Pre-Calculus 11 6.1 Rational Expressions AN4: Determine equivalent forms of rational expressions (limited to numerators and denominators that are monomials, binomials or trinomials). By the end of this section you should be able to: Explain why a given value is non-permissible for a given rational expression. Determine the non-permissible values for a rational expression. Determine a rational expression that is equivalent to a given rational expression by multiplying the numerator and denominator by the same factor (limited to a monomial or a binomial), and state the non-permissible values of the equivalent rational expression. Simplify a rational expression. Rational Numbers: any number that can be written in the form 𝑚 𝑛 , 𝑛 ≠ 0. Rational Expressions: any algebraic fraction with both the numerator and denominator that are polynomials. Non-permissible values: all values that make the denominator zero. Example 1: Determine the non-permissible values for the expressions. 5𝑡 a) 4𝑠𝑟 2 3𝑥−4 b) 3𝑥(𝑥−7) 2𝑝−1 c) 𝑝2 −𝑝−12 Example 2: Simplifying Rational Expressions Find the non-permissible values first, then simplify. a) 36𝑎2 𝑏 3 −4𝑎𝑏 3 Pre-Calculus 11 HTHS 3𝑥−6 b) 2𝑥 2 +𝑥−10 1−𝑡 c) (𝑡−1)(𝑡+1) 2𝑦 2 +𝑦−10 d) 𝑦 2 +3𝑦−10 Example 3: Pairs of non-permissible values Find the non-permissible expression for x, simplify the expression, evaluate for x = 2.6 and y = 1.2. 16𝑥 2 −9𝑦 2 8𝑥−6𝑦 TIPS: Look for opposites that can cancel and leave a -1. Statements such as 𝑥 ≠ 2 and 𝑥 ≠ −2 can be written as 𝑥 ≠ ±2. Pre-Calculus 11 HTHS