CURRICULUM REVISIONNurse Training Program at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center ERIN GRIFFES, JESSICA MCCLUSKY, MONICA RUDY, & TENNILLE PARSONS FERRIS STATE UNIVERSITY NURSING 601 PART ONE Parnassus Campus Mount Zion Campus New Mission Bay Campus Introduction to the Curriculum University of California San Francisco (UCSF) Medical Center nurse training program 700-bed, Public, Non-profit, Nonsectarian Urban Teaching & Research University Hospital- 3 campuses New nurses with <6 months experience or new to specialty 2 weeks: core classes, computer training, skills simulations, hands on demonstration Weeks 3 onward: work with preceptors on the unit Grid of Threaded Concepts Identify Concept-Based Model of Curriculum Development: Where do we begin? Classify Define Grid of Threaded Concepts • Evidence-based, comprehensive, high quality care • Safety • Integration of ethics, skill, & experience • Communication • Holistic, individualized, culturallysensitive care Caring Healing Discovering Teaching • Support & resources for professional development Identification of Areas for Growth Revised Curriculum New Curriculum • Synergy Nursing Indigent/Unserved and Practice • Family Centered Care • HCAPS and Customer Service • Spiritual Care and Diversity Underserved Population Care and Resources References Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing. (2013). 2013 ACEN standards and criteria. Retrieved from Institute for Nursing Excellence. (2014). INEx training program [Handout]. University of San Francisco California Medical Center, San Francisco, CA. Keating, S. (2010). Curriculum development and evaluation in nursing (2nd ed.). New York: Springer Publishing. Marshall, E. S. (2011). Transformational leadership in nursing. Chapter 6. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, LLC. Parsons, T. (2014). Nursing Educational Program Assessment. Unpublished manuscript, School of Nursing, Ferris State University. University of California San Francisco Medical Center. (2014). Our mission. Retrieved from University of California San Francisco Nursing. (2014). UCSF nursing. Retrieved from Wolf, D., Lehman, L., Quinlin, R., Rosenzweig, M., Freide, S., Zullo, T., & Hoffmann, L. (2008). Can nurses impact patient outcomes using a patient-centered care model? The Journal of Nursing Administration, 38(12), 532-540. doi: 10.1097/NNA.0b013e31818ebf4f PART TWO DAY 2-EXPLORING SYNERGY NURSING PRACTICE & FAMILY-CENTERED CARE (REVISION) JESSICA MCCLUSKY Course Identification Course Information Exploring the Synergy Nursing Practice Model and FamilyCentered Care Limited information No course description No course objectives Day 2 Audience Nurses with less than 6 months of experience Course Description This course is designed as an interactive learning opportunity to explore the Synergy nursing practice model and patient and family-centered care. Through the use of discussion, case-study, and roleplay, the learner will be introduced to various methods for providing successful patient and familycentered care, focusing on specific cultural needs and diversity. Course Objectives The learner will: 1. Discuss the Synergy nursing practice model as it relates to the importance of understanding cultural diversity in patients. 2. Demonstrate understanding of family cultural sensitivity through successful completion of a role play scenario. 3. Analyze how different cultures will affect the nurse’s delivery of patient and family-centered care. Legal & Accreditation Standards The Joint Commission Standard: cultural competence and relationship to patient and family-centered care Added 2012 Course Revisions Add cultural diversity education as a cornerstone to providing successful patient and family-centered care (Objective #1) Quality & Safety Standards Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) Patient-centered care Provide patient-centered care with sensitivity, empathy, and respect for diversity Analyze how diverse cultural, ethnic, spiritual, and social backgrounds function as sources of patient and family values Eliminate barriers to the presence of families Course revisions Role play and case study activity addition Focus on altering normal practice to accommodate Professional Practice Standards National League for Nursing Core Competencies for Nurse Educators Competency 1- Facilitate Learning Competency 4- Participate in Curriculum Design and Evaluation of Program Outcomes Course Revisions Incorporate diverse modes of teaching Tailor education to current San Francisco cultural trends Bloom’s Taxonomy Course Objectives 1. 2. 3. Discuss the Synergy nursing practice model as it relates to the importance of understanding cultural diversity in patients. Demonstrate understanding of family cultural sensitivity through successful completion of a role play scenario. Analyze how different cultures will affect the nurse’s delivery of patient and family-centered care. Learner-centered Methods New activities proposed: Group Discussion Role Play Case Studies References American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. (2014). The AACN synergy model for patient care. Retrieved from synergymodelforpatientcare.pdf Billings, D. M. & Halstead, J. A. (2011). Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty. (4th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders. Greer, A., Pokorny, M., Clay, M., Brown, S., & Steele, L. (2010). Learner-centered characteristics of nurse educators. International Journal Of Nursing Education Scholarship, 7(1), doi:10.2202/1548-923X.1710 National League for Nursing. (2005). Core competencies of the nurse educator with task statements. Retrieved from Keating, S. B. (2010). Curriculum development and evaluation in nursing (2nd ed.). New York: Springer Publishing. References Krau, S. D. (2011). Creating educational objectives for patient education using the new Bloom's Taxonomy. Nursing Clinics of North America, 46(3), 299-312. doi:10.1016 j.cnur.2011.05.002 Pappas, C. (2013). The Adult Learning Theory - andragogy – of Malcolm Knowles. Retrieved from http:/ andragogy-of-malcolm-knowles The Joint Commission. (2014). About us. Retrieved from http:/ about_the_joint_commission_main.aspx Quality and Safety Education for Nurses. (2014). Graduate KSAs. Retrieved from graduate-ksas/