginous Rings.
Bronchioles: Thinner walls with smooth muscle, a simple
subdivision of the bronchi.
Alveoli: This is where the exchange of oxygen and carbon
dioxide entering the capillaries.
Lungs: Where the oxygen enters.
Right lung: Larger and shorter.
Left lung: Smaller and has two lobes.
Diaphragm: Pushes the oxygen out of your lungs when it
becomes useless as carbon dioxide.
Sperm: male reproductive cell
Testes: Creates testosterone and sperm
Semen: White milky liquid
Penis: The organ in which sperm and urine
comes out.
Scrotum: Sac of skin that contains the testes.
Vas deferens: Tubes that allow sperm to travel
Urethra: Tube that carries urine.
Seminal vesicles: Secretes an alkaline fluid.
Prostate gland: A gland located in the neck of
the urethra.
Epididymis: Carries sperm out.
Bladder: Holds urine
Ureter: Something that carries the urine from
the kidney to the bladder.
Ejaculatory duct: Where the sperm ejaculates
out of.
• Ovaries: Create the eggs.
• Fallopian tubes: Carry the egg down
into the uterus.
• Uterus: holds the egg until it is
fertilized, if not fertilized then it exits
the woman, called her period. A
fertilized egg has a specific term
which is a zygote.
• Cervix: Where acid is held, this is
where many of the sperm get
• Vaginal Canal: Where sexual
intercourse takes place, here if the
man ejaculates many of the sperm die
instantly thanks to the vaginal acidity.
There are three trimesters within a woman's pregnancy.
Trimester one: Mitosis takes place. Formation of sack and the
placenta take place. The cells formed are the Central Nervous
System, the Digestive System, and the Integumentary System.
Trimester two: The babies tissues are created. The skeletal
system begins to develop. As well as the possibility of hearing
the heart beat.
Trimester three: This is where the organs become fully
developed. This is their “preparation for the world” stages.
 http://quizlet.com/225319/respiratory-
 http://quizlet.com/1012618/malereproductive-system-flash-cards/
 Notes