Powerpoints_files/Many Gifts

Many Gifts
A Catholic Social Studies Program
1 Created and Loved by God
2 Living in Relationship
3 Created Sexual: Male and Female
4 Growing in Commitment
5 Living in the World
Amazing Countries
God gave us many gifts in this
beautiful world. People live in
many amazing countries. In
Grade 2 we learned about
Canada, Scotland, India, Peru,
China and Kenya.
Special Places
Niagara Falls, Canada
Niagara Falls is one of the most
spectacular waterfalls in the world. It
was created 10,000 years ago when
the ice that covered the land during
the Ice Age retreated north. The
word “Niagara” is a Native word for
“thunder of water”. Niagara Falls is
considered a holy place by the
Native people who lived nearby.
Stirling Castle, Scotland
This castle was built on a steep hill
by the Picts. They fought against the
Romans and joined the Scots.
Two famous Scottish victories took
place near Stirling Castle hundreds of
years ago.
Taj Mahal, India
The beloved wife of the Indian
emperor Shah Jahan died in
childbirth and he decided to build the
Taj Mahal in her memory. More than
20,000 workers worked every day
for 11 years to complete it. The
name Taj Mahal is the short form of
the Empress’s name - Mumtaz
Mahal, which means Chosen One of
the Palace.
The Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China is the largest
building project ever. It was designed
to keep enemies out of China. It was
begun 2000 years ago when a new
emperor sent 30,000 workers to build
it. In many places the wall is wide
enough for 5 horses to ride side by
side. The wall is 2500 km long.
Machu Picchu, Peru
Machu Picchu means “lost city of the
Incas”. It is an ancient Incan city that
was discovered in 1911 on a 2000 m
high mountain in Peru. It had a
temple, a citadel, gardens and 80
houses made of granite. It has been
called the most extraordinary ruin in
the Americas.
Kenyan Wildlife Reserve,
Kenya is the home of many kinds of
animals; lions, leopards, cheetahs,
elephants, rhinoceros, zebras,
gazelles, crocodiles, baboons,
monkeys, cobras, pythons, eagles,
ostriches, storks and many more. The
government has kept more than 2.5
million hectares of land as homes for
these animals. The largest wildlife
reserve is Tsavo National Park.
There are some amazing
animals in our world. They each
need their own habitat where
they can find food and be safe.
Highland cattle in Scotland
Highland cattle can live in the
harsh highlands of Scotland
where there is little grass. Their
long eyelashes protect them from
flying insects.
Moose in Canada
Moose are found all across
Canada. They like to live alone.
They can’t see very well but can
smell and hear things better than
we can. They are excellent
in Peru
Llamas live in the high
mountains of Peru. They are
usually gentle. They can carry
heavy loads and their fur
covering can be made into wool
clothing and rope.
Bengal Tiger in India
Bengal tigers live in the forests of
India. They hunt at night and are
very fast. Their roar can be
heard up to 1 km away!
Panda bears in China
Pandas live in the woods in
China. They climb trees to
avoid their enemies. They
spend a lot of time eating
Elephants in Kenya
These African elephants from
Kenya are the largest land
mammals. They are gentle, live
in a family and eat plants. They
like to stay near water.
Each country has its own
money. The pictures usually tell
about famous people.
1 yuan from China. This is
Mao Tse Tung, a Chinese
government leader.
Ten Pounds from Scotland.
Robbie Burns was a great poet.
Five soles from Peru. Cinco
means five!
Ten rupees from India showing
Mahatma Ghandhi
Five Dollars from Canada.
Sir Wilfred Laurier was one of our
Prime Ministers.
Amazing Countries Slideshow
Produced by
Alfred Guidolin
Grade 2
St. Cecilia’s School
Port Dover
© A San Marco Production 2001