Mathematically Correct: Finding the Best Equation for Math

Katherine Vazquez
ED 7202.T Spring 2012
Table of Contents
Statement of the Problem……….…………………………………....slide 3
Review of Related Literature ……………………………………… ..slide 9
Statement of the Hypothesis…………………………………….……slide 10
Participants (N)…………….…………………………………….……..slide 11
Instrument(S) ……………………..................................................…slide 12
Research Design………………………………………………………....slide 13
Procedure………………………………………………………………….slide 14
Validity Threats………………………………………………………….slides 15-16
Charts……………………………………………………………………..slides 17-18;
Results…………………………………………………………………….slides 19-20
Discussion and Implications……………………………………………slide 22
REFERENCES…… .……….……………………………………..…………slide 13
Statement of the Problem
International mathematics assessments
indicate that United States students
consistently ranks far behind their peers in
similarly developed countries (i.e. TIMMS)
(Epstein & Miller, 2011).
New techniques that ignore tried and true math
teaching methods are a key source of the
disparity. (Frykholm, 2004)
Review of the Literature:
Literature is divided as to which method is better
 Traditionalists rely on research indicating that
they can teach aspiring mathematicians to be
effective problem solvers only by helping them
memorize a large store of domain-specific
schemas (Sweller, Clark, & Kirschner, 2010).
Reformers see one of the benefits of the
movement is the push to make concrete
connections between mathematics and the real
world paramount (Varol & Farran, 2007).
Research Hypotheses:
HR1: 15 1st grade students at P.S. X in Brooklyn,
NY who are immersed in traditional algorithms for
three week period are expected to yield higher
scores on a mathematical assessment gauging
addition skills than those who are exposed to reform
math pedagogies.
HR2: 15 1st grade students at P.S. X in Brooklyn,
NY who are taught traditional algorithms will achieve
higher scores on a mathematical assessment
gauging subtraction skills than those who are taught
primarily through reform methods.
Methods: Participants
Group Size: The participants will
consist of a group of 30 students.
Location: Students from P.S. X, a
middle-income urban school in,
Brooklyn, New York.
Population: The population consists
mainly of Black students, with the
remaining half being a mix of White,
Hispanic, and Asian.
Methods: Instruments
Students will be administered an exam
testing skip counting, finding patterns,
addition, and subtraction skills
Research Design
Quasi-Experimental Design:groups selected
without any random pre-selection processes. (i.e.
my class is divided by seating arrangement)
Rationale: Convenience, causes little disruption,
and without extensive pre-screening there is more
time for actual experimentation
Drawbacks: W/O randomization, there is less
control of factors that impact validity
Two groups (15n) of first graders are each
immersed in one of two math instructional
techniques (Constructivist v. Traditional)
over a period of three weeks to test the null
hypothesis that there is no significant
difference between the educational
outcomes of the math pedagogies. The IV
is Instructional Technique and the DV is
Math Performance (as measured by written
Threats to Internal Validity
Contamination: may influence assessment if
one group learns of instructional strategies of
the other and applies them during exam
Selection Effects: intellectual differences most
likely exist between groups at the start of the
Regression: student performance on exam
may be high or low due to luck or other chance
Threats to External Validity
Multiple Treatment Interference: students are
also receiving many other “treatments” during the
normal course of the school program, and those
other treatments may have some impact on the
effects of the different mathematics techniques
Novelty Effects:may induce changes in the
students’ behavior simply because an innovation
(i.e. new instructional strategy) produces
excitement and enthusiasm
Active Elements: I may unintentionally influence
results based on my expectations
Traditionalist Student
Math Score
Student Number
Descriptive Statistics: Mean: 88.5 Median: 90 Mode: 90
Range: 30 Max: 100 Min: 70
Descriptive Statistics: Mean: 71.8 Median: 75 Mode: 75
SD: 8.7
Range: 34 Max: 83 Min: 49
Analysis: T-Test
The T-Test compares the Means of the two
treatment groups
Results of a one tailed, type 2 (equal
variance) T-Test resulted in a P-value of
Any P value below 0.05 is considered
statistically significant!
We can reject the null hypothesis that there is
no significant difference between the
educational outcomes between traditional and
reform pedagogies.
 Traditional pedagogies yield higher test scores:
Mean Score of Traditional v.
Reform Groups
Correlation and Scatterplot
Math Attitude Learning Survey Results
Traditional Learning Style
y = 0.0701x - 2.6925
R² = 0.2876
Linear (Series1)
Math Performance
R= +0.53 Positive, strong correlation
Implications & Discussion
There were significantly higher math
outcomes in the Traditionally taught
 Also, students who identified as more
traditionally aligned learners correlated with
better math scores
 This study supports the prior research of
Hook, Bishop, & Hook (2007) who found
students in California made significant gains
in math using traditionalist oriented
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